The purpose of this study was to evaluate hospital service utilization by the types of hospitals in Type I Medicaid claims frequently cited by elderly beneficiaries. Methods: Three frequently claimed inpatient diseases were selected: cere-bral infarction, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Relevant data were collected for the year 2008 from the computer da-tabase of the National Health Insurance Corporation. The data was analyzed using SPSS by descriptive statistics, ANOVA and coefficient of variation. Results: The coefficient of variance of hospitalization per episode was higher than daily hos-pital expenditure among hospitals for all three diseases. The coefficient of variance of hospitalization per episode was high-est for cerebral infarction. The coefficient of variation of hospital expenditure per hospital day was highest for hyperten-sion. Conclusions: Evaluating of the volume and pattern of hospital service utilization and the appropriateness for hospi-tal admission for Type-I Medicaid elderly beneficiaries is important for Medicaid-based case management.
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Health Behavior of Taxi-drivers 택시운전기사의 건강행위에 영향을 미치는 요인분석
고자경 Ja Kyung Ko
15(2) 71-81, 2009
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Health Behavior of Taxi-drivers 택시운전기사의 건강행위에 영향을 미치는 요인분석
고자경 Ja Kyung Ko
This study was conducted to find out interrelation of health behavior and related variables to provide basic data for an effective health promotion for the taxi-drivers. Methods: 293 male taxi-drivers from 2 cities in Korea participated in this study. The data were collected using questionnaires from April 17th to Jun 3rd, 2006, and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression. Results: There were statistically significant differ-ences according to monthly income, past illness or surgery, current disease or medication, frequency of fright on daily driv-ing (FFDD), driving fatigue, working style, social support in health status; current disease or medication, FFDD, driving fatigue, duty shift, social support in health perception; body mass index (BMI), FFDD, driving fatigue, intention of changing job, social support in health behavior. Social support, health status, health perception, and health behavior were significantly correlated with one another. The multiple regression analysis showed that health perception (17.8%), BMI (6.8%), inten-tion of changing job (5.7%), and driving fatigue (4.2%) explained the 34.5% variance of health behavior. And the 22.6% of variance of health perception was explained by social support (12.2%), health status (6.9%), and duty shift (3.2%). Conclusions: To promote the taxi-drivers` health, nursing intervention strategies unique for them should consider health behavior and affecting factors.
Key Words
건강상태, 건강지각, 건강행위, 사회적 지지, 택시운전기사, Health status, Health perception, Health behavior, Social support, Taxi-driver
Preoperative Anxiety and Postoperative Pain Related to Donation Spontaneity in Living Donors Undergoing Liver Transplantation 간 공여자의 자발성 여부에 따른 수술 전 불안과 수술 후 통증 비교 연구
배성심 Seng Sim Bea , 이향련 Hyang Yeon Lee , 이국현 Kook Hyun Lee
15(2) 82-90, 2009
Preoperative Anxiety and Postoperative Pain Related to Donation Spontaneity in Living Donors Undergoing Liver Transplantation 간 공여자의 자발성 여부에 따른 수술 전 불안과 수술 후 통증 비교 연구
배성심 Seng Sim Bea , 이향련 Hyang Yeon Lee , 이국현 Kook Hyun Lee
The purpose of this study was to compare the degree of preoperative anxiety and postoperative pain among vol-unteer and non-volunteer donors in living liver transplantation. Methods: The 32 volunteer and 32 non-volunteer donors were recruited from a university hospital after obtaining research approval. The data were analyzed by X2, t, ANDVA tests and Pearson`s correlation coefficients using SPSS 12.0 program. Results: There were no significant differences in pre-opera-tive anxiety between the two groups. However, the non-volunteer donors had significantly more severe pain for 3 post-operative days, measured by visual analogue scale (VAS) and non-verbal pain behavior scale (non-VPBS), compared to that of the volunteer donors. There was a significant correlation between preoperative state anxiety and postoperative non-VPBS score. Conclusions: These results showed that liver donors who belonged to the non-volunteer group needed much more active postoperative pain management and psychological support than the volunteer group.
Key Words
간 공여자, 불안, 통증, Liver donor, Anxiety, Pain
A Study of Nurses` Job Satisfaction 간호사의 직무만족 관련 요인
이향련 Lee Hyanq Nyeon , 이소영 Lee So Young , 이미애 Lee Mi Aie
15(2) 91-101, 2009
A Study of Nurses` Job Satisfaction 간호사의 직무만족 관련 요인
이향련 Lee Hyanq Nyeon , 이소영 Lee So Young , 이미애 Lee Mi Aie
This study was perlormed to measure nurses` perception of job stress and job satisfaction, and to clarify the factors influential to their job satisfaction. Methods: Participants were 169 nurses working at a general hospital. Data were collect?ed with self-administrated questionnaires and analyzed by SPSSIPC WIN 15.0. Results: Subjects perceived that job stress was higher than ``middle (3)``, job satisfaction was lower than ``middle (3)``, and job-related stress detrimental to job satisfaction. Influential factors for job satisfaction in a 2008 survey were duty-related stress, working conditions, and knowledge/skill?related stress. Duty-related stress and working conditions were cited as influential in a 2009 survey. The explained power for job satisfaction job was 32.5% in 2008 and 21.1 % in 2009. Conclusions: Higher job-related stress detracts from job satisfaction. Hospital/nursing managers need to develop strategies that could improve the personal relationship between nurses and doctors, and provide administrative support to nurses. Provision of a financial personnel management plan could alleviate future nursing shortage triggered by job dissatisfaction.
In-home Use of Complementary Alternative Medicine by Stroke Patients 재가 뇌졸중환자의 보완 대체요법 이용실태
강현숙 Hyun Sook Kang , 김원옥 Won Ock Kim , 김정화 Jeong Hwa Kim , 왕명자 Myung Ja Wang , 현경선 Kyung Sun Hyung
15(2) 102-109, 2009
In-home Use of Complementary Alternative Medicine by Stroke Patients 재가 뇌졸중환자의 보완 대체요법 이용실태
강현숙 Hyun Sook Kang , 김원옥 Won Ock Kim , 김정화 Jeong Hwa Kim , 왕명자 Myung Ja Wang , 현경선 Kyung Sun Hyung
The study was conducted to ascertain the use of the complementary alternative medicine (CAM) in stroke patients, in order to provide the appropriate CAM information to patients recovering from stoke. Methods: Subjects were 201 stroke patients who were randomly selected from a health care center and a welfare center. Data from a self-administered ques-tionnaire collected from February to Apri1 2009 was analyzed using SPSSIWIN 12.0. Results: Subjects averaged 67.4-yr-of -age. Of the 201 subjects, 69.2% had used CAM. CAM use was statistically significant in diagnosis, duration of post stroke, paralysis, and education about CAM. CAM was used in the mid-portion of treatment by 47.3% of the subjects, and 41.7% used it for more than a year. Of those using CAM, 52.7% of the subjects responded that their reason was the belief in the treatment`s beneficial effects. Of the subjects 89.2% reported most frequent use of oriental medicine. Conclusions: The majority of stroke patients surveyed frequently and continuously used CAM in their mid-period of treatment expecting positive effects.
Key Words
재가 뇌졸중 환자, 보완대체요법, Stroke, Patients, Altemative medicine
Effects of Meridian Massage on Facial Paralysis, Pain, and Anxiety in Bell`s Palsy Patients 경락마사지가 안면신경마비환자의 안면마비회복도, 통증 및 불안에 미치는 효과
이정순 Jeong Soon Lee , 서남숙 Nam Sook Seo , 한미숙 Mi Sook Han
15(2) 110-118, 2009
Effects of Meridian Massage on Facial Paralysis, Pain, and Anxiety in Bell`s Palsy Patients 경락마사지가 안면신경마비환자의 안면마비회복도, 통증 및 불안에 미치는 효과
이정순 Jeong Soon Lee , 서남숙 Nam Sook Seo , 한미숙 Mi Sook Han
This study identifies the effects of meridian massage on relieving facial paralysis, pain, and anxiety in Bell`s palsy patients. Methods: A nonequivalent control group pre-test/post-test design was used for the study. The subjects were 51 Bell`s palsy patients (experimental group=26, control group=25) of D University`s oriental medicine hospital. The experi-mental group received a meridian massage for 20 min three times a week for two weeks. The data were analyzed with the following methods by using the SPSSIWIN 12.0 program: x2-test, Fisher`s exact test, and t-test. Results: The facial paralysis scores of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group. The pain and anxiety scores of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group. Conclusions: The results suggest that meridian massage (applied by nurses) has beneficial effects on facial paralysis, pain, and anxiety in patients suffering from Bell`s palsy. Thus, meridian massage is recommended as an alternative nursing intervention program for patients with Bell`s palsy.
Role of Self-Efficacy in the Relationship Between the Happiness and Loneliness of Hospice Volunteers 호스피스 자원봉사자의 행복과 고독감과의 관계에서 자기효능감의 조절효과
장숙희 Sook Hee Jang , 박재경 Jae Kyoung Park
15(2) 119-126, 2009
Role of Self-Efficacy in the Relationship Between the Happiness and Loneliness of Hospice Volunteers 호스피스 자원봉사자의 행복과 고독감과의 관계에서 자기효능감의 조절효과
장숙희 Sook Hee Jang , 박재경 Jae Kyoung Park
This study investigates the controlling effect of self-efficacy in the relationship between the happiness and lonely-ness of hospice volunteers. Methods: The subjects of this study were 120 hospice volunteers in G City. This study uses the happiness scale that Lee and Yu developed, the loneliness scale that Russell revised and Park translated, and Bandura`s self-efficacy scale. The collected data were analyzed with frequency, ANOVA, and hierarchal regression by using SPSS 12.0. Results: The happiness scale of the subjects, based on general traits, was significant in occupation and image. The loneliness scale was significant in monthly income. The self-efficacy of the subjects was significant in monthly income, occupation, and hobby. The happiness of the volunteers affected loneliness. With respect to the relationship between the happiness and loneliness of the volunteers, self-efficacy did not have controlling influences. Conclusions: The results sug-gest that happiness can affect loneliness without the controlling influence of self-efficacy. As such, it would be beneficial to develop programs that can improve the happiness of hospice volunteers.
Relationship Between Parenting Stress, Depression, and Yangsaeng in Mothers with Cerebral Palsy Children 뇌성마비아 어머니의 양육 스트레스, 우울 및 양생과의 관계
문진하 Jin Ha Moon
15(2) 127-134, 2009
Relationship Between Parenting Stress, Depression, and Yangsaeng in Mothers with Cerebral Palsy Children 뇌성마비아 어머니의 양육 스트레스, 우울 및 양생과의 관계
문진하 Jin Ha Moon
This study examines parenting stress, depression, and Yangsaeng in mothers with cerebral palsy children, provid-ing information that may be helpful in the development of a health intervention program that may improve the lives of the mothers. Methods: The subjects of this study were 124 mothers with cerebral palsy children; the subjects were selected by convenience sampling. The collected data were processed by using the SPSS program and analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Pearson`s correlation. Results: Parenting stress in mothers with cerebral palsy children was 91.84±20.75, depress-sion was 20.54 ± 11.30, and Yangsaeng was 92.77±15.79 There was a positive relationship between parenting stress and depression. Parenting stress and depression were negatively related with Yangsaeng. Conclusions: The results suggest that Yangsaeng as an oriental health care regimen can lower the level of parenting stress and depression. In this regard, to pro-mote a healthier life for mothers with cerebral palsy children, it would be beneficial to develop a nursing intervention pro-gram that incorporates the use of Yangsaeng.
A Comparison of Three Constitution Types of Korean Hand Therapy (Seogeum Therapy) for Migraine Care 편두통환자와 건강인의 삼일체형 분류 비교
김영혜 Younq Hae Kim , 이내용 Nae Young Lee , 강연황 Youn Whang Kang
15(2) 135-140, 2009
A Comparison of Three Constitution Types of Korean Hand Therapy (Seogeum Therapy) for Migraine Care 편두통환자와 건강인의 삼일체형 분류 비교
김영혜 Younq Hae Kim , 이내용 Nae Young Lee , 강연황 Youn Whang Kang
This study examines the relationship between the occurrence of migraine headaches and three constitution types of Korean Hand Therapy (Seogeum Therapy). Methods: A total of 684 subjects comprised the study data: 500 healthy indi-viduals and 184 migraine sufferers. The data were analyzed according to three constitution types of Seogeum Therapy. The subjects were classified according to their constitution types and body sides. Results: There were significant differences be-tween the three types. Among the healthy group, the Yang Type and Shin Type Constitutions were more predominant than the Eum Type; the Yang and Shin Types were also more predominant than Eum Type with respect to both sides of the body. Among the migraine sufferers, the Eum Type Constitution was more predominant than the Eum Type; the Eum Type was also more predominant than the other types with respect to both sides of the body. Conclusions: These results suggest that the Eum Type Constitution might be associated with migraine headaches.
Smoking Cessation Clinics: Expectancy and Cognition 일 지역 흡연자들의 금연클리닉에 인식 및 기대정도
민순 Soon Min , 김혜숙 Hye Sook Kim , 김경미 Kyoung Mi Kim , 하윤주 Yun Ju Ha , 김은아 Eun A Kim
15(2) 141-149, 2009
Smoking Cessation Clinics: Expectancy and Cognition 일 지역 흡연자들의 금연클리닉에 인식 및 기대정도
민순 Soon Min , 김혜숙 Hye Sook Kim , 김경미 Kyoung Mi Kim , 하윤주 Yun Ju Ha , 김은아 Eun A Kim
This study investigates the level of expectancy, cognition, and work condition among smokers with respect to the smoking cessation clinics. Methods: The study participants included over 503 smokers aged 30 yr and in five districts of G city. The researcher and assistants personally visited homes and workplaces of the participants between November 20 and November 30, 2008 for the survey. Results: The subjects learned to smoke from their friends and started smoking when they were 15 out of curiosity. They smoked more than one cigarette every day. With respect to cognition, 67.5% of the subjects had no intention to utilize smoking cessation clinics, and 71.7% were unaware of their benefits. Those with a high level of cognition regarding smoking cessation clinics were generally in their 60s, married, residents in the Southern and Western Districts, service or technical workers, and hikers. The expectancy for the clinic was high among those who were married, Catholics, and golfers. Conclusions: The results suggest that smoking cessation may be achieved by increase-ing the level of cognition and expectancy among smokers. In this regard, providing information and implementing positive publicity campaigns targeting families, places of worship, and workplaces may be beneficial.