Relationships between the Level of Awareness of Dental Hygiene and Practice of Dental Hygiene in Pregnant Women 임부의 구강위생 실천도에 미치는 영향요인
성미혜 Mi Hae Sung , 하명진 Mung Jin Ha
18(2) 53-58, 2012
Relationships between the Level of Awareness of Dental Hygiene and Practice of Dental Hygiene in Pregnant Women 임부의 구강위생 실천도에 미치는 영향요인
성미혜 Mi Hae Sung , 하명진 Mung Jin Ha
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships between the level of awareness of dental hygiene and practice of dental hygiene in pregnant women. Methods: This study was conducted through a survey on 170 pregnant women who visited obstetric clinics in five the general hospitals in B city and K city. The data were collected by self-reporting questionnaires and analysed by the SPSS WIN 17.0 program using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. Results: The mean score of awareness of dental hygiene was 97.4. The mean score of practice of dental hygiene was 122.8. Education levels have a significant effect on practice of dantal hygiene. A significant positive correlation between awareness of dental hygiene and practice of dental hygiene was found. Conclusion: It is suggestive that effective educational programs are in need to increase the level of practice of dental hygiene and level of awareness of dental hygiene.
Key Words
구강위생, 임부, 인지, 실천, Dental hygiene, Pregnant women, Awareness, Practice
Effects of Kangaroo Care on Physiological Marker of Preterm Infant in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 캥거루식 접촉이 신생아 집중치료실 미숙아의 생리적 지수에 미치는 효과
이상복 Sang Bok Lee , 신혜숙 Hye Sook Shin
18(2) 59-65, 2012
Effects of Kangaroo Care on Physiological Marker of Preterm Infant in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 캥거루식 접촉이 신생아 집중치료실 미숙아의 생리적 지수에 미치는 효과
이상복 Sang Bok Lee , 신혜숙 Hye Sook Shin
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Kangaroo Care (KC) on physiological marker of preterm infant in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Methods: The research design was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest. Data were collected from July 1, 2007 to February 29, 2008. The participants were 26 people of experimental group and 27 people of control group. KC was applied three times per day, for a total ten times of 4 days to the experimental group. Results: There was significant difference between experimental and control groups on the skin temperature on of preterm infants. The skin temperature in the intervention group was significantly higher than in the control group. Conclusion: Kangaroo care can be applied as a supportive nursing intervention to preterm infant at neonatal intensive care unit.
The Effect of Aroma Inhalation Therapy on Fatigue and Sleep in Nurse Shift Workers 아로마 흡입법이 교대 근무 간호사의 피로와 수면에 미치는 효과
박시현 Si Hyun Park , 박경숙 Kyung Sook Park , 고예정 Ye Jung Ko , 이보영 Bo Young Lee , 양희순 Hee Soon Yang , 박현정 Hyun Jung Park , 우영화 Young Hwa Woo , 이재연 Jae Yeon Lee , 박다혜 Da Hye Park
18(2) 66-73, 2012
The Effect of Aroma Inhalation Therapy on Fatigue and Sleep in Nurse Shift Workers 아로마 흡입법이 교대 근무 간호사의 피로와 수면에 미치는 효과
박시현 Si Hyun Park , 박경숙 Kyung Sook Park , 고예정 Ye Jung Ko , 이보영 Bo Young Lee , 양희순 Hee Soon Yang , 박현정 Hyun Jung Park , 우영화 Young Hwa Woo , 이재연 Jae Yeon Lee , 박다혜 Da Hye Park
Purpose: This study examines the effect of aroma inhalation therapy with lavender and rosewood essential oils for alleviating fatigue and enhancing quality of sleep in nurse shift workers. Methods: The data were collected from November 9th to 27th in 2009 at four hospitals located in Seoul. Total 60 nurses who started their night-shift works were chosen for the study and allocated to either experimental group or control group. The experimental group had had aroma inhalation therapy with lavender and rosewood for 2 weeks and was compared the level of fatigue and quality of sleep with those of the control group. Results: Significant differences were shown between the experimental group and the control group. After 2 weeks, the nurses in experimental group reported significantly lower level of fatigue and higher quality of sleep compared to the nurses in control group. Conclusion: Therefore, aroma inhalation therapy by using lavender and rosewood essential oils can be an effective intervention for relieving the level of fatigue and enhancing quality of sleepf for nurse shift workers.
Key Words
아로마요법, 피로, 수면, Aromatherapy, Fatigue, Sleep
Effects of Lavender Fragrance Inhalation Method on Sleep, Depression and Stress of Institutionalized Elderly 라벤더 흡입이 시설노인의 수면, 우울 및 스트레스에 미치는 효과
고예정 Ye Jung Ko
18(2) 74-80, 2012
Effects of Lavender Fragrance Inhalation Method on Sleep, Depression and Stress of Institutionalized Elderly 라벤더 흡입이 시설노인의 수면, 우울 및 스트레스에 미치는 효과
고예정 Ye Jung Ko
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of Lavender inhalation on sleep, depression and stress of institutionalized elderly. Methods: The methods used in the study follows a non-equivalent pre- and post-test design. 39 institutionalized elderly were recruited using a convenient sampling method that assigned them to the experimental or the control group. The experimental group were then provided with essential Lavender oil, as part of the aroma inhalation intervention, to inhale before sleeping for 7 days. The collected data were analysed with SPSS 18.0 (windows program), using frequency percentage (%), a Chi-square test and an independent t-test. Results: The results were that the experimental group had significantly higher sleep status scores(t=5.195, p=.000), and lower depression scores (t=-5.479, p=.000), physical stress scores (t=-5.741, p=.000) and psychological stress scores (t=-4.233, p=.000) than those in the control group. Conclusion: This study suggests that aroma inhalation, as part of aroma therapy, be applied and comprehensively adopted as a method of nursing intervention for improvement of sleep, depression and stress for institutionalized elderly.
Job Satisfaction and Influential Factors of Clinical Nurses 간호사의 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 요인
김미희 Mi Hee Kim , 정미영 Mi Young Jeong
18(2) 81-87, 2012
Job Satisfaction and Influential Factors of Clinical Nurses 간호사의 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 요인
김미희 Mi Hee Kim , 정미영 Mi Young Jeong
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to study the job satisfaction and influential factors of clinical nurses. Methods: Data were collected using questionaires from 323 nurses who were working at hospitals located in M city. For data analysis, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan test, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression were used. Results: The means of self-esteem, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction were 3.01, 3.23, and 3.04, respectively. There were statistically significant correlations among self-esteem, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Significant predictors of job satisfaction were organizational commitment and education opportunity. These two factors accounted for 50.9% of variance in job satisfaction of the nurses. Organizational commitment was the most influential variable. Conclusion: In rapidly changing environments, hospital system has been transformed into a highly complex and specialized structure. To manage human resources and reduce turnover rates, it is necessary to develop a strategy for nurses to improve the levels of self-esteem, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction.
Mediating Effect of Satisfaction in Major on the Relationship between Nursing Students` Self-Efficacy and Nurse`s Image 간호대학생의 자기효능감과 간호사이미지의 관계에서 전공만족도의 매개효과
노지영 Ji Yeong No , 박수진 Su Jin Park , 배두이 Do Yi Bae
18(2) 88-94, 2012
Mediating Effect of Satisfaction in Major on the Relationship between Nursing Students` Self-Efficacy and Nurse`s Image 간호대학생의 자기효능감과 간호사이미지의 관계에서 전공만족도의 매개효과
노지영 Ji Yeong No , 박수진 Su Jin Park , 배두이 Do Yi Bae
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine self-efficacy, satisfaction in major, nurse`s image of nursing students, and mediating effect of satisfaction in major on the relationship between self-efficacy and nurse`s image. Methods: Data were collected from 4th to the 7th of October in 2011, from 277 nursing students in Gyeongnam area using questionnaire, t-test, ANOVA, and correlation efficient were used for data analysis. Results: There were statistically positive relationships between self-efficacy, satisfaction in major, and nurse`s image of nursing students. Satisfaction in major was found to completely mediate the relationship between self-efficacy and nurse`s image. Conclusion: Self-efficacy exerted an influence on nurse`s image through the mediating effect of satisfaction in major.
Development of a Computerized Telephone Triage and Consultation System for Patients Discharged with Ophthalmic Disease 눈질환자의 퇴원 후 증상관리를 위한 전화상담 전산 Triage 시스템 개발
이현정 Hyun Jung Lee
18(2) 95-103, 2012
Development of a Computerized Telephone Triage and Consultation System for Patients Discharged with Ophthalmic Disease 눈질환자의 퇴원 후 증상관리를 위한 전화상담 전산 Triage 시스템 개발
이현정 Hyun Jung Lee
Purpose: This methodological study was done to develop a computerized telephone triage and consultation system for patients discharged with ophthalmic disease in order to provide more efficient practice guidelines for nurses, and evaluate the usability of the system. Methods: Development of the system consisted of six phases: strategic planning, analysis, design, implementation, evaluation, modification, and maintenance. Results: In the strategic planning phase, ophthalmic problems and nursing interventions of triage algorithms and practice guidelines were cross-mapped with the Omaha system. In the analysis phase, users requirements were identified. Then infrastructure including database, nursing knowledge base, and user interface were designed in the implementation phase. Usability and satisfaction of the system presented as very positive. Telephone consultation took about 2 minutes less than time in the previous system. The system was modified based on users` comments during the evaluation phase. Conclusion: This study was the first attempt in Korea to develop computerized triage system to prompt the quality of telephone consultation. It is suggestive that the computerized triage system may improve the quality of nursing.
Key Words
전화상담, triage, 알고리즘, 실무지침, 간호과정, Telenursing, Triage, Algorithms, Practice guideline, Nursing process
A Study on the Relationship between Health Promotion Behavior and Aggression among Teenagers 일 지역 10대 청소년의 건강증진행위와 공격성의 관계에 대한 연구
최희정 Hee Jung Choi , 유장학 Jang Hak Yoo
18(2) 104-110, 2012
A Study on the Relationship between Health Promotion Behavior and Aggression among Teenagers 일 지역 10대 청소년의 건강증진행위와 공격성의 관계에 대한 연구
최희정 Hee Jung Choi , 유장학 Jang Hak Yoo
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between health promotion behavior and aggression among teenagers. Methods: This was a descriptive study. The survey participants were 502 teenagers. Data was collected from September 7 to October 5, 2009. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis, independent-samples t-test, ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression. Results: The average age of participants was 14.4. Fourty eight percent of participants were male, 67.3% were middle-class house, 23.1% were above overweight, 6.3% were daily smoker, 43.5% were occasional drinker. Age was found to have a statistically negative correlation with health promotion behavior, while having positive correlation with aggression. There were significant differences in teenagers` health promotion behavior and aggression according to their smoking and drinking experiences. Personal regression was identified as the most powerful predictor of teenager`s aggression. Personal relationship, nutrition accounted for 15.7% of the variance. Conclusion: It is necessary to consider a program related to teenager`s health promotion for reduction of their aggression level.
Key Words
건강증진, 공격성, 10대 청소년, Health promotion, Aggression, Teenagers
The Effects of Neurofeedback Training on Brain Function Quotient of Elderly with Long-term Care Insurance Service 뉴로피드백 훈련이 장기요양시설노인의 뇌기능지수에 미치는 효과
윤미경 Mee Kyung Youn , 현경선 Kyung Sun Hyun , 박병운 Pyung Woon Park , 이광심 Kuang Shim Lee , 정동례 Dong Lye Jeong , 이정은 Jung Eun6 Lee
18(2) 111-119, 2012
The Effects of Neurofeedback Training on Brain Function Quotient of Elderly with Long-term Care Insurance Service 뉴로피드백 훈련이 장기요양시설노인의 뇌기능지수에 미치는 효과
윤미경 Mee Kyung Youn , 현경선 Kyung Sun Hyun , 박병운 Pyung Woon Park , 이광심 Kuang Shim Lee , 정동례 Dong Lye Jeong , 이정은 Jung Eun6 Lee
Purpose: Recently, Neurofeedback training system that based on biofeedback of brain wave was introduced. This study was performed to identify the effects of the improvement of brain function by Neurofeedback training on elders(the 2nd or 3rd grade of long-term care insurance services). Methods: A quasi-experimental design using a nonequivalent control group, pre-post test was used. Total 11 elderly were enrolled in this study (experimental group 5, control group 6). The intervention was conducted 3 times a week for 30 minutes from January to June, 2012 (total 60 times). Chi-square test and Mann-Whitney U-test were used to analyze the data. Results: After the Neurofeedback intervention, attention quotient (AQ), anti-stress quotient (ASQ), emotion quotient (EQ) and brain quotient (BQ) of the experimental group were significantly better than those of the control group. Conclusion: The findings indicate that the Neurofeedback training program was effective in reducing fatigue by AQ, increasing the physical and mental stress resistance by ASQ, emotional balance by EQ and improving of total brain function by BQ. Therefore Neurofeedback training be used as an effective training intervention for the health of elderly in geriatric facility.
Eating Patterns and Physical Activities according to Obesity of Female Middle School Students 중학교 여학생의 비만도에 따른 식습관 및 신체활동
한애경 Ae Kyung Han , 윤현경 Heun Keung Yoon , 조윤희 Yoon Hee Cho , 박정모 Jeong Mo Park , 김미원 Mi Won Kim
18(2) 120-128, 2012
Eating Patterns and Physical Activities according to Obesity of Female Middle School Students 중학교 여학생의 비만도에 따른 식습관 및 신체활동
한애경 Ae Kyung Han , 윤현경 Heun Keung Yoon , 조윤희 Yoon Hee Cho , 박정모 Jeong Mo Park , 김미원 Mi Won Kim
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyse eating patterns and physical activities according to obesity of female middle school students in Korea. Methods: The 2010 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey (KYRBS) data was used for analysis. The subjects of this study were 11,996 female middle school students (10,118 normal weight and 1,778 overweight). The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, independent t-test, and χ2-test. Results: The findings of this study Indicated that 52.1% of the normal weight group did efforts to lose weight, whereas 60.1% of the overweight groups did. The most common way of reducing body weight was ``reducing food intake``, followed by ``regular exercise``, ``taking diet supplements`` and ``fasting``. Among the entire groups of respondents, 54.6% did not receive dietary education at school over the past year. In addition, 18.8% in normal weight group and 17.0% in overweight group had never receive physical education at school over the past year. Conclusion: The health provider should enhance the school based dietary education and physical education programs for the promotion of adolescents` health status and healthy behaviors.