Effects of Individual and Group Education Programs on Coping and Self-care Behaviors in Cancer Patients 암환자를 위한 개별교육과 집단교육프로그램이 암환자의 대처양상과 자가 간호행위에 미치는 효과
김미영 Young Mi Kim , 김원옥 Won Ock Kim , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han
20(1) 1-8, 2014
Effects of Individual and Group Education Programs on Coping and Self-care Behaviors in Cancer Patients 암환자를 위한 개별교육과 집단교육프로그램이 암환자의 대처양상과 자가 간호행위에 미치는 효과
김미영 Young Mi Kim , 김원옥 Won Ock Kim , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the coping and self-care behaviors between the individual and group education using the structured programs for the patients in chemotherapy. Methods: The quasi experimental study was designed for this study, and 30 patients received individual education and 30 patients received group education. Collecting data had been done through the seven months from March to Oct. 2011. Results: Hypothesis 1: “ There could be differences in aspects of coping between the two groups educated using a structured education program” was rejected (F=2.71, p=.105). Hypothesis 2: “The individually educated group using the structured education program will have higher scores than the group education in self-care behaviors” was supported because there were statistically significant differences (F=4.16, p=.046). Conclusion: It was confirmed that individual education programs, among the patient education for cancer patients can be adopted as nursing intervention in nursing practice to improve self-care behaviors. However, there were no differences between th two group in the aspects of coping.
Key Words
Cancer patient, Coping, Self-care
Effects of Preferred Music Intervention on Anxiety, Vital Signs and Blood Sugar of Surgical Patients Undergoing Operation Using Spinal Anesthesia 환자 선호도를 고려한 음악중재가 척추 마취 환자의 수술 중 불안, 활력 징후 및 혈당에 미치는 영향
정향미 Hyang Mi Jung , 박말영 Mal Young Park , 이수진 Su Jin Lee , 김남희 Nam Hee Kim
20(1) 9-20, 2014
Effects of Preferred Music Intervention on Anxiety, Vital Signs and Blood Sugar of Surgical Patients Undergoing Operation Using Spinal Anesthesia 환자 선호도를 고려한 음악중재가 척추 마취 환자의 수술 중 불안, 활력 징후 및 혈당에 미치는 영향
정향미 Hyang Mi Jung , 박말영 Mal Young Park , 이수진 Su Jin Lee , 김남희 Nam Hee Kim
The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of preferred music intervention on anxiety, vital signs and blood sugar of surgical patients undergoing spinal anesthesia. Methods: A quasi-experimental research with non-equivalent control group non-synchronized design was carried out. Subjects consisted of 40 patients (experimental group 20, control group 20) who were scheduled to undergo surgery with spinal anesthesia. During the operation, music individual patients preferred was provided to the experimental group. The data were collected from July 4 to November 10, 2011 and analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, chi-square test, ANCOVA and repeated measured ANCOVA using SAS (ver 9.2). Results: 1) Patient anxiety during the operation of the experimental group was significantly lower than the control group (F=93.77, p<.001). 2) There was no significant difference in diastolic blood pressure (F=.00, p=.979), Systolic blood pressure (F=.19, p=.668), heart rate (F=.00, p=.955), and blood sugar (F=.73, p=.399) between the experimental group and the control group. Conclusion: Letting patients hear their preferred music during surgery is an effective nursing intervention to relieve anxiety of patients undergoing surgery with spinal anesthesia.
Key Words
Music, Anxiety, Vital signs, Blood sugar
The Relationships among Self-Efficacy, Spiritual Well-Being, and Job Stress in Clinical Nurses 임상간호사의 자기효능감, 영적안녕 및 직무스트레스와의 관계
한미영 Mi Young Han , 손수경 Sue Kyung Sohn , 권수혜 Su Hye Kwon , 최정화 Jeong Hwa Choi , 최금희 Kum Hee Choi
20(1) 21-28, 2014
The Relationships among Self-Efficacy, Spiritual Well-Being, and Job Stress in Clinical Nurses 임상간호사의 자기효능감, 영적안녕 및 직무스트레스와의 관계
한미영 Mi Young Han , 손수경 Sue Kyung Sohn , 권수혜 Su Hye Kwon , 최정화 Jeong Hwa Choi , 최금희 Kum Hee Choi
This study was to identify the extent of and the relationships among self-efficacy, spiritual well-being, and job stress in clinical nurses. Methods: The subjects were 201 clinical nurses from three different general hospitals in B city. Data were collected from May 26 to August 9, 2012 and analyzed by using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, Sheffe test, and Partial correlation coefficients. Results: The mean scores of self-efficacy, spiritual well-being, and job stress were moderate, 3.50, 3.58, and 3.44 respectively. There were statistically significant relationships between marital status, influence of religion, the number of night shifts per month, motives for choosing nursing as a career, job satisfaction and self-efficacy. Spiritual well-being was found to be significantly related to all participants’ general characteristics, and job stress was significantly related to marital status and type of religion. There was a significantly weak positive correlation between self-efficacy and spiritual well-being, and a weak negative correlation between self-efficacy and job stress. There was no significant correlation between job stress and spiritual well-being. Conclusion: This study suggests that effective strategies to foster spiritual well-being is needed to enhance clinical nurses’ self-efficacy, which should equip clinical nurses to better deal with job stress in their work places.
Relationships among Work Environment, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Nurses in an Emergency Department 응급실 간호사의 업무환경, 직무만족도 및 이직의도 간의 관계
정희영 Hee Young Jung , 성미혜 Mi Hae Sung
20(1) 29-36, 2014
Relationships among Work Environment, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Nurses in an Emergency Department 응급실 간호사의 업무환경, 직무만족도 및 이직의도 간의 관계
정희영 Hee Young Jung , 성미혜 Mi Hae Sung
The purpose of this study is to identify relationships among work environment, job satisfaction and turnover intention of emergency department (ED) nurses. Methods: The survey was given to 220 ED nurses which are located in G metropolitan from May 1st to July 31st of 2012. The results were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, pearson correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression using SPSS WIN 19.0 program. Results: The turnover intension according to the general characteristics of the subjects has significant difference between emergency room experience, current duty satisfaction, and turnover plan in 1 year. In the correlation between work environment, job satisfaction and turnover intention of the subjects, work environment and job satisfaction have positive correlation, job satisfaction and turnover intention either job satisfaction and turnover intention have a negative correlation. Factors influencing turnover intention are job satisfaction, career and current duty satisfaction, also the full explanatory power of the model was 24.4%. Conclusion: The results indicate factors that influence turnover intention are job satisfaction, career, and current job satisfaction. We hope these result help to provide effective intervention strategies for reducing ED nurses’ turnover.
Nurses` Lived Experience of Preceptorship for Newly Graduated Nurses in Hospital 프리셉터의 신규간호사 교육경험
조연실 Yeon Sil Cho , 손수경 Sue Kyung Sohn , 한미영 Mi Young Han , 김미숙 Mi Sook Kim , 방부경 Boo Kyeong Bang , 이경미 Kyong Mi Lee
20(1) 37-47, 2014
Nurses` Lived Experience of Preceptorship for Newly Graduated Nurses in Hospital 프리셉터의 신규간호사 교육경험
조연실 Yeon Sil Cho , 손수경 Sue Kyung Sohn , 한미영 Mi Young Han , 김미숙 Mi Sook Kim , 방부경 Boo Kyeong Bang , 이경미 Kyong Mi Lee
This phenomenological study is aimed to describe nurses` lived experience of preceptoring in hospitals. Methods: Ten nurse preceptors who participated in this qualitative study shared their experience of the preceptor`s role in hospitals. Data analysis was done using the Colaizzi` phenomenological method. In-depth personal interviews were conducted from September 1 to November 30, 2013. Results: Based on this study, seven consistent categories and twenty-two theme clusters emerged from collected data. The seven themes were: ‘not knowing what to do’, ‘not understood‘, ‘burnt out due to pressure from work‘, ‘having difficulty in building relationships at work’, ‘becoming similar to their preceptor, personal growth through preceptorship’, and ‘feeling rewarded at the preceptee`s improvement’. Conclusion: The result of this study suggests that further research is needed to improve preceptors` adaptations to the workplace and to reduce their stress.
Key Words
Nurses, Preceptorship, Phenomenological method
A study on University Students` Gender Role Stereotype, Sexual Assertiveness, Sexual Assault Recognition, Sexual Violence Permissiveness and Sexual Violence Experience in Dating 대학생의 성별에 따른 성역할 고정관념, 성적 자기주장성, 성폭력 인식도, 성폭력 허용도 및 데이트 성폭력 경험
이은숙 Eun Sook Lee , 강희순 Hee Sun Kang
20(1) 48-56, 2014
A study on University Students` Gender Role Stereotype, Sexual Assertiveness, Sexual Assault Recognition, Sexual Violence Permissiveness and Sexual Violence Experience in Dating 대학생의 성별에 따른 성역할 고정관념, 성적 자기주장성, 성폭력 인식도, 성폭력 허용도 및 데이트 성폭력 경험
이은숙 Eun Sook Lee , 강희순 Hee Sun Kang
The purpose of this study was to examine the psychological variables related to sexual issues and sexual violence experiences by gender in university students. Methods: A self-report survey collected responses from 469 university students in three regions. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, χ2-test, and Pearson correlation coefficients. Results: While male students’ scores on sexual assertiveness and sexual assault recognition were lower than female students’, their scores on gender role stereotype and sexual violence permissiveness were higher. Female students’ sexual violence victims were higher than male students’, however, their scores on sexual violence perpetrations were lower than male students’. Sexual violence victims and perpetrations experiences were significantly related to sexual assault recognition and sexual violence permissiveness in male and female students. There were significant relationships between sexual violence perpetrations experiences and gender role stereotypes in male students, while there were significant relationships between sexual violence victims and inflictions experiences and sexual assertiveness in female students. Conclusion: The present study suggests that differentiated programs for preventing or arbitrating sexual violence should be developed and applied by gender because there were differences between male and female students in the level of psychological variables related to sexual issues and sexual violence experiences.
Key Words
Sexual violence, Gender role, Students
Recovery Effect of Blending Oil on Skin Barrier Damaged by Atopic Dermatitis 아토피피부염의 손상된 피부장벽에 대한 혼합오일의 회복 효과
서영미 Young Mi Seo
20(1) 57-62, 2014
Recovery Effect of Blending Oil on Skin Barrier Damaged by Atopic Dermatitis 아토피피부염의 손상된 피부장벽에 대한 혼합오일의 회복 효과
서영미 Young Mi Seo
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a mixture of ARL oils, Agastache rugosa, Rosemarinu officinalis, and Lavandula angustifolia on atopic dermatitis (AD) model on NC/Nga mice. Methods: Twenty-four, 6 week-NC/Nga mice were assigned to a control group (C, n=8), an AD-induced group (E, n=8), and an ARL oil-treated group (E, n=8) that had two treatments per day for 6 days. Epidermis thickness, total amount of collagen and expression of TGF-β in the AD induced mice were measured. Results: The ARL oil-treated group showed a significantly decreased epidermis thickness, and a greater amount of collagen and expression of TGF-β compared with the AD-induced group. Conclusison: ARL oil may be a putative resources for care or treatment of AD in the view of nursing intervention.
Key Words
Atopic dermatitis, Essential oil, Skin
The Mediating Effect of Social Support and Stress on Optimism and Psychological Well-being in Clinical Nurses 임상간호사의 낙관성과 심리적 안녕감 간의 관계에서 사회적 지지와 스트레스의 매개효과
손수경 Sue Kyung Sohn , 김미숙 Mi Sook Kim , 이영신 Young Sin Lee , 박해경 Hae Kyeong Park , 노미영 Mi Young Roh
20(1) 63-71, 2014
The Mediating Effect of Social Support and Stress on Optimism and Psychological Well-being in Clinical Nurses 임상간호사의 낙관성과 심리적 안녕감 간의 관계에서 사회적 지지와 스트레스의 매개효과
손수경 Sue Kyung Sohn , 김미숙 Mi Sook Kim , 이영신 Young Sin Lee , 박해경 Hae Kyeong Park , 노미영 Mi Young Roh
This study proposed to identify the mediating effect of social support and stress on optimism and psychological well-being in clinical nurses. Methods: Data were collected through structured questionnaires. The participants of this study were 207 clinical nurses who worked at hospitals in the metropolitan cities of B & U. Data were collected from September 3 to September 30, 2013. The data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe`s test, Pearson`s correlation coefficients, and multiple regression with SPSS WIN v 20.0. Results: The mean scores of optimism, social support, stress, psychological well-being were 3.61±0.62, 3.65±0.64, 0.82±0.59, 3.36±0.38 respectively. Social support and stress showed mediating effects between optimism and psychological well-being. Conclusion: Based on this study, intervention programs to reduce stress and create support systems for clinical nurses should be developed to improve their psychological well-being.
Key Words
Optimism, Social support, Stress, Psychological well-being, Nurses