A Study of Correlation among Interpersonal relationship, Self-esteem, and Self-efficacy of Nursing Students 간호대학생의 대인관계, 자아존중감 및 자기효능감에 관한 연구
석소현 Sohyune R. Sok , 신동수 Dong Soo Shin , 권자연 Ja Youn Gwon , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
11(2) 101-109, 2005
A Study of Correlation among Interpersonal relationship, Self-esteem, and Self-efficacy of Nursing Students 간호대학생의 대인관계, 자아존중감 및 자기효능감에 관한 연구
석소현 Sohyune R. Sok , 신동수 Dong Soo Shin , 권자연 Ja Youn Gwon , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
Purpose: This study was to examine the correlation among interpersonal relationship, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. Method: Design was descriptive correlative study, and subjects of this study were 353 persons who are students in nursing college. Measures were interpersonal relationship measurement (Cronbach`s alpha=.720), self-esteem measurement (Cronbach`s alpha=.731), and self-efficacy measurement (Cronbach`s alpha= .810). Data were collected from October, 2004 to January, 2005. Data were analyzed with SPSS PC+ on each aim of this study. Result: Findings were as followings. 1. In relationships among interpersonal relationship①, self-esteem②, and selfefficacy③ there were significant positive correlations (①②r=.526, p=000; ①③r=.443, p=000; ②③r= .556, p=000). 2. In differences of interpersonal relationship, self-esteem, and self-efficacy according to general characteristics there were significant differences in age, grade, satisfaction on credit, satisfied life in the University. Conclusion: Further needs nursing intervention to improve positively the interpersonal relationship that may effect on self-esteem and self-efficacy.
Effect of Auricular Acupressure Therapy on Smoking Cessation for Residents in a Community 일지역 주민의 금연을 위한 이압요법의 적용 효과
석소현 Sohyune R. Sok , 권자연 Ja Youn Gwon , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
11(2) 110-115, 2005
Effect of Auricular Acupressure Therapy on Smoking Cessation for Residents in a Community 일지역 주민의 금연을 위한 이압요법의 적용 효과
석소현 Sohyune R. Sok , 권자연 Ja Youn Gwon , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
Purpose: This study is to examine the effect of Auricular Acupressure Therapy on smoking cessation for residents in a community. Method: Design was randomized one-group pretest-posttest design. Samples were total 26 residents in a community. Measures were nicotine dependency scale and count of smoking cigarette. Auricular Acupressure Therapy, experimental treatment was applied for 2 weeks, 2 times/week, 3 day/time. Data were collected from July 2005 to October 2005. Data were analyzed using SPSS PC+ 12 version. Descriptive statistics was used for analysis of general characteristics in sample, and paired t-test was used to analysis the effect of Auricular Acupressure Therapy. Results: After receiving the Auricular Acupressure Therapy, nicotine dependency and count of smoking cigarette were significantly decreased (t=22.730, p=.000; t=-37.005, p=.000). Conclusion: Auricular Acupressure Therapy can be a better effective primary nursing intervention on smoking cessation for residents in a community through reverification by a study of repetition.
The Influencing Factors on Adolescent`s Self-Efficacy 청소년의 자기효능감 영향 요인
전은영 Eun Young Jeon
11(2) 116-123, 2005
The Influencing Factors on Adolescent`s Self-Efficacy 청소년의 자기효능감 영향 요인
전은영 Eun Young Jeon
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influencing factors on adolescent`s self-efficacy. Method: This was a descriptive study. The data were collected from 7th through 12th graders(N=1710) enrolled in middle schools(N= 873) and high schools(N=837) in the metropolitan area of Daegu. The instruments had used for this study were the self-efficacy, the life event checklist, and Family APGAR. The data were analyzed using frequency, t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. Result: Pearson correlation analysis revealed that there were negative correlations between the self-efficacy and the stress. However, in case of the subjects who recorded higher scores at self-efficacy they showed higher scores at family function. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that powerful predictors of adolescent`s self-efficacy were family function and relations of schoolmate. Conclusion: From these results, we can find that the family function and relations of schoolmate were actual factors theat affected the self-efficacy of adolescents. Accordingly, affirmative emotion in family, harmonic communication among family members and sharing housekeeping works is recommended as a useful method in order to enhance the family function, and then the self-efficacy of adolescence will be increased.
Key Words
청소년, 자기효능감, Adolescent, Self-Efficacy
The Effect of Health Promotion Program for Elderly Women in Used Kyung Ro Dang Visites 경로당 여성노인을 위한 건강증진프로그램 적용 효과
원정숙 Jeong Sook Won , 김원옥 Won Ock Kim , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim , 현경선 Kyung Sun Hyun , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han
11(2) 124-136, 2005
The Effect of Health Promotion Program for Elderly Women in Used Kyung Ro Dang Visites 경로당 여성노인을 위한 건강증진프로그램 적용 효과
원정숙 Jeong Sook Won , 김원옥 Won Ock Kim , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim , 현경선 Kyung Sun Hyun , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop and to evaluate on health promotion program for elderly women. Method: Subjects included 56 women elderly who were residents of H Dong, Dondae moon-Gu, Seoul. The study was deviced in the way of nonequivalant control group pretestposttest design. The treatment intervention was applied during total 8 weeks as 5 times/week for stretching exercise with 2 times/weeks for health education. Data collection were from May to Sept, 2004. SPSS Window program was used by aims of this study for data analysis. Result: 1. 71 old age above (69.7%) was the most of age in subjects. None education (53.6%) was the most of subjects in this study. 2. Physical flexibility of knee(z=-3.83, p=.000), arm(z=-3.92, p=.000), shoulder(F=40.0, p=.000), heel on ankle(z=-3.305, p=.001), was increased after 8 weeks more than before stretching and recreation exercise including health education were done. 3. Health behavior compliance(z=-4.50, p=.000) was significantly on the effect. Conclusion: This program is proved to promote the health of elderly and verified as an effective nursing intervention program, because the outcome of this program ascertains that this program enhances physical flexibility, health behavior compliance, helps promoting the understanding of heath behavior.
Key Words
여성노인, 건강증진 프로그램, 신체 유연성, 건강생활 이행, Physical flexibility, Health behavior compliance, Stretching exercise, Elderly women
The Evalution of Medical Quality Improvement Activities Through Standardised Intravenous Injection Control Instruction 표준화된 정맥주사 관리 교육을 통한 의료질 향상(QI) 활동 평가
한상숙 Sang Sook Han , 박선경 Sun Kyung Park
11(2) 137-145, 2005
The Evalution of Medical Quality Improvement Activities Through Standardised Intravenous Injection Control Instruction 표준화된 정맥주사 관리 교육을 통한 의료질 향상(QI) 활동 평가
한상숙 Sang Sook Han , 박선경 Sun Kyung Park
Purpose: This study has been attempted as one of the Quality Improvement activities in order to provide with intravenous injection control and to confirm the evaluation from the patients and their guardians, and also from nurses themselves. Method: The subject of this intravenous injection control was a control group of 239 patients and 176 nurses, a comparison group of 128 patients and 146 nurses. The tool consisted of hospitality (towards patients), explanation, and infection prevention activities. The collected data were analysed using SPSS Windows 11.0 program for percentage, χ2- test and t-test. Result: 1) The nurses who were instructed in standardised intravenous injection control received more satisfactory evaluation from the patients(t=-2.89, p=.004) than the nurses who were not. However, in the subdivisions, the explanation field was the only one to receive a more satisfactory evaluation(t=-1.14, p=.255). 2) The nurses who were instructed in standardised intravenous injection control showed higher performances in intravenous injection control (t=-4.21, p=.000) than the nurses who were not. In the subdivisions, hospitality, explanation, and infection prevention activities all showed effectiveness (t=-2.35∼3.90, p=.020∼.000). Conclusion: From the results stated above, it can be concluded that standardised intravenous injection control instruction for nurses brought out better evaluation, i.e. satisfaction, from the patients and their guardians, and the nurses who received the instruction showed better performances in intravenous injection control.
A Study on Cancer Patients` Quality of Life, Perceived Health Status and Susceptibility Severity for Cancer Recurrence 암환자의 삶의 질, 지각된 건강상태 및 암재발 인지에 관한 연구
신임식 Im Sik Shin , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han
11(2) 146-154, 2005
A Study on Cancer Patients` Quality of Life, Perceived Health Status and Susceptibility Severity for Cancer Recurrence 암환자의 삶의 질, 지각된 건강상태 및 암재발 인지에 관한 연구
신임식 Im Sik Shin , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han
Purpose: This study was designed to identify the relationship between quality of life, perceived health status, perceived susceptibility·severity to recurrence of cancer and character of object in cancer patients to provide the basic data of effective nursing intervensions. Method: The subject of this study was randomly chosen from the patients diagnosed of cancer and being hospitalised or receiving chemotherapy as outpatients, at a Division of Hemato-Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine of a university hospital located in Seoul. The tool used in this study was a measurement tool for quality of life (α=.829), perceived health status (α=.903), and perceived susceptibility and severity for cancer recurrence (α=.860). The collected data were analysed using SPSS PC 12.0 Programme for real number, percentage, average, standard deviation, Pearson`s Correlation, t-test and ANOVA, according to the purpose of this study. Result: 1) The score of quality of life in cancer patients was 3.64 point, perceived health status was 2.62 and perceived susceptibility·severity to recurrence of cancer was 2.41. 2) There was a significant difference in the quality of life according to general characteristics, such as level of education, occupation, level of activity, pain, medication period, diagnosis, disease stage, purpose of medication, and recurrence. There was a significant difference in perceived health status according to age, level of activity, pain, diagnosis, purpose of medication, and recurrence. There was a significant difference in perceived susceptibility?severity to recurrence of cancer according to age, level of education, and pain. 3) The cancer patients` quality of life showed significant correlation with perceived health status, perceived susceptibility·severity to recurrence of cancer, pain, job, treatment purpose, relapse. The perceived health status showed significant correlation with perceived susceptibility·severity to recurrence of cancer, pain, treatment purpose, relapse. The perceived susceptibility·severity to recurrence of cancer showed significant correlation with pain. The relapse showed significant correlation with treatment purpose. The cancer patients` quality of life, perceived health status, and perceived susceptibility and severity for cancer recurrence, as confirmed above, showed differences according to the related factors of each subject, and it was also confirmed that those factors were significantly related with general characteristics. Upon these results, I suggest further studies on the factors that affect the cancer patients` quality of life.
Key Words
삶의 질, 건강상태, 암재발 인지, Cancer patients, Quality of Life, Health status, Susceptibility, Severity
The Relationship between Psychosocial Distress and Health Promoting Behaviors of Middle-aged Women 중년기 여성의 사회심리적 스트레스와 건강증진행위에 관한 연구
신혜숙 Hye Sook Shin , 이상복 Sang Bok Lee , 송영아 Young A Song
11(2) 155-166, 2005
The Relationship between Psychosocial Distress and Health Promoting Behaviors of Middle-aged Women 중년기 여성의 사회심리적 스트레스와 건강증진행위에 관한 연구
신혜숙 Hye Sook Shin , 이상복 Sang Bok Lee , 송영아 Young A Song
Purpose: This study was to examine the relationship between psychosocial distress and health promoting behaviors of middle-aged women. Methods: The subjects consisted of 278 women between the ages of 40 and 60 years in the Seoul-Kyunggi region. Data collection was conducted through the use of questionnaires. The instruments for this study were psychosocial distress(45 items) and Health promoting behaviors(43 items). Results: The average item score for psychosocial distress was high at 96.5, and the health promoting behaviors were moderate at 139.8. The psychosocial distress was significantly different according to age, education, marriage status, menstruation status, satisfaction of marriage. The health promoting behaviors was significantly different according to religion, education, menstruation status, satisfaction of marriage. Negative correlations were observed between psychosocial distress and health promoting behaviors(r=-.43, p=.000). Conclusion: These findings help to clarify relationships between relationship between psychosocial distress and health promoting behaviors of middle-aged women. Therefore, the result of study provide clues for promoting health in middle-aged women.
Key Words
사회심리적 스트레스, 건강증진행위, Psychosocial factors, Health behavior