The Effect of Electrical Muscle Stimulation Therapy on Chronic Knee Pain for Aged 노인의 만성 무릎 통증에 대한 전기 근육 자극요법의 적용 효과
석소현 So Hyune Sok , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
11(1) 5-11, 2005
The Effect of Electrical Muscle Stimulation Therapy on Chronic Knee Pain for Aged 노인의 만성 무릎 통증에 대한 전기 근육 자극요법의 적용 효과
석소현 So Hyune Sok , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
Purpose: This study is to examine the effect of electrical muscle stimulation therapy on chronic knee pain for aged. Method: Design was randomized one-group pretest-posttest design. Samples were total 15 elderly on 60 years old and above with chronic knee pain. Measures were S-F McGill Pain Questuionnaire and Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale for knee pain. Electrical muscle stimulation therapy, experimental treatment was applied on chronic knee pain for 4 weeks, 3 times/week, 15 min/time. Data were collected from half March 2005 to May 2005. Data were analyzed using SPSS PC+ 12 version. Descriptive statistics was used for analysis of general characteristics in sample, and paired t-test was used to analysis the effect of electrical muscle stimulation therapy. Results: After receiving the electrical muscle stimulation therapy chronic knee pain was significantly decreased (t=-29.163, P=.000 in S-F MPQ; t=-37.005, P=.000 in AIMS). Conclusion: Electrical muscle stimulation therapy can be a better effective primary nursing intervention on chronic knee pain for aged in community.
A Study on the Attitude on the Transfer of Duty Post and Job Satisfaction of Nurses 간호사의 근무부서 이동에 대한 태도와 직무만족도와의 관계
장경화 Kyung Hwa Chang , 이은미 Eun Mi Lee
11(1) 12-24, 2005
A Study on the Attitude on the Transfer of Duty Post and Job Satisfaction of Nurses 간호사의 근무부서 이동에 대한 태도와 직무만족도와의 관계
장경화 Kyung Hwa Chang , 이은미 Eun Mi Lee
The objective of this research is to explore the attitude on the transfer of duty post and job satisfaction of nurses. The subjects of this study were 512 nurses who have engages in the K-university hospital. The measurement tool consisted of attitude on the transfer of duty post, job satisfaction. The collected data have been processed using SPSS/PC 12.0 program: The results of this study were as follows: 1. The age the subjects was from 21 to 56 and average 32, blow 3 years experience in current duty post occupied most by 37.1%. The experience of the transfer of duty post showed 50.2%. 51.4% of the nurses wanted 3∼5 years as the suitable periods for the transfer of duty post showing the highest degree of frequency. 2. The positive degree of the attitude on the transfer of duty post of the nurses appeared average (3.36) to maximum evaluation point 5, and when asked about 4 factors the nurses wanted individual development most by (3.72) while administration management was lowest by (2.65). The satisfaction degree on their job appeared to be average (3.06) to the maximum point 5, and when asked about 7 factors, interaction appeared to be the highest by (3.63), here we saw that interaction was the most important elevating factor of the job satisfaction degree. 3. In the relation of the attitude on the transfer of duty post according to general characteristics, there were the significant difference according to whether it is necessary for the current duty post and periodical duty post to be transferred. In the relation between general characteristics and job satisfaction degree there were the significant differences according to age, marital status, education, position of nurse, hospital clinical nursing experiences, satisfaction degree with current post and the hope of the transfer of duty post from current post. 4. The correlation between attitude on the transfer of duty post and job satisfaction degree was positive relation(r=0.137, p=.002), that the higher the degree of positive attitude on the transfer of duty post the higher the degree of job satisfaction.
Key Words
부서이동, 직무만족, Transfer of duty post, Job satisfaction
The Factors That Related the Dietary Behavior in Coronary Artery Disease Patients 관상동맥질환자의 식이이행과 건강신념, 사회적 지지 및 특성 간 상관관계
이주임 Ju Im Lee , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han
11(1) 25-32, 2005
The Factors That Related the Dietary Behavior in Coronary Artery Disease Patients 관상동맥질환자의 식이이행과 건강신념, 사회적 지지 및 특성 간 상관관계
이주임 Ju Im Lee , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han
Purpose: This study was aimed to identify the factors that related the dietary behavior in coronary artery disease patients and to made the data for nursing which is thought to improve the dietary behavior. Method: The study population was the coronary artery disease patients who were treated at outpatient base. The study method was the dietary behavior, diet self-efficacy, perceivedhealthy behavior, social support measurement & characteristics. All of the above tool was validated for its composition proriety and confidence. The statistical analysis was done by SPSS PC 11.0 program. and frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson`s correlation was used for analysis. Results: The score of dietary behavior in the coronary artery disease patients was 4.57 point. The score of perceived-benefits was the highest among the association factor(point) and the score of perceived-barriers(m=2.78), diet self-efficacy(m=5.12), social support(m=4.86 point), exercise and chest pain. Conclusion: The development of the program for the efficient dietary education that prevents the progression of the coronary artery disease is needed.
Key Words
식이이행, 건강신념, 사회적지지
The Effectiveness of Meridian Acupressure Intervention Using Sticker Needles to Bowel Movement on Post Spinal Operative Patients 스티커 침을 이용한 경혈지압이 척추수술 후 배변에 미치는 영향
김양금 Yang Kuem Kim , 이향련 Hyang Yeon Lee
11(1) 33-41, 2005
The Effectiveness of Meridian Acupressure Intervention Using Sticker Needles to Bowel Movement on Post Spinal Operative Patients 스티커 침을 이용한 경혈지압이 척추수술 후 배변에 미치는 영향
김양금 Yang Kuem Kim , 이향련 Hyang Yeon Lee
This study was conducted to identify the effect of meridian acupressure on defecation of patients with post spinal operation. The nonequivalent control group posttest only design was used. The data were obtained from 77 post spinal operative patients, 34 in the experimental 43 in control group in Y Hospital, Seoul, Korea. The neurosurgical unit A and B ward, assigned by matched sample by the name of operation such as laminectomy and posterior lumbar interbody fusion are performed. Meridian acupressure meant the method that an examiner presses response points distributed in the pass of energy vessel. In this study, meridian acupressure program was performed on as points in order of Hegue (LI-4), Zhigou (TE-6), Zusanli (S-36), Shangjuxu (S-37), Xiajuxu (S-39), Tianshu (S-25), Taichong (L-3) which was known to be related to large intestine. Data were collected from 1, July 2003 to 1, September 2003. Meridian acupressure program was carried out for 20 minutes 4 hours after operation twice daily. In order to evaluate the effect of meridian acupressure intervention, they were asked time of bowel recovery, gas passing, and defecation though questionaire method. Data were analyzed by the SPSS/WIN 11.0 program. The results of this study were summarized as follows; 1. Homogeneity tests of general characteristics and operation related characteristics of the experimental group and the control group were performed. General characteristics included age, sex, defecation habit, eating pattern, fluid intake, life style, activity, usage of laxative and etc. 2. Hypotheses were verificated as follows; 1) Recovery of bowel sound of the experimental group who received meridian acupressure intervention was faster than that of the control group after spinal operation (t=-6.770, =.000). 2) Time of gas passing of the experimental group who received meridian acupressure program was faster than that of the control group after spinal operation (t=-8.003, P=.000). 3) Time to defecation of the experimental group who received meridian acupressure program was faster than that of the control group after spinal operation (t=-9.026, P=.000). 4) Abdominal discomfort due to defecation of the experimental group who received meridian acupressure program was lesser than that of the control group after spinal operation (t=-3.431, P=.001). From these results, meridian acupressure intervention was effective for recovery of bowel sound, reduce time to gas passing, time to defecation and lessen abdominal discomfort due to defecation on post spinal operative patients. And therefore this intervention can probably considered on clinical practice.
Key Words
스티커 침, 경혈지압, 변비, Sticker needle Meridian acupressure, Bowel movement
Prediction Factors of Fatigue in Patients with Fibromyalgia 섬유조직염환자의 피로 예측 요인
한상숙 Sang Sook Han
11(1) 42-50, 2005
Prediction Factors of Fatigue in Patients with Fibromyalgia 섬유조직염환자의 피로 예측 요인
한상숙 Sang Sook Han
Purpose: The purpose this research was to provide with basic data in the control of the fatiguer found in the patients with fibromyalgia by analysing the factors that predict that. Method: At three university medical center, appointed 245 out-patients diagnosed of fibromyalgia according to the conditions by American College of Rheumatology (1990). The research instruments used in this study were graphic rating scale(Anxiety, sleep disturbance, pain, joint stiffness and depression), physical activity, the number of tender points, life satisfaction and Self-efficacy scale. In data analysis, SPSS 12.0 program was utilized and data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson`s correlation coefficient and multiple regression. Result: The factors that predict the fatigue of patients with fibromyalgia were sleep disturbance, life satisfaction, pain, joint stiffness, illness duration, and anxiety which explained 50.1% of the fatigue. Conclusion: It has been confirmed that the regression equation model of this research may serve as a fatigue prediction factors in patients with fibromyalgia.
A Study of Correlation between Self-efficacy and Satisfaction with College Life of Nursing Students 간호대학생의 자기효능감과 대학생활만족도간의 관계 연구
석소현 R. Sohyune Sok , 신동수 Dong Soo Shin , 오희 Hee Oh , 김호미 Ho Mi Kim , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
11(1) 51-57, 2005
A Study of Correlation between Self-efficacy and Satisfaction with College Life of Nursing Students 간호대학생의 자기효능감과 대학생활만족도간의 관계 연구
석소현 R. Sohyune Sok , 신동수 Dong Soo Shin , 오희 Hee Oh , 김호미 Ho Mi Kim , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
Purpose: This study was to examine the correlation between self-efficacy and satisfaction with college life of nursing students. Method: Design was descriptive correlative study, and subjects of this study were 352 persons who are students on 3 and 4 grade in nursing college. Measures were satisfaction with college life measurement (Cronbach`s alpha=.673) and selfefficacy measurement (Cronbach`s alpha=.810). Data were collected from September, 2004 to January, 2005. Data were analyzed with SPSS PC+ on each aim of this study. Result: Findings were as followings. 1. In relationship between self-efficacy and satisfaction with college life, there was significant positive correlation (r=.760, p=000). 2. In difference of self-efficacy and satisfaction with college life according to general characteristics there were significant differences in grade and consultor (p<.05). Conclusion: Further needs nursing intervention to improve positively the self-efficacy that may effect on satisfaction with college life.
Key Words
간호대학생, 자기효능감, 대학생활만족도, Nursing students, Self-efficacy, Satisfaction with college Life
Impact of Computerization on Direct and Indirect Nursing Time 병원전산화에 따른 직접 및 간접간호 양상의 변화
황지인 Jee In Hwang
11(1) 58-64, 2005
Impact of Computerization on Direct and Indirect Nursing Time 병원전산화에 따른 직접 및 간접간호 양상의 변화
황지인 Jee In Hwang
The purpose of this study was to examine impact of hospital computerization on the nursing practice. The study was conducted using the repeated measured design. The subjects were 166 nurses working at surgical nursing care units in a tertiary teaching hospital. A questionnaire was developed based on the Burke`s study, and reviewed by a committee for content validity. Eighty-eight nurses responded the questionnaire throughout the study. Indirect nursing care time significantly decreased(p<0.05) after the computerization. These decrease related to time saving in checking physicians` order and writing nursing records. However, the change in direct nursing care time was not clear. In conclusion, the computerization led to the decrease in indirect nursing care time but it did not link to increase in direct nursing care time. Therefore, nurse managers should take into account redesign of the nursing works after computerization.
Key Words
전산화, 간호시간, Computerization, Nursing care time, Nursing practice
A Study of Role-Conflict, Stress and Job Satisfaction of Nurses According to Their Current Work Posts 근무병동별 간호사의 역할갈등, 직무스트레스 및 업무만족에 관한 연구
박선화 Seon Wha Park , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
11(1) 65-74, 2005
A Study of Role-Conflict, Stress and Job Satisfaction of Nurses According to Their Current Work Posts 근무병동별 간호사의 역할갈등, 직무스트레스 및 업무만족에 관한 연구
박선화 Seon Wha Park , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
This research has been conducted in order to compare and analyze the role-conflict, job stress and job satisfaction of nurses according to their current work posts. The subjects of this research were carefully selected 426 nurses from 2 university hospitals. The research tool were a role-conflict measurement index, job stress a tool, and job satisfaction Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. The data have been collected using a structured questionnaire from March to May 2003. The collected data have been analyzed using the SPSS PC 10.0V program. The nurses at Intensive Care Unit (ICU) showed highest level of job stress while the nurses at surgical ward showed the lowest level of job stress (F=8.37, p=.000). There was no significant difference in role-conflict and job satisfaction according to the current work posts. According to the results of this research, there was a difference in stress according to the current work posts, and it turned out that the nurses at ICU had the highest level of stress compared to the nurses at other departments, and it causes a fall in job satisfaction.
A Study on the Children`s Perception for Divorce,Remarriage and Resilience 이혼 및 재혼에 대한 아동의 지각과 적응 유연성
신성희 Seong Hee Shin , 김윤희 Yoon Hee Kim
11(1) 75-87, 2005
A Study on the Children`s Perception for Divorce,Remarriage and Resilience 이혼 및 재혼에 대한 아동의 지각과 적응 유연성
신성희 Seong Hee Shin , 김윤희 Yoon Hee Kim
The purpose of this research was to observe the children`s perception for divorce·remarriage and resilience according to their gender and school grades so that the relation between children`s resilience and the perception for parents` divorce and remarriage could be established theoretically, practically and educationally. The subjects were 537 elementary school students who were in 4, 5, 6 grades, The data was collected by a selfadministered socio-demographics and children`s perceptions for divorce·remarriage and resilience. The data from this research were analyzed by using SAS program. The results were as following: 1. The female students had the positive perceptions about divorce even if there was no statistical significant differences in the perception between male and female students, and the more optimistic ideas towards divorce also apply to the higher grade students rather than the lower grade ones. 2. The female students showed more positive perceptions for remarriage more than the male did. There was no statistical significant difference in the general idea about remarriage according to the school grades, but in terms of the absence of children and the financial status, the statistical significant differences existed. 3. The students` resilience was higher in the females rather than in the males and became lower with the grade. 4. There were no relations between divorce·remarriage and children`s resilience degrees. As mentioned above, the students` perceptions for divorce·remarriage and resilience expressed differently according to genders and school grades. The result of this study can be used for the counselling and developing the programs for the families which experience divorce and remarriage.