이경희 Kyung Hee Lee
The purpose is to inspect the personal medicines in Cheju island that are used traditionally and to get their characteristics. The subjectives are 39 Cheju people, men 10, women 29, who were borned, grown up in Cheju and agreed with this study. The ranges of age are 10 persons(m : 7, w : 9) over 40 less 50 years old, 14(m : 7, w : 7) over 50 less60, 5(m : 1, w : 4) over 60 less 70, 6(m: 0, w : 6) over 70 less 80, and 4(m : 1, w : 3) over 80. The average age is 64.5 years old. The method to collect the data is 20 structured opening questionaires that are based on references. The duration to collect datas is lldays from 4th, Aprill 1997 to14th, Aprill 1997. The workers who are trainned the interview methods went their villages and got answers after explaining the purpose and contents to them. Somtimes they used to record the answers. The analysis was identified the subjectives to four regiong of Cheju, arranged answers with items, rearranged the same answers, counted with number and percentage. And classified the materials and characterstics. The results of this study are followed : The things that is used as personal medicines are the effects through experiences ans misteries that have hand down by word of mouth, even though they are not scientific. people used the materials arround their circumference. It is an accumulation of experiences. The ways used in eatng, doing acupuncture or sting, exposing to smoke, wheedling, fixing after pounding, Almost materials are plants. Mugwort is effective in fever, gastritis, hemorrhoid, diarrhea, edematous hands or feet and dermatitis, Citron and Arrowroot in fever, gastritis, Seeds of Pumpkin in indigestive, hemorrhoid, edematous hands or feet, Gallic in fever, diarrhea, frostbite, dermatitis, and toothache. Motherwort in diarrhea, gastritis. Radish juice in indigestive, jaundice. Bean paste in burn, wound. Acupuncture in fever, gastritis, indigestive, back pain, edematous hands or root. Sting as similar with it in fever, indigestive, edematous hands or feet. Cigarrette in hemorrhoid, toothache. Cowstools in edematous hands or feet, wound. Sault is usded a lot in fever, gastritis, indigestive, hemorrhoid, uneffective voiding, edematous hands or feet, dermatitis, having a boil around the mouth, toothache, and eye disease. disease. Japanese Parsley in fever, gastritis. Egg And Wild Chrysanthemum is effective in jaundice. In the conclusion, people used the things arround. A things is effective in several symptoms. lf these are not effective, they would used the magic as god`s anger. As locally, they used the grasses and fruits in the middle of Mt. Halla and seafood on the sea village.
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