East-West Nursing Research

Journal of East-West Nursing Research


  • 1. All manuscripts should prepared in strict observation of research and publication ethics guidelines recommended by the Council of Science Editors (CSE, http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE, http://www.icmje.org/), and Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE, https://www.kamje.or.kr/en/main_en).
  • 2. A manuscript submitted to the journal should indicate that the study has been conducted with an approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB). If the research subject is an animal, it is a rule that the study should describe the treatment performed to mitigate the pain and inconvenience to the animal and it should be clarified that the study does not violate the regulations of the ethical committee of the research organization or the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
  • 3. All submitted manuscripts should be original. The manuscripts with fraudulent acts including forgery, falsification and plagiarism should not be published. If there is any ethical issues mentioned above, the editorial board members review the issues and then make a decision on an action by referring to the guideline for the research publication ethics published by the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (2013).
  • 4. Manuscripts that have been published or are being submitted into other journal (s) are not allowed to submit to the JEWNR. Manuscripts that have been published or are currently under consideration for publication in the JEWNR are not allowed to submit to other journals. The corresponding author must obtain the approval from Editor-inꠓChief of both related journals if the author wants to reprint the published manuscript in another language.
  • 5. Redundant publication or submission is prohibited. If duplicate publication for the paper published in this journal is detected, a notice of the authors and duplicate publication will be announced in the journal and their relevant institutions will be informed. Also, the authors will not be submitted any manuscripts to this journal for the next 2 years.
  • 6. If the published article is in violation of the research ethics, the matter should be referred to the Ethics Committee, and the Ethics Committee will decide on the ethics violation of the research and publication.
  • 7. The Ethics Committee will review the follow-up requests for members and articles identified as violations of research and publication ethics.
  • 8. The Ethics Committee would comply with the bylaws to specify the composition of the ethics committee, its duties, the deliberation process, the follow-up items, and the process of the deliberation process.
  • 9. A study in which minors (aged under 19) or family members (spouse, children, and relatives within the fourth degree) (hereafter referred to as “related person”) have participat ed should include a clear statement of their contributions to the study and manuscript writing. The pre-disclosure form should be accompanied by the manuscript when co-authoring a paper with a related person.
  • 10. The journal complies with the principles of exclusion and evasion for review and publication of a paper. A researcher who may confront with possible conflicts of interest or possible breach of the exclusion and evasion principles in the selection of reviewers should notify the editorial committee in writing. Reviewers and editors must notify the editor-in-chief immediately if the requested paper is deemed unsuitable for review, such as a conflict of interest.


The regular and the general members of the East-West Nursing Research Institute can submit a manuscript. The corresponding author should be a regular member of the East-West Nursing Research Institute. The regular member means the person registered in the East-West Nursing Research Institute in addition to a regular member of the Korean Society of Nursing Science. The general member is a person registered in the East-West Nursing Research Institute and has qualification to submit the manuscript to the Journal of East-West Nursing Research.


Original Papers: These include full papers reporting original research on health-related disciplines Review Articles: Invited and submitted review papers are accepted. The body of a review article should be a comprehensive, scholarly evidence-based review of the literature, accompanied by critical analysis and leading to reasonable conclusions.

Editorials: These include comments by organizations or individuals on topics of current interest by invitation only.


The submission fee is 50,000 Korean won. For publication, the fee is 40,000 Korean won per page up to 10 pages, and 50,000 Korean won per additional pages and for a paper with funding support (Grant).


All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by at least 3 anonymous reviewers selected by the editor. The author's name and affiliation are not disclosed during review process to reviewers. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the editor's decision to accept, reject, or request revision of manuscript.


  • 1. The manuscript is frequently received but the manuscript which does not meet the submission regulation is not accepted.
  • 2. Manuscripts should be submitted through the on-line website (https://jewns.jams.or.kr).
  • 3. Reception place
    • 1) Visit the website of www.ewnri.or.kr (the website of the East-West Nursing Research Institute) to submit the manuscript. Check the caution before the manuscript is submitted.
    • 2) When submitting a manuscript, the manuscript cover page should be submitted as an attached file separated from the original text file. After the contributor has completed a self-checklist, an ethics pledge, and a copyright transfer agreement, the manuscript can be submitted using an online submission system of the journal web-site. As the journal is published in accordance with Creative Commons AttributionꠓNoDerivatives license (CC BY-ND), please refer to Creative Commons (Attribution- NoDerivatives. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/) for matters related to the copyright of any papers published in the journal.
    • 3) For further information, visit the website of the East-West Nursꠓing Research Institute and refer to the guideline for the online manuscript submission system. Contact the East-West Nursing Research Institute through the e-mail (ewnsgre@khu.ac.kr) or question in the system.
    • 4) A corresponding author is responsible for the manuscript submission and submission processes. Information about first author, co-author and corresponding author should be clearly entered into the submission system.
  • 4. JEWNR publishes reviews, quantitative research, qualitative research, concept analysis, Q-methodology, and meta-analysis, etc.


  • 1. General information
    • 1) Manuscript must be written well in Korean or English. A Korean manuscript must be accompanied by an English abstract and an English manuscript with a Korean abstract. If necessary, Chinese or original word should be presented in a parenthesis.
    • 2) The manuscript must be double-spaced using a 10-point font size, such as Times New Roman, 25mm margins (bottom, left and right), 30mm for top in A4 paper.
    • 3) The total pages of a manuscript should not exceed 20 pages, including abstract, main text, references, tables or figures.
    • 4) All citations in the text should be referenced. References should not exceed more than 30.
    • 5) Scholarly terminology used in a manuscript adheres to Standards for Nursing Terminology (Korean Society of Nursing Science) and Medical Terminology (5th edition) by Korean Medical Association.
    • 6) The abbreviated expression should be cited in full at first usage, followed by the accepted abbreviation in parentheses.
    • 7) When English or a number is used in front of a parenthesis, a space should be given. When Korean is used, no space is allowed and a postposition followed by a parenthesis has no space.
    • 8) A permission of an instrument(s) should be obtained from an original author of the instrument(s).
    • 9) A manuscript should conform to the standard guidelines for writing papers (http://www.equator-network.org/index.aspx?o=1032) for each research design.
    • 10) For clinical trial, it is recommended to register the study with the institutes accredited by the Republic of Korea’s Clinical Research Information Service or by the World Health Organization’s International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and when submitting a manuscript, write the registered number on the cover page and submit it.
    • 11) It is recommended to share data related to manuscript in accordance with ICMJE's data sharing policy. For any manuscript subject to data-sharing, the following should be described at the end of the manuscript.

      Example: Data sharing statements: The data presented in this study are available in supplementary material link or repository URL.

  • 2. Organization of a manuscript
    • 1) A manuscript consists of title page, abstract, main document, references, and tables/figures. Each section begins with a separate page.
    • 2) Title page includes:
      • (1) Complete manuscript title
      • (2) Author information: all authors' full names, highest academic degrees, positions and affiliations, number of ORCID in Korean and English
      • (3) Corresponding author's information: name, address, zip code, phone number, fax number, email address should be provided in English.
      • (4) Type of manuscript
      • (5) Number of references: no more than 30 (Review: 50)
      • (6) Number of words of English abstract: less than 250
      • (7) Key words: list less than five key words in Korean and English. English key words should be identical with Korean key words and use MeSH terms.
      • (8) Name of institution and number of approved IRB
      • (9) Running head
      • (10) Any acknowledgments, credits, or disclaimers, including funding sources and conflicts of interest: All authors must provide a statement regarding any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately affect their work. For example, the authors would state "The authors declare no conflicts of interest." or "Author A receives royalties from company B."
    • 3) English abstract

      Purpose, methods, results, and conclusions should be headed consecutively without changing a line. An abstract should not be more than 250 words. English key words which are corresponding with the words in the main text should be followed by an abstract. Terminologies registered in MeSH are allowed to use.

    • 4) Main text

      Main text includes introduction, literature review or theoretical background, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion (including implications or suggestions), and references.

      • (1) Introduction: Background and purpose should be described clearly and concisely. A description of background is relevant to the purpose of the study.
      • (2) Methods: Design, subjects, instruments, data collection methods and data analysis are presented under the subheading. Methods are described in a manner of specific and detail for replication. It would be sufficient to provide a quotation if the methodology is well-known. New methodology and modified existing methodology should be described in detail. Ethical considerations should include a description of an approval or exemption from the IRB.
      • (3) Results: Results are presented clearly and concisely corresponding with the data analysis. All data presented in the tables or figures should not be repeated in the text. Only significant research findings should be summarized.
      • (4) Discussion: Significant research findings or new findings should be emphasized. Author(s) should not reiterate contents described in the introduction or results. Authors are expected to interpret the findings compared with the findings of previous studies and to provide an application of the findings, limitations, and suggestions.
      • (5) Conclusions: Conclusions should be presented concisely relevant to the study purpose. Methods or results should not be repetitive.

Tables and Figures

  • 1. There should be no more than five tables, figures, and photographs. They should be presented in English. Tables and figures should not be duplicated. Each table and figure should be placed on a separate page.
  • 2. The principles of table presentation are as follows.
    • 1) Content of tables should be easily understood and should function independently.
    • 2) The numbers of total tables are no more than 5.
    • 3) Tables are numbered consecutively as cited in the text.
    • 4) A title of table is presented at the top of the table and the first letter of an important word should be capitalized. Ex: Correlation between Self-care Knowledge and Self-care Behavior
    • 5) An abbreviation should be spelled out at the bottom of the table.

      Ex: HR=Heart rate; T=Temperature

    • 6) An explanation about an item should be presented in a footnotes and this should not be included in the title. An explanation should be provided using symbols in the footnotes. An explanation about shoulder symbols (†, ‡, §, ¶, #, ††) is presented in left bottom and abbreviations used in the tables are presented in left bottom as cited.

      Ex: †=Fishers exact test

    • 7) In demographic characteristics, gender is described as M/F and age is described as yr. Mean and unit measures of age, body weight, and height are written as one place of decimals.
    • 8) In decimal point exceeding "1", 0 should be placed in front of a decimal. In case of decimal point not exceeding "1", 0 should be placed in front of a decimal.

      Ex: t=0.37, F=0.85

      Ex: p<.001, r=.27

    • 9) P representing a significant level does not include a footnotes. Instead, actual value of p should be presented and three places of decimals should be provided.

      Ex: p=.007

      When p value is .000, it should be presented as follows: p<.001.

  • 3. The principles of presenting figures and photographs are as follows.
    • 1) A title of figure is located in bottom of the figure and only first letter can be capitalized.
    • 2) Size of a figure is from 102*152mm (4*6 inches) to 203*254mm (8*10 inches).
    • 3) When more than two figures are presented in a same number, alphabetic letter should be followed by Arabic numeral (ex: Figure 1A, Figure 1B).
    • 4) A microphotograph of a tissue specimen is recorded along with the name of tissue site, staining method and magnifying power.
    • 5) Symbols used in graphs are presented as follows: ●, ■, ▲, ◆, ○, □, △, ◇.

Citations in the text

  • 1. Citation should be included according to the style used in the NLM (National Library of Medicine) Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (2nd ed.). All citations should be written in English.
  • 2 Within the text, citations should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text. Ex: Yangseng [1], Oriental nursing intervention [2,3], Meridian acupressure [4-6]
  • 3. Whenever a reference is repeated in the text, it uses the same reference number each time.


  • 1. All references cited in the text must appear in the reference section. References are listed consecutively by number and in citation order in the reference list. The maximum number of references should exceed no more than 30.
  • 2. All references should be written in English and prepared according to the style used in the NLM (National Library of Medicine) Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (2nd ed.).

    Here are some examples of references in the NLM Style Guide. For styles for other types of references, please follow guidelines in the NLM Style Guide.

    • 1) Journal article: Author, title, journal, year, volume, inclusive pages. Journal titles should be abbreviated in the reference listing according to Index Medicus style (PubMed Journals database). If not listed in Index Medicus, journal titles should be spelled out.

      Ex: if six or fewer, list all authors

      Hunter D, Oates R, Gawthrop J, Bishop M, Gill S. Complementary and alternative medicine use and disclosure amongst Australian radiotherapy patients. Support Care Cancer.

      2014;22(6):1571-8. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520-014-2120-8

      Ex: if more than six, list the first six followed by et al.

      Bernstein AM, Kobs A, Bar J, Fay S, Doyle J, Golubic M, et al. Yoga for stress management among intensive care unit staff: a pilot study. Alternative and complementary Therapies.

      2015;21(3):1111-5. https://doi.org/10.1089/act.2015. 28999.amb

    • 2) Books : Author, title, place of publication, publisher, year. inclusive pages.

      Brown SJ. Evidence-based nursing: the research-practice connection. 4th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2018. p. 258-90.


  • 1. The manuscript is frequently received by the end of the due date of each issue and submitted online with a copy of the manuscript, author’s checklist, transfer of copyright agreement and cover letter to the website of the East-West Nursing Research Institute.
  • 2. The submitted manuscript is reviewed by 3 judges.
  • 3. The publication of the manuscript is decided by the editor and editor in chief after the review of the judges and the manuscript which does not meet the regulations may be suggested with revision or the publication may be suspended.
  • 4. The author shall modify and complement depending on the review result, describe the modification by the judge based on the indication and mark the revision on the manuscript. The modified manuscript and report shall be submitted within 2 weeks after the review result notification. If the author can not submit a revised manuscript after one month from the date of the editorial committee's revision request, it shall be deemed to be the author's recall (however, if requested by the author, could extend two more weeks).
  • 5. It is a rule to publish the manuscript based on the decision by the editorial board in consideration with the submission date. It may take several months from the submission to the review and publication and the authors shall submit the manuscript considering the period.
  • 6. Authors are responsible for the final proofreading and printing of the manuscript. The review fee is 50,000 (KRW) won per page, the publication fee is 40,000 won (KRW) per page for less than 10 pages, and 50,000 won (KRW) per page for more than 10 pages (papers supported by research grants are 50,000 won (KRW) per page regardless of the total number of pages). If necessary, the author bears the cost of a special typesetting table and additional extra books.
  • 7. The specific issues related to the manuscript review follow the additional regulations.
  • 8. The (scheduled) posted certification may be issued upon the request from the corresponding author for the (scheduled) posted manuscript.
  • 9. In order to add, delete, or change the order of an author's name from the list of authors at the time of submission, the editorial board's approval is required prior to the publication of the manuscript. For any changes, the corresponding author should submit the following documents to the editorial board: (a) a statement of reason for the author change, (b) a written confirmation from all authors agreeing to the addition, deletion, or order change of the author's name.


Title of manuscript: _________________________________________________________________

Please check below items as V mark before submission of the manuscript.

General consideration

  • □ Manuscript contained one original manuscript, author’s checklist, declaration of ethical conduct in research, transfer of copyright agreement.
  • □ The ethical regulation of the Journal of East-West Nursing Research was obeyed.
  • □ Manuscript is typed in Sinmyungjo or Times New Roman with a space of 30mm from lower, left and right margin, 10-point font size and double spaced.
  • □ Manuscript is written in the order of cover page, English abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, conflict of interest, acknowledgement, Korean summary (for Korean papers), references, tables and figures.
  • □ Number of pages is less than 20 including tables and figures
  • □ When you wish to co-author a paper with someone with which you have personal connections, make sure to submit 'Pre-release Form for Co-authoring a Publication with People with Personal Connections

Cover page

  • □ Title
  • □ Author: all authors’ full names, highest academic degrees, positions and affiliations, number of ORCID in Korean and English.
  • □ Corresponding author: name, address, zip code, phone number, fax number, email address should be provided in English.
  • □ Conflict of interest/disclosure
  • □ Numbers of reference, words of English abstract
  • □ Keywords (Korean)

English abstract

  • □ 250 words or less
  • □ Subheadings of Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • □ Key word: 5 words or less from MeSH terminologies.


  • □ Conclusion does not duplicate the methods or results


  • □ The total number of references is less than 30 (Review: 50).
  • □ All references are written in English.
  • □ All reference style are followed by the guide for authors.

Tables and figures

  • □ Instruction to authors were followed.
  • □ The title, contents of tables and figures were written in English.
  • □ All abbreviations were described under tables or figures.

• Authors of this article confirmed the above instructions and ethical consideration.

Corresponding author’s signature _________________ Date _________________


To: Editor of Journal of East-West Nursing Research

In consideration of the Journal of East-West Nursing Research taking action in reviewing and editing my submission, the author(s) undersigned hereby transfer(s), assign(s) or otherwise convey(s) all copyright ownership to the Journal of East-West Nursing Research. The journal is published in accordance with Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives license (CC BY-ND).

TITLE OF MANUSCRIPT: ____________________________________________________________

  • Author's printed name
  • Author's signature
  • Date
  • Author's printed name
  • Author's signature
  • Date
  • Author's printed name
  • Author's signature
  • Date
  • Author's printed name
  • Author's signature
  • Date
  • Author's printed name
  • Author's signature
  • Date
  • Author's printed name
  • Author's signature
  • Date

Use a continuation sheet if necessary for additional signature.