Applied Effects of Auricular Acupuncture Therapy on Insomnia of Taeumin in Elderly Women 태음인 여성노인의 불면증에 대한 이압요법의 적용 효과
석소현 So Hyube Sok , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
14(2) 1-7, 2008
Applied Effects of Auricular Acupuncture Therapy on Insomnia of Taeumin in Elderly Women 태음인 여성노인의 불면증에 대한 이압요법의 적용 효과
석소현 So Hyube Sok , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
Purpose: Examination of the effects of auricular acupressure therapy on insomnia of Taeumin in elderly women. Methods: Fifty-six women over 65 yr-of-age (experimental group n=28, control group n=28) residing in Seoul or Gynng-gi province participated in the study, which used an unequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Data collected from May, 2007 to May, 2008 was analyzed by SFSS Ver. 16. Results: Auricular acupressure was associated with better sleep state and self-reported satisfaction of sleep as compared with the control group. Conclusions: Aricular acnpressnre therapy can be beneficial in relief of insomnia in elderly women.
QOL-BREF and Yangsaeng in Korean Adult 한국 성인의 삶의 질과―양생【養生]과의 관련성
김애정 Ae Jung Kim
14(2) 8-15, 2008
QOL-BREF and Yangsaeng in Korean Adult 한국 성인의 삶의 질과―양생【養生]과의 관련성
김애정 Ae Jung Kim
Purpose: Yangsaeng is a traditional health care regimen that incorporates specific principles and methods to promote health and prevent illness, with the aim of improving the health and longevity of life. The present study assessed Yangsaeng and qual-ity of life (QOL-BREF) in Korea. Methods: Data from 346 adults and elderly Koreans was collected by using a self-reported questionnaire. Analysis of the data included descriptive statistics, Pearson`s correlation, t-test, ANOVA and Cronbach`s α.Results: Statistically significant differences in QOL-BREF were evident according to the age, job, religion, education level, economic status and positive thinking. Statistically significant differences were evident in Yangsaeng according to religion, education, economic status and positive thinking. Total QOL-BREF positively related to total Yangsaeng. Morality Yangsaeng, exercise Yangsaeng and sleep Yangsaeng were positively related to all QOL-BREF sub-domains. Conclusions: The Yangsaeng oriental health care regimen can improve QOL, and should be recommended as a means of health promotion and QOL in the Korean culture.
Key Words
삶의질, 전강증진, QOL, fleatth promotion
Effects of Moxibustion and Theraband Exercise on Physical and Psychological Variables of the Aged with Degenerative Osteoarthritis 뜸요법과 세라밴드운동이 퇴행성 골관절염 노인의 신체적, 심리적 변수에 미치는 효과
한상숙 Sang Sook Han , 김원옥 Won Oak Kim , 김연정 Yeon Jung Kim , 백용현 Yong Hyun Back , 이명희 Myung Hee Lee
14(2) 16-23, 2008
Effects of Moxibustion and Theraband Exercise on Physical and Psychological Variables of the Aged with Degenerative Osteoarthritis 뜸요법과 세라밴드운동이 퇴행성 골관절염 노인의 신체적, 심리적 변수에 미치는 효과
한상숙 Sang Sook Han , 김원옥 Won Oak Kim , 김연정 Yeon Jung Kim , 백용현 Yong Hyun Back , 이명희 Myung Hee Lee
Purpose: To examine the effects of a nursing intervention including moxibustion and theraband exercise on pain, fatigue, flexibility, and depression in aged patients with degenerative osteoarthritis. Methods: This study had a one group pretest-posttest design. Thirty people over 60 yr-of-age with degenerative osteoarthritis were recruited from a community health center from November 1, 2005 to June 14,2006. The 6 week treatment intervention included twice weekly 60 min sessions of of theraband exercise (30 min) and moxibution (30min). Data was analyzed by SPSS Ver. 12.0. Results: Interventionwas associated with significant decreases in pain (t=8.28, p<.001) and fatigue (t=5.19, p<.001), and significant increases inknee flexibility (t=-3.54, p=.001), dorsal flexibility (t=-9.05, p<.001), and plantar flexibility (t=-4.09, p<.001). Depression was significantly decreased after intervention (t=-4.09, p<.001). Conclusions: Moxibustion and theraband exercise should be utilized as an effective nursing intervention for the aged with degenerative oateoarthritis.
Relationships of Self-esteem, Family Function, and Self-efficacy in Jilin Chinese Korean Nursing Students 연변조선족 간호대학생이 지각한 자아존중감, 가족기능, 자아효능감과의관계
조결자 Kyoul Ja Cho , 박순복 Soon Bok Park , 이명희 Myung Hee Lee
14(2) 24-31, 2008
Relationships of Self-esteem, Family Function, and Self-efficacy in Jilin Chinese Korean Nursing Students 연변조선족 간호대학생이 지각한 자아존중감, 가족기능, 자아효능감과의관계
조결자 Kyoul Ja Cho , 박순복 Soon Bok Park , 이명희 Myung Hee Lee
Purpose: To survey and examine the relationships of self-esteem, family function, and self-efficacy in Chinese-Korean uni-versity students, and to provide supplemental data useful in counseling of university students during their adjustment touniversity life. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire with cross-sectional design was used. Participants were 103 Chi-neseundergraduate studentsin one university in Jilin, China. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA with Duncan`s test andPearson`s correlation coefficients were used to analyze the data. Results: Mean scores were 3.40 for self-esteem, 2.32 for family function, and 2.93 for self-efficacy. The score for self-esteem differed significantly according to gender, body mass index (BMI), family number, education level of mother, and course of study. The mean score for family function differed significantly according to nursing satisfaction. The mean score for self-efficacy differed significantly according to BMI and nursing satisfaction. Positive correlations were evident between self-esteem and self-efficacy. Conclusions: To promote self-esteem and self-efficacy, development of nursing interventions to support family function is prudent.
Key Words
간호대학생, 자아존중감, 자기효능감, 가족, Nursing students, Self-esteem, Self-efficacy, Family
Effects of Job Participation on Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly 일자리 참여 프로그램이 노인의 자아존중감과 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
민순 Soon Min , 주리애 Ree Aie Ju , 정현필 Hyon Pil Jung , 정영주 Young Ju Jung , 김미란 Mi Ran Kim , 김윤경 Yun Gyung Kim
14(2) 32-38, 2008
Effects of Job Participation on Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly 일자리 참여 프로그램이 노인의 자아존중감과 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
민순 Soon Min , 주리애 Ree Aie Ju , 정현필 Hyon Pil Jung , 정영주 Young Ju Jung , 김미란 Mi Ran Kim , 김윤경 Yun Gyung Kim
Purpose: The effects of job participation on self-esteem and life satisfaction were investigated. Methods: Seventy residents of D welfare center located in G city who were >60 yr-of-age were selected for the study. The SERS research tool (Nugent and Thomas,1993; modified by Koh, 2002) was used to assess self-esteem before and after a job participation program. The Cronbach`s αvalue-based reliability of this tool was 0.923 and 0.920 before and after the job participation program, respectively. Cronbach`s αvalue-based life satisfaction as measured according to Choi (1986) was 0.932 and 0.933 before and after the job participation program, respectively. Results: The hypothesis that job participation program increases self esteem was supported by the results. The mean self esteem of subjects before and after the job program, 3.31 and 3.48, respectively, represented a significant increase. The hypothesis that the job participation program increases life satisfaction was supported by the results, The mean life satisfaction index of subjects before and after the program, 3.04 and 3.24, respectively, represents a significant increase. Conclusions: Increased job opportunities and income guarantee for adults, particularly the elderly, can increase self-esteem, life satisfaction, and emotional stability.
An Effect the Social Support on the Self-esteem and Life Satisfaction in Elderly 노인의 사회적 지지가 자아존중감과 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
장숙희 Sook Hee Jang , 김창숙 Chang Sook Kim , 김미란 Mi Ran Kim
14(2) 39-46, 2008
An Effect the Social Support on the Self-esteem and Life Satisfaction in Elderly 노인의 사회적 지지가 자아존중감과 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
장숙희 Sook Hee Jang , 김창숙 Chang Sook Kim , 김미란 Mi Ran Kim
Purpose: The study was undertaken from June 1 to July 15, 2008 to assess the effect of social support on self-esteem and life satisfaction in elderly volunteers. Methods: Social support, self-esteem, and life satisfaction were determined using previ-ously established and accepted methods. Data analyses included frequency, ANOVA, t-test, Pearson correlation coeffi-cient, and simple regression. Results: Subjects` social support, self-esteem, and life satisfaction were closely related. The relationships of social support/self-esteem, social support/life satisfaction, and self-esteem/life satisfaction were significant. Social support accounted for 15% of self-esteem and 12% of life satisfaction. Conclusions: Social support is a very impor-tant factor influencing self-esteem and life satisfaction of the elderly. Social support, which sustains the mental health of the elderly, represents one of the best strategic nursing interventions.
Key Words
사회적 지지, 자아존중감, 생활만족도, 노인, Social support, Self-esteem, Life satisfaction, Elderly
Metabolic Syndrome and Associated Risk Factors Among the Clients of a Comprehensive Medical Examination Center 일 대학병원 종합건강증진센터를 내원한 수진자의 대사증후군과 관련요인
서정아 Jung A Seo
14(2) 47-53, 2008
Metabolic Syndrome and Associated Risk Factors Among the Clients of a Comprehensive Medical Examination Center 일 대학병원 종합건강증진센터를 내원한 수진자의 대사증후군과 관련요인
서정아 Jung A Seo
Purpose: Metabolic syndrome (also known as insulin resistance syndrome) represents a constellation of hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, and obesity. Presently, the influence of various factors on metabolic syndromewas assessed in patients of a university hospital comprehensive medical examination center. Methods: Age, sex, blood pressure, height, weight, triglyceride level, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glucose levels were measured in 67 people(37 males and 30 females). These factors were correlated with tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and exercise habits. Metabolic syndrome and abdominal obesity were assessed according to NCEP-ATP III criteria and the Asia-Pacific guidelines(male obesity defined as a waist circumference exceeding 90 cm), respectively. Data was analyzed using t-test, 2-test, and logistic regression. Results: Respective percentages were: tobacco use (14.9% of the 67 people), no tobacco use (85.1%),alcohol consumption (62.7%), no alcohol consumption (37.3%), regular exercise (25.4%), no regular exercise (74.6%).Logistic regression analysis revealed a gender-related odds ratio of 2.3 for metabolic syndrome and no exercise. Conclusions: Weight reduction and physical exercise may decrease the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Early identification of metabolic syndrome and risk factor modification is prudent in cases of obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension.
Self-esteem According to Differences between Real and Ideal Body Mass Index in Female College Students 여대생의 현재 체질량과 이상적 체질량 차이에 따른 자아존중감
김은주 Eun Ju Kim
14(2) 54-59, 2008
Self-esteem According to Differences between Real and Ideal Body Mass Index in Female College Students 여대생의 현재 체질량과 이상적 체질량 차이에 따른 자아존중감
김은주 Eun Ju Kim
Purpose: To investigate self-esteem according to differences between real and ideal Body Mass Index (BMI) in female college students. Methods: Subjects were 587 female students in Korea. Data was collected by using a developed questionnaire through pretesting. Results: Actual number (46.7%) and actual number (5.1%) of participants were defined as being underweight and overweight, respectively. Nearly all participants expression high dissatisfaction with their body shape. Averages of 1.02, 2.97, 7.81 were revealed for underweight, normal weight and overweight group differences between real and ideal BMI. Those who were defined as overweight exhibited significantly self-esteem than those who were defined as underweight. Conclusions: The belief that body shape is heavier than actually the case may be prevalent among female college students in Korea. This difference between the real and ideal BMI negatively influences self-esteem. Programs aimed at improving body image awareness an self-esteem among female college students are needed.
Key Words
체질량, 자아존중감, 여대생, BMI, Self-esteem, Female
The Effect of Small Group Based Communication Training Program on the Competency of Communication and the Human Relationship in Nursing College Students 소집단 역동을 이용한 간호대학생의 의사소통 훈련프로그램의 효과
원정숙 Jeong Sook Won , 신현숙 Hyub Sook Shin
14(2) 60-66, 2008
The Effect of Small Group Based Communication Training Program on the Competency of Communication and the Human Relationship in Nursing College Students 소집단 역동을 이용한 간호대학생의 의사소통 훈련프로그램의 효과
원정숙 Jeong Sook Won , 신현숙 Hyub Sook Shin
Background: Communication training in nursing college students is an integral part of the development of their competen-cy in dealing with patients. However, the traditional lecture style of training delivery may not be desirably effective. Purpose: This study investigated the effects of a communication training program utilizing a small group dynamic on the communi-cation competency and human relationships in nursing college students. Methods: One hundred twenty six freshmen in auniversity in Seoul participated in this study. The instruments of communication competency (Primary Communication Inventory) and human relationships (Relationship Change Scale) were used at the beginning and conclusion of the training period. Eighty-three students from two nursing classes were assigned to the experimental groups and 43 students from other classes were assigned to the control groups. Each of the 11 small groups was composed of 7 or 8 students. The weekly program that ran during the 2007 fall semester from October 1st to December 11th consisted of effective communication strategies including therapeutic communication skills, Johari`s window, empathy, active listening, and transactional analysis. Results: The experimental group of students reported significantly greater improvement in communication competencies, specific nonverbal competencies, and human relationships compared with the control group. Specifically, the experimental students demonstrated greater improvement in nonverbal communication competencies and satisfaction, communication, and awareness of human relationships. Conclusions: Small group based communication training can be an effective alternative method of communication education for college nursing students.
Key Words
의사소통, 인간관계, 집단역동, Communication training program, Human relationship, Small group dynamics
Effect of Kynesio-Taping Therapy on Pain Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults 키네시오 테이핑 요법이 지역사회 거주 노인의 통증완화에 미치는 영향
이지아 Ji A Lee , 박달아 Dal A Park , 지은선 Eun Sun Ji
14(2) 67-73, 2008
Effect of Kynesio-Taping Therapy on Pain Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults 키네시오 테이핑 요법이 지역사회 거주 노인의 통증완화에 미치는 영향
이지아 Ji A Lee , 박달아 Dal A Park , 지은선 Eun Sun Ji
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Kynesio-taping therapy (KTT) on chronic joint pain among community-dwelling older adults. Methods: A pre-experimental design was used. KTT was employed on 23 consenting community older adults visiting a community center. KTT was applied on the painful joint for 3-4 days. Pain was evaluat-ed using the visual analogue scale. Results: Frequent locations of pain were waist (43.8%), knee (28.1%), shoulder (12.4%), and head (9.4%). Time of severe pain during the day was mid-day (47.8%), early morning (21.7%), and evening (13.0%).Pain relief management included hospital visitation (65.2%), medication (17.4%), and application of a poultice (13.0%).Pain scores were significantly decreased after KTT compared to pretest scores acquired prior to taping (p<.001). Conclusions: KTT is a cost-effective, easy-to-use, and effective form of pain relief in older adults with chronic joint pain. Clinical-practitioners can consider KTT as a complementary method of chronic pain control in older adults.