The Comparison of Stress Coping and Satisfaction with Clinical Practice according to the Grade of Nursing College Student 간호대학생의 학년별 임상실습 스트레스 대처 및 실습 만족도의 차이 비교
이혜숙 Hea Sook Lee , 김은주 Eun Joo Kim
14(1) 5-13, 2008
The Comparison of Stress Coping and Satisfaction with Clinical Practice according to the Grade of Nursing College Student 간호대학생의 학년별 임상실습 스트레스 대처 및 실습 만족도의 차이 비교
이혜숙 Hea Sook Lee , 김은주 Eun Joo Kim
Purpose: The study was to identify the relationship among perceived stress, coping strategies and satisfaction of clinical experience in nursing students and to examine difference of grade. Methods: A total 238 nursing students (second grade: 141 students, third grade: 97 students) from K. Womens` College were provided with sell reported questionnaires from July 26, 2006 to July. 30, 2006. Perceived stress was measured using Perceived Stress Scale. Coping was measured using Coping Responses Inventory-Adult form. Satisfaction of clinical experience was measured using Satisfaction Inventory. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, N`JOVA and Pearson`s Correlation Coefficient with SPSS 12.0 program. Result: Participants showed that a high level of perceived stress score 2]1±.47 of total 4 (2nd grad) and 267±35 of total 4 (3rd grade). Approach Coping Scales score of coping strategies was 68.19±6.06 (2nd grade), 63.38±6.69 (3rd grade) of total 96, then coping mechanism`s mean among 2nd grade nursing students was higher than 3rd grade nursing students. Satisfaction score of clinical experience in 2nd grade nursing students was 3.01 ±.32 and higher than 3rd grade (299±38). There was a negative correlation r=-.264 (p=.000) between perceived stress during clinical practice and satisfaction It was statistically significant. There was a positive correlation rz154 (p(.05) between satisfaction score of clinical experience in nursing students and approach coping scales score Conclusion: With these findings, we found that the more approach coping level, the more satisfaction of clinical practice. It is needed to developing effective teaching method and coping strategies for nursing students to improve their coping ability and prepare qualified nursing profession.
Key Words
대처, 간호학생, Coping, Nursing student
Relationship Between Health Promoting Lifestyle and General Characteristics of the Person Undergoing Health Checkups in Cancer Prevention Prevention Center 암예방 센터 건강검진자의 건강증진 생활양식
한경선 Hyun Kyung Sun , 강정미 Jung Mi Kang , 박영미 Young Mi Park
14(1) 14-23, 2008
Relationship Between Health Promoting Lifestyle and General Characteristics of the Person Undergoing Health Checkups in Cancer Prevention Prevention Center 암예방 센터 건강검진자의 건강증진 생활양식
한경선 Hyun Kyung Sun , 강정미 Jung Mi Kang , 박영미 Young Mi Park
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between health promoting lifestyle and general characteristics of the person undergoing health checkups in cancer prevention center. Method: A cross- sectional survey was used. This study has been done from February 1 to March 31, 2005 and the subjects of the study were 199 persons who had undergone health checkups in Cancer Prevention Center located in Seoul. Data were collected by using self reporting questionnaire on the health promoting lifestyle. The collected data were analyzed by using t-test, N`JOVA, and Pearson`s correlation coefficient Result: The average score of performance in the health promoting lifestyle was 16299(range of score is 60-240). There were significant differences in scores of health promoting lifestyle according of marital status, age, education and smoking. The score of health promoting lifestyle of the married group was higher than that of the single group. The score of health promoting lifestyle was higher in those aged 60-69 years than in those aged 20-29 years. As compared to college graduates the score of health promoting lifestyle was higher among those whose schooling is less than middle school and higher than a masters program. The score of health promoting lifestyle was higher among non-smokers than among those who used a cigarette in their life time There were no differences in scores of health promoting lifestyle according to sex, cancer family history, disease family history and drinking. There was positive relationship between age and health promoting lifestyle. Conclusion: Marital status, age, education and smoking affected Health Promoting Lifestyle of the person undergoing health checkups in Cancer Prevention Center.
Key Words
암예방 센터, 건강검진, 건강증진 생활양식, Cancer prevention center, Health checkups, Health promoting lifestylee
The Knowledge, Attitude on Smoking and Experience of Smoking Cessation in Male Smokers 흡연남성의 흡연지식, 태도 및 금연경험에 관한 연구
최경원 Kyung Won Choi
14(1) 24-35, 2008
The Knowledge, Attitude on Smoking and Experience of Smoking Cessation in Male Smokers 흡연남성의 흡연지식, 태도 및 금연경험에 관한 연구
최경원 Kyung Won Choi
Purpose: The study were to identify smoking kno1edge, attitude on smoking and experience of smoking cessation in male smokers Methods: The subjects were 174 male smoker in Seoul and Inchun. The data were collected using structured questionnaires from 18th of December in 2007 to 16th of March in 2008. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Pearson`s Correlation Coefficient with SPSS computer program. The tools were used with smoking knowledge, smoking attitude and experience of smoking cessation. Result: Participants showed that a high level of smoking knowledge score 48.20 (±527) of total 57. Participants showed that a high level of score 40.80 (±6.81) of total 60. There was a positive correlation between smoking attitude and smoking knowledge (rz.319 p=.000). Conclusion: These results suggested that the level of smoking kno1edge was related to the level of smoking attitude. Therefore, these finding give useful information for constructing a smoking cessation program in male smokers.
Difference of Pain Depending on the Bed Rest Period after Lumbar Puncture in Patients with Leukemia 백혈병환자의 요추천자 후 침상안정시간에 따를 두통과 요통의 차이
정영남 Young Nam Jeong , 이향련 Hyang Yeon Lee , 박영미 Young Mi Park
14(1) 36-43, 2008
Difference of Pain Depending on the Bed Rest Period after Lumbar Puncture in Patients with Leukemia 백혈병환자의 요추천자 후 침상안정시간에 따를 두통과 요통의 차이
정영남 Young Nam Jeong , 이향련 Hyang Yeon Lee , 박영미 Young Mi Park
Purpose: This study was conducted for an evidence-based nursing intervention on bed rest period after puncture, by confirming whether there was a difference in scores of headache and back pain between the 1-hour bed rest group and the 6-hour bed rest group following lumbar puncture in patients with leukemia. Method: The subjects were 45 inpatients of the department of hematology at a general hospital in Seoul, from January 1 to March 31, 2005. There were 21 patients in the 1-hour bed rest group and 24 patients in the 6-hour bed rest group. A graphic rating scale was used to measure headaches and back pains. Collected data were analyzed With SPSS 12.0. Non-parametric statistics were used to analyze the data. Results: There was no significant difference between the 1-hour bed rest group and the 6-hour bed rest group in the headache level and back pain level. Conclusion: Therefore, it is considered that a long period of bed rest over 6 hours after lumbar puncture is not a necessary nursing intervention, and repeated studies are required to confirm the result.
Key Words
유추천자, 두통, 요통, 침상안정 시간, Lumbar puncture, Headache, Back pain, Bed rest
The Effect of Self-Esteem between Leisure Activity and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly 노인의 여가활동과 생활만족도가 자아존중감에 미치는 영향
김영길 Young Gil Kim
14(1) 44-55, 2008
The Effect of Self-Esteem between Leisure Activity and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly 노인의 여가활동과 생활만족도가 자아존중감에 미치는 영향
김영길 Young Gil Kim
Purpose: This research concludes the 110 male and female elderlies who are over 60 years old in C welfare center of C city to examine the effect of self-esteem between leisure activity and life satisfaction. Method: The types of participation leisure consist of 20 questions in five different categories. To measure the value of life satisfaction, the scale of life satisfaction for the elderly which is developed by Choi (1986) is used. The self-esteem was measured by the scale developed by Rosenberg (1965) and translated by Jeon (1974). The data were analyzed by SPSS including frequency, ANOVA, Duncan, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression. Result: There was significant relationship among leisure activity and life satisfaction (ri .410, p= .000), leisure activity and self-esteem (ri .432, p= .000) and life satisfaction and self-esteem (ri .765, pz .000). Alter testing how leisure activity has effect on the self-esteem, it appears to be 17.9% and after adding life satisfaction it increases to be 59.5%. Conclusion: Synthesizing all following results, there were needed to be personal and global effort in many ways to satisfy the economical need of the elderly, and more supports on increasing participation of the elderly in leisure.
Key Words
자아존중감, 여가활동, 생활민족, 노인, Self-esteem, Leisure activity, Life satisfaction, Elderly
A Study on Health Perception, Health Knowledge, and Health Promoting Behavior in the Elderly 노인의 건강지각, 건강지식 및 건강증진행위에 관한 연구
김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim , 김현아 Heyon Ah , 석소현 O Hyune Sok
14(1) 56-67, 2008
A Study on Health Perception, Health Knowledge, and Health Promoting Behavior in the Elderly 노인의 건강지각, 건강지식 및 건강증진행위에 관한 연구
김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim , 김현아 Heyon Ah , 석소현 O Hyune Sok
Purpose: This study was a descriptive survey study to examine the degrees of the health perception, health knowledge, and health promoting behavior in the elderly, and the relationship among the above factors. Methods: Subjects were 183 persons with the age over 65 years living in Seoul. Measures were Health Perception Questionnaire (HPQ) developed by Ware (1979), the health knowledge instrument developed by Ha Gwi-Yeom (2005), and the health Promotion Lifestyle Profile (HPLP) developed by Walker, Sechrist & Pender (1987) and modified by hong Young-Ae (2003). Data were collected from March 4 to April 12, 2007. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, AMY/A, Pearsons correlation using the SPSS program. Results: The mean level of health perception was 2.71(±0.77), the mean level of health knowledge was 7.10(±1.82), and the mean level of health promoting behavior 2.72±0.86. Health promoting behavior showed a positive correlation with health perception (r=]15) and health knowledge (rz543), and a positive relation was observed between health perception and health knowledge (r=526). Conclusion: The enhancement of health perception and health knowledge are needed to improve health promoting behavior of the elderly. Also, the general characteristics of elderly should be considered to improve health promoting behavior of elderly.
Key Words
노인, 건강지각, 건강지식, 건강증진행위, Aged, Perception, Health knowledge, Behavior
Content Analysis of Wormwood Smoke(Ssukjahun) Experiences in Women 여성의 쑥좌훈 경험에 대한 내용분석
이광옥 Kwang Ok Lee , 장순복 Jang Sun Bok , 유지수 Ji Soo Yoo
14(1) 68-77, 2008
Content Analysis of Wormwood Smoke(Ssukjahun) Experiences in Women 여성의 쑥좌훈 경험에 대한 내용분석
이광옥 Kwang Ok Lee , 장순복 Jang Sun Bok , 유지수 Ji Soo Yoo
Purpose: This Study aims to explore the Wormwood smoke(Ssukjahun) experiences of women and to provide the data to develop Korean traditional nursing intervention for women Methods: A sample of 15 women aged between 20 to 60 years with Ssukjahun experiences was interviewed and content analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: Six categories and Thirty attributes were derived for Ssukjahun experiences in women. The reason of Ssukjahun is related to illness included vaginitis, insomnia, mental depression, circulation down of hand and feet, repeat abortion, dysmenorrhea, hemorrhoids, disc, rheumatism, and asthma The place of Ssukjahun was home, oriental hospital and Ssukjahun room Also method of Ssukjahun included steam methods and burn the wormwood The time-consuming of Ssukjahun was about 30 minutes The response and effect in Ssukjahun included relax, decreasing rhinitis, weight reduction, feel better, increasing circulation, sleep well, reducing constipation, insomnia, hemorrhoid, back pain, asthma, and dysmenorrhea. The negative effect of Ssukjahun included vesicle, headache, itching sense, generalache, acne, and edema. However, women who did Ssukjahun believed that is the belligerent reaction because it is gone after several times The preference of Ssukjahun than hospital treatment is related to side effect of medication, temporary method for reducing symptom. Recommends: It is recommended for nurses to understand experience of Ssukjahun in women If Ssukjahun is to be own nursing intervention, it has to find solutions to encourage positive experiences and overcome negative experiences. Aiso it recommended research for experience of men.
Antecedents of Health-Promoting Behavior Among Female University Students in Korea 여대생의 건강증진 행위에 영향을 미치는 요인
신혜숙 Hye Sook Shin , 신현숙 Hyun Sook Shin
14(1) 78-86, 2008
Antecedents of Health-Promoting Behavior Among Female University Students in Korea 여대생의 건강증진 행위에 영향을 미치는 요인
신혜숙 Hye Sook Shin , 신현숙 Hyun Sook Shin
Key Words
건강증진행위,여대생, 공변량 구조분석, Health-promotion, Korea, Female university Students
Analysis of Influencing Factors on Commitment to a Plan for Physical Exercise among Korean Adults with Chronic Disease 만성질환자의 운동이행계획 수립에 미치는 영향 요인 분석
장희정 Hee Jung Jang , 신윤희 Yun Hee Shin
14(1) 87-97, 2008
Analysis of Influencing Factors on Commitment to a Plan for Physical Exercise among Korean Adults with Chronic Disease 만성질환자의 운동이행계획 수립에 미치는 영향 요인 분석
장희정 Hee Jung Jang , 신윤희 Yun Hee Shin
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors affecting those commitment to a plan for exercise among Korean with chronic diseases by Pender`s health promotion model. Methods: The participants in this study were 315 Korean adults over 18 years of age with chronic diseases who were recruited in hospitals or public health centers in Korea The instruments used in this study were individual characteristics instrument, Rosenberg`s self-esteem scale, Ware`s perceived health status, Profile of Mood States and Pender`s commitment to a plan for exercises scale. Results: The results of analysis showed that Korean adults with chronic diseases were perceived with relatively low commitment to a plan for exercise while they were perceived with moderate self-esteem, health status, and mood. There were significant differences in the commitment to a plan for exercise according to education level and economic level. The positive relationship between self esteem, perceived health status, and commitment to a plan for exercise were significantly correlated The experience for exercise was the most influential variable on commitment to a plan for exercise accounting for 401% among Korean with chronic diseases. Conclusion: For planning a targeted strategy to increase regular exercise among Korean adults with chronic diseases, nurses have to assess the prior experience of exercise of them. These nursing activities lead to improve their quality of life and encourage to control their symptoms.
Key Words
만성질환자, 운동, 건강증진모델, Chronic disease, Exercise, Health promotion