The Trends of Nursing Research on Aromatherapy in Korea 향기요법의 국내간호연구 동향
이향련 Lee Hyang Yeon , 김소영 Kim So Young
16(2) 85-95, 2010
The Trends of Nursing Research on Aromatherapy in Korea 향기요법의 국내간호연구 동향
이향련 Lee Hyang Yeon , 김소영 Kim So Young
Purpose: This study aimed to identify major trends and characteristics of studies on aromatherapy in Korea. Methods: Literature on the studies of aromatherapy in Korea was retrieved using RISS, KISS, DBpia, and Pubmed. The studies were analyzed based on publication year, study design, intervention method, and measuring variables. The level of applied intervention was assessed by target group, the types of aroma, and their effects. Results: A total of 111 studies was included in this study. Most of studies on aromatherapy were conducted using a experimental design to test the effects of aromatherapy as a nursing interventions. Conclusion: This study showed that methods of mixing oils, sites of massage, and target groups vary among studies on aromatherapy in Korea. it is suggestive that standardized methods to mix oils and to apply aroma is in need.
A Case study on the Design and 0peration of PBL by Emp10y1ng Blended Learning on Instruction in a Nursing College 간호대학 수업에서 혼합학습을 활용한 문제중심학습 설계 및 운영 사례 연구
최은영 Choi Eun Young , 이우숙 Lee Woo Sook
16(2) 96-104, 2010
A Case study on the Design and 0peration of PBL by Emp10y1ng Blended Learning on Instruction in a Nursing College 간호대학 수업에서 혼합학습을 활용한 문제중심학습 설계 및 운영 사례 연구
최은영 Choi Eun Young , 이우숙 Lee Woo Sook
Purpose: This research is a case study on a problem-based learning (PBL) model with blended learning in a nursing college. Methods: The target students were nursing sophomores in a nursing college who agreed to participate in a blended learning course and to be subjects in this study for 15 weeks. The questionnaires developed by Baek (2003) and Lee (2007) were modified and applied to collect data. Results: The students` satisfaction with the blending learning was the highest in the item “Online community activities were helpful in enhancing knowledge.” The level of satisfaction with PBL was the highest in the item “It was helpful to listen my classmates` opinions rather than thinking all by myself.” Conclusion: This study is suggestive that blended learning is effective to improve learning satisfaction by reinforcing practicality of face-to-face study to online learning. Various learning methods based on students` demands and preferences should be applied in nursing education.
The Effects of a Smoking Cessations Health Camp among Adolescent Smokers 청소년 흡연자를 위한 금연건강캠프의 효과
백경신 Paek Kyung Shin , 권영숙 Kwon Young Sook
16(2) 105-112, 2010
The Effects of a Smoking Cessations Health Camp among Adolescent Smokers 청소년 흡연자를 위한 금연건강캠프의 효과
백경신 Paek Kyung Shin , 권영숙 Kwon Young Sook
Purpose: This study was aimed at evaluating the effects of a smoking cessations health camp on levels of expiratory Carbon Monoxide concentration, self-efficacy, smoking knowledge and nicotine dependence among adolescents smokers. Methods: This research uitlized a one group pre-test post-test design. The smoking cessations health camp was developed after considering cognitive and behavioral aspects and was provided for two days and one night. The number of subjects was 31 high school students. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and paired t-test. Results: As compared to a pre-test, the average score of expiratory CO concentration and nicotine dependence were significantly lower and the average score of smoking knowledge was significantly higher in a post-test. An increase in the mean score of self-efficacy was not statistically significant. Conclusion: These results suggest that this smoking cessations health camp can provide teen smokers with the insightful antismoking information and an opportunity for anti-smoking practices. Therefore, this smoking cessations health camp can be effective and useful for adolescent smokers in other school settings.
Nursing Students` Knowledge on Children`s Pain 간호학생의 아동 통증에 대한 지식
이경민 Yl Kyung Min , 구현영 Koo Hyun Young
16(2) 113-121, 2010
Nursing Students` Knowledge on Children`s Pain 간호학생의 아동 통증에 대한 지식
이경민 Yl Kyung Min , 구현영 Koo Hyun Young
Purpose: This study was done to investigate nursing students` knowledge on children`s pain. Methods: The subjects were 389 nursing students in a university and a college. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires and analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 14.0 program. Results: Nursing students` knowledge on children`s pain were generally low. Knowledge on analgesics was ranked the lowest. The levels of knowledge on children`s pain of the students were different by gender, grade, academic achievement, the learning experience on pain, and the experience with chronic pain. Conclusion: The results of this study suggests that nursing students do not know children`s pain thoroughly, and general characteristics and learning experience of the students make an effect on the knowledge. Therefore, the education programs on children`s pain are needed to improve the knowledge of nursing students.
Factors Influencing Cognitive Impairment of the Elderly Residents 재가노인의 인지기능장애에 영향을 미치는 요인
김은주 Kim Eun Ju
16(2) 122-130, 2010
Factors Influencing Cognitive Impairment of the Elderly Residents 재가노인의 인지기능장애에 영향을 미치는 요인
김은주 Kim Eun Ju
Purpose: This study was aimed at finding factors influencing cognitive impairment which is one of the typical symptoms among the demented elderly. Methods: The number of subjects was 417 elderly residents aged over 65 yr in a community. A cognitive function and a depression level were measured using the Korean Version of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE-K) and the Korean Form of Geriatric Depression Scale (KGDS). Alcohol abuse was measured using the CAGE instrument. Chi-square test and Logistic regression analysis were conducted to identify factors affecting cognitive impairment. Results: The prevalence rates of cognitive impairment of the sample was 43.5%. Sex, age, educational level, perceived health and alcohol abuse were strong factors influencing cognitive impairment. However, the effects of smoking, living alone, depression, family history in dementia and stroke were not strong. Conclusion: Risk for cognitive impairment were increased by being female and older than 70 yr, having low education, perceiving health as poor, and drinking alcohol abusively. Therefore, a reinforcement system, continuous research and the development of proper programs should be preformed in order to prevent cognitive impairment.
Key Words
노인, 인지기능장애, 영향요인, Aged, Cognitive, Risk factors
A Study on the Relationship between Depression and Cognition in the Community Female Aged 일지역 여성노인의 우울과 인지기능의 관계에 대한 연구
추수경 Su Kyung Chu , 최희정 Hee Jung Choi , 유장학 Jang Hak Yoo
16(2) 131-137, 2010
A Study on the Relationship between Depression and Cognition in the Community Female Aged 일지역 여성노인의 우울과 인지기능의 관계에 대한 연구
추수경 Su Kyung Chu , 최희정 Hee Jung Choi , 유장학 Jang Hak Yoo
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between depression status and cognitive function in the community female aged. Methods: This was a descriptive study. Data were collected using individual-based interviews from 120 senior female residents in the Hall for the aged in the city of S. The length of time for data collection was from June 18 to 29, 2007. The tool of data collection was Korean Version of Mini-Mental State Examination (Kwon & Park, 1989), Short-form Geriatric Depression Scale (Bae, 1996). Results: Depression & cognition showed significant differences according to age, regular exercise. The depression group scored significantly lower than the normal group in total score of cognition, orientation, memory recall. Conclusion: It is necessary to prepare the composite programs, which can improve not only cognition but depression in the community female aged.
Key Words
노인, 우울, 인지기능, Aged, Depression, Cognition
A comparative Study of Depression and Quality of Life in Korean Elderly Women Based on the Sasangin Constitution 여성노인의 사상체질별 우울상태 및 삶의 질 비교연구 -태음인과 소음인 중심으로-
석소현 So Hyune Sok , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
16(2) 138-146, 2010
A comparative Study of Depression and Quality of Life in Korean Elderly Women Based on the Sasangin Constitution 여성노인의 사상체질별 우울상태 및 삶의 질 비교연구 -태음인과 소음인 중심으로-
석소현 So Hyune Sok , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
Purpose: This study was conducted to compare depression and quality of life between the Tae Yin In and So Yin In groups of the Sasangin constitution in Korean elderly women. Methods: A total of 203 (``rae Yin In”103, So Yin In=100) women aged over 65 yr, who were living in Seoul or Gyung-gi province, participated in the study. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, X2-test, independent t-test, ANOVA, and Scheffe test using SPSS PC+16 version. Results: Individuals in the So Yin In group had significantly worse depression than those in the Tae Yin In group. Those in the ``rae Yin In group tended to have a better quality of life than those in the So Yin In group, but no significant difference was observed. Furthermore, individuals in the Tae Yin In and So Yin In groups all had low quality of life scores comparing with median value. Significant differences in depression and quality of life according to age and subjective health status were observed in the Tae Yin In group. In the So Yin In group, significant differences in quality of life according to education and subjective health status were observed. Conclusion: A concrete nursing intervention based on the Sasangin constitution for elderly women should be explored to decrease depression and improve quality of life. Additionally, the general characteristics of elderly women should be considered to develop an appropriate nursing intervention.
Key Words
여성, 노인, 우울, 삶의 질 체질, Women, Aged, Depression, Quality of Life, Constitution
Nursing Student`s Experiences on Pediatric Nursing Simulation Practice 간호대학생의 아동간호시뮬레이션 실습경험
신현숙 Hyub Sook Shin , 심가가 Ka Ka Shim
16(2) 147-155, 2010
Nursing Student`s Experiences on Pediatric Nursing Simulation Practice 간호대학생의 아동간호시뮬레이션 실습경험
신현숙 Hyub Sook Shin , 심가가 Ka Ka Shim
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the simulation experiences of nursing baccalaureate students in their pediatric rotation. Methods: Fifty-three students responded to open-ended questions after three sessions of pediatric simulation experiences. The practice reflection notes of the students were also analyzed to identify educational outcomes coming from nursing simulation experiences. Results: The open-ended questions and practice reflection notes showed that simulated pediatric practice provided a virtual experience within safe environment. It also increased learning motivation, clinical decision making. and overall self-confidence of the nursing students. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that simulation can enhance the quality of nursing education through positive clinical experiences.
A Study on Overweight and Obesity in Childhood 일 지역 초등학교 고학년 학생의 과체중에서 비만으로 진행요인
유장학 Jang Hak Yoo , 최희정 Hee Junh Choi , 김영미 Young Me Kim
16(2) 156-163, 2010
A Study on Overweight and Obesity in Childhood 일 지역 초등학교 고학년 학생의 과체중에서 비만으로 진행요인
유장학 Jang Hak Yoo , 최희정 Hee Junh Choi , 김영미 Young Me Kim
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors associated with childhood obesity. Methods: In this descriptive study, the number of participants was 78 4-6th grade students in a primary school, and the subjects were overweight or obese. Data were collected for 10 days from June 1 to 10 in 2009. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent-samples t-test, X2-test, and multiple logistic regression. Results: Mother`s occupation is a statistically significant factor in a bivariate analysis. In multiple logistic regression analysis, the statistically significant facctors were mother`s occupation (OR0.17, 95% CI=0.04-0.70) and dietary attitudes (OR=0.08, 95% CI0.01-0.66). Condusion: For an effective obesity management program in childhood, it is necessary to consider a mother occupation and dietary attitudes.
Key Words
과체중, 비만, 아동, Overweight, Obesity, Children
Recovery According to Follow-up Period and Compliance in Osteoarthritic Patients after Knee Replacement Arthroplasty 인공 습관절 치환술 후 치료순응도와 경과기간에 따른 회복 양상
박수아 Su A Park , 강현숙 Hyub Sook Kang , 최진이 Jin Yi Choi
16(2) 164-171, 2010
Recovery According to Follow-up Period and Compliance in Osteoarthritic Patients after Knee Replacement Arthroplasty 인공 습관절 치환술 후 치료순응도와 경과기간에 따른 회복 양상
박수아 Su A Park , 강현숙 Hyub Sook Kang , 최진이 Jin Yi Choi
Purpose: The aim of study was to investigate relationship between compliance and recovery of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee patients after knee arthroplasty. Methods: 193 patients living in Seoul were participated in this study. Data were collected using the Knee Society Clinical Rating System and Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36(SF-36) and analyzed by ANCOVA, t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA. Results: There was a significant difference of physiological recovery based on the number of co-morbidity patients have. Physical recovery level was different according to age, religion, and the number of co-morbidity. Age and education level of patients were different in emotional recovery. The level of physiological and physical recovery were significantly different consistent with compliance. Compared to preoperative scores, physiological and physical scores showed significant improvement at six weeks, three months, and six months after surgery while emotional scores did not showed significant improvement. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that nursing interventions to increase compliance are needed for better recovery of patients after knee arthroplasty.
Key Words
인공 습관질 치환술, 회복정도, Knee relancement arthroplasty, Recovery