Effects of Auriculotherapy on Sleep Disorders in the Elderly 수면장애 노인에 대한 귀자극요법의 적용효과
이재온 Jae On Lee , 권영숙 Young Sook Kwon
15(1) 1-8, 2009
Effects of Auriculotherapy on Sleep Disorders in the Elderly 수면장애 노인에 대한 귀자극요법의 적용효과
이재온 Jae On Lee , 권영숙 Young Sook Kwon
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of auriculotherapy on sleep disorders in the elderly. Methods: The study was a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group pre-post post-test. The participants were 43 elderly, members of community senior centers, experimental group were 23 elderly, and control group were 20 elder-ly. For the experimental group, small seeds (semen vaccaria) were applied to five locations of both auricular skin surfaces: shen men, heart, anterior lobe, occiput, and spleen of posterior surface. The seeds were applied every week, and remained in surfaces for 5 days. The procedure were repeated 4 times. The control group was not treated. The collected data were statistically processed using SPSS 12.0 version and the data was analyzed for descriptive statistics and t-test. Results: The experimental group had a greater improvement in sleep scale score (t=-4.717, p<.00l) and sleep satisfaction score (t=-6.095, p<.00l) as compared to the control group. Conclusions: Auriculotherapy by small seeds (semen vaccaria) is effective in allaying sleep disorders in the elderly. The results may be useful to community health nurses.
Effects of an Aquatic Exercise Program on Physical Fitness, Body Composition and Quality of Life in Elderly Women 수증운동 프로그램이 노인의 체력, 신체구성 및 삶의 질에 미치는 효과
고미자 Mi Ja Ko , 임은숙 Eun Suk 1m , 한유정 Yu Jeong Han , 강관순 Gwanq Soorr Kang
15(1) 9-17, 2009
Effects of an Aquatic Exercise Program on Physical Fitness, Body Composition and Quality of Life in Elderly Women 수증운동 프로그램이 노인의 체력, 신체구성 및 삶의 질에 미치는 효과
고미자 Mi Ja Ko , 임은숙 Eun Suk 1m , 한유정 Yu Jeong Han , 강관순 Gwanq Soorr Kang
The study examined the effects of an aquatic exercise program on physical fitness, body composition and quality of life in 25 elderly women. Methods: Subjects participated in an 8-week aquatic exercise program. Sessions ran three times weekly for 60 min. The 60 min consisted of a l0-min warm-up, 40-min exercise and l0-min cool-down. Change of physic-cal fitness, body composition and quality of life were measured and statistically analyzed before and after the aquatic exercise program. Results: Flexibility was significantly increased (p=.000), body fat rate was significantly decreased (p=.04l), body mass index was significantly decreased (p=.003), and abdominal fat rate was significantly decreased (p=.025). Conclu-sions: Aquatic exercise has health benefits for elderly women.
Key Words
운동, 체력, 신체구성, 삶의 질, Exercise, Body composition, Physical fitness, Quality of life
Relationship between Nursing Task Overload and Aseptic Technique Performance in Clinical Nursing Skills 임상 간호사의 역할과 부담과 기본간호 술 수행 시의 무균술 이행의 관계
이선옥 Sun Ok Lee , 박경연 Kyung Yeon Park
15(1) 18-25, 2009
Relationship between Nursing Task Overload and Aseptic Technique Performance in Clinical Nursing Skills 임상 간호사의 역할과 부담과 기본간호 술 수행 시의 무균술 이행의 관계
이선옥 Sun Ok Lee , 박경연 Kyung Yeon Park
The study was investigated to identify the relationship between nursing workload and aseptic technique perfor-mance by clinical nurses, and to decrease the incidence rate of nosocomial infection. Methods: Participants (N=283) were recruited in B city from April to June 2007. The data were collected by a structured questionnaire and analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson`s correlation coefficient. Results: Nursing workload was rated 9.85 out of a total score of 15. The level of aseptic technique performance as the basis for insertion of a Foley catheter was 42.72 out of a total score of 50, and as basis for insertion of intravenous catheter for fluid therapy was 40.11 out of a total score of 55. There was not a significant relationship between aseptic technique performance and nursing workload. There was a significant positive relationship between the aseptic technique performance in insertion of Foley catheter and that of intra-venous catheter for fluid therapy (r=.279, p<.00l). Conclusions: Attention to asepsis by nurses is crucial in nosocomial infection-related clinical nursing skills.
Effect of Nei-Guan Acupressure on Nausea . Vomiting and Anorexia in Gynecological Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy 내관지압이 항암요법을 받는 부인암환자의 오심, 구토와 식욕부진에 미치는 효과
신혜숙 Hye Sook Shin , 이상복 Sang Bok Lee , 류경희 Kyung Hee Ryu
15(1) 26-33, 2009
Effect of Nei-Guan Acupressure on Nausea . Vomiting and Anorexia in Gynecological Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy 내관지압이 항암요법을 받는 부인암환자의 오심, 구토와 식욕부진에 미치는 효과
신혜숙 Hye Sook Shin , 이상복 Sang Bok Lee , 류경희 Kyung Hee Ryu
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Nei-Guan acupressure on nausea, vomiting, and anorexia in gynecological cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, Methods: Subjects consisted of 40 patients with cancer who were hos-pitalized and had chemotherapy at a general hospital located in Gyeonggi province, Korea. Control subjects (n=20) received only chemotherapy and intervention subjects (n=20) received Nei-Guan acupressure during their chemotherapy. The data were collected from February to October in 2008. Nausea and vomiting were measured with the Rhode`s Index of Nausea, Vomiting, and Retching, and anorexia was measured using a Visual Analog Scale. Data were analyzed by X2-test, t-test, repeated measures ANOVA. Results: Severity of nausea and vomiting in the intervention group was significantly less than in the control group. Repeated measure ANOVA revealed significant group effect (F=28.09, p=.000), time effect (F=.321.48, p=.000), and interaction effect (F=7.90, p=.000). Severity of anorexia in the intervention group was significantly less than in the control group. Repeated measure ANOVA revealed significant group effect (F=28.68, p=.000), time effect (F=52.32, p=.000), and interaction effect (F=6.35, p=.000). Conclusions: Acupressure can be applied as a supportive nursing inter-vention to relieve nausea, vomiting, and anorexia in patients receiving chemotherapy.
Interests on Oriental Nursing by Perception, Practice, and Attitude of Oriental Medicine of Nurses Working in One Region (Survey) 일개지역 근무 간호사의 한방의학에 다한 인식, 경험 및 태도별 한방간호 관심도에 관한 조사 연구
차남현 Nam Hyun Cha , 왕명자 Myoung Ja Wang
15(1) 34-42, 2009
Interests on Oriental Nursing by Perception, Practice, and Attitude of Oriental Medicine of Nurses Working in One Region (Survey) 일개지역 근무 간호사의 한방의학에 다한 인식, 경험 및 태도별 한방간호 관심도에 관한 조사 연구
차남현 Nam Hyun Cha , 왕명자 Myoung Ja Wang
This study investigated the perception, practice and attitude of nurses towards oriental nursing. Methods: Nurs-es (N=162) from a localized region were surveyed during June, 2008. Collected data was statistically analyzed using t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Sheffe test. Results: The perception of surveyed nurses to the following aspects of oriental nursing varied significantly: "chances to hear of oriental nursing", "treatment function of oriental medicine", "necessity of clinical application", "treatment method", and "educational demand on oriental nursing". Nurses` interest in the follow-ing aspects of oriental nursing was significantly different: "experiences undertaken in the treatment of oriental medicine", "treatment result", and "clinical result from the patients who were under the oriental medicine treatments". Nurses` atti-tude toward oriental nursing varied significantly in response to the following: "recommendation by other nurses or neigh-bors" and "experiences being questioned by patients on oriental nursing question". Conclusions: Support for oriental nursing and systematic education for nurses would be beneficial in light of a changing medical environment.
Key Words
한방간호 관심도, 인식, 태도 경험, Perception, Attitude, Oriental medicine
A Bibliographic Study about Comparison of Eastern-Western Medicine on Sleep Disturbances and Trend Analysis of Korean Nursing Research 수면장애에 관한 동서의학적 고찰 및 국내 간호연구 분석
전상희 Sang Hee Chun , 장정미 Chong Mi Chang
15(1) 43-53, 2009
A Bibliographic Study about Comparison of Eastern-Western Medicine on Sleep Disturbances and Trend Analysis of Korean Nursing Research 수면장애에 관한 동서의학적 고찰 및 국내 간호연구 분석
전상희 Sang Hee Chun , 장정미 Chong Mi Chang
This study is to summarize of Western-Eastern books and articles on sleep disturbances and to analyze the trends of nursing research in Korea. Methods: The Western-Eastern books and articles on sleep disturbances were comprehensively reviewed. The 70 articles published from 1981-2008 of Korean nursing research about sleep disturbances were reviewed using a structured form, Results: In Oriental medicine, the main cause of sleep disorder is unbalance of Yin and Yang, the treatments are herb therapy, acupuncture, moxibustion, psychotherapy, sleep hygiene, etc. In Western medicine, the Interna-tional Classification of Sleep disorder is dyssomnia, parasomnia, mental/neurologic or other medical disorders, proposed sleep disorder and the treatments are pharmacotherapy, cure treatment of sleep hygiene, cause, behavior and perception. The number of nursing research and experimental study about sleep disorder in Korea is increasing. The most common subjects were hospitalized patients and the elderly, Of the 34 experimental studies, foot reflexology was the most commonly used as a nursing intervention. Conclusions: Nurses should concern more on patients` or clients` sleep disturbances to increase their quality of life. This literature study is useful for the access to effective nursing intervention for sleep disturbances.
Key Words
수면장애, 불면증, 기면증, 논문분석, Sleep disturbances, Insomnia, Narcolepsy, Research analysis
The Effects of Relaxation Therapy on Pain and Anxiety in Spinal Anesthesia Surgery Patients 척추마취 수술환자의 불안감소를 위한 이완요법 적용 효과
문현숙 Hyeun Sook Moon , 이향련 Hyang Yeon Lee , 이지아 Ji A Lee
15(1) 54-62, 2009
The Effects of Relaxation Therapy on Pain and Anxiety in Spinal Anesthesia Surgery Patients 척추마취 수술환자의 불안감소를 위한 이완요법 적용 효과
문현숙 Hyeun Sook Moon , 이향련 Hyang Yeon Lee , 이지아 Ji A Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of relaxation therapy to reduce anxiety level among spinal anes-thesia surgery patients. Methods: The study employed a quasi-experimental pre-and-posttest design with nonequivalent control group. The experimental group was provided with the 15-min muscle relaxation therapy on the day before the surgery and an hour before the spinal anesthesia. Data were collected from 44 patients (22 in experimental and 22 in con-trol group) who were planned to have spinal anesthesia surgery from an orthopedic surgery department at a general hos-pital in Seoul from January 13 to March 21, 2006. Results: The experimental group reported lower level of state anxiety after the surgery (23.18 vs. 33.64) than did control group but was not statistically significant. There were no significant differences in blood pressure or pulse rate between experimental and control groups after surgery. Conclusions: The fur-ther research should be conducted to polish the muscle relaxation therapy for various types of patients and to create more comfortable environment setting for application of the therapy. The muscle relaxation therapy may be a convenient and useful nursing intervention to reduce anxiety among spinal anesthesia surgery patients if more studies prove its effective-ness.
Key Words
이완요법, 척추마취, 수술, 통증, 불안, Relaxation therapy, Spinal anesthesia, Surgery