The Effects of Auricular Acupressure on Depression and Fatigue among Early Postpartum Mothers 이압요법을 활용한 간호중재 프로그램이 초기 산욕기 산모의 산후우울과 산후피로에 미치는 효과
김소환 Kim So Hwan , 성경미 Sung Kyung Mi
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of auricular acupressure on postpartum depression and fatigue among early postpartum mothers. Methods: A non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. Forty early postpartum mothers were recruited from two postpartum care centers and randomly assigned to experimental group (n=20) and control group (n=20). The experimental group received the nursing intervention of auricular acupressure. Results: There were significant differences in postpartum depression and fatigue between the two groups. The participants in the experimental group showed significantly decreased scores of postpartum depression (z=-2.51, p=.012) and fatigue (t=5.36, p<.001). Conclusion: The nursing intervention programs using the auricular acupressure is effective in reducing depression and fatigue of early postpartum mothers. The findings will be useful for the health promotion among early postpartum mothers.
Effects of the Self-managed Seogeum Therapy among College Students with Allergic Rhinitis 서금요법 자가관리 프로그램이 대학생의 알레르기비염에 미치는 효과
박홍주 Park Hong Ju , 김남희 Kim Nam Hee
Purpose: This study investigated the effects of the Seogeum therapy among college students with allergic rhinitis. Method: A non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest non-synchronized design was used. Intervention of Seogeum therapy has been performed from March 2 through March 31, 2017. Sixty college students diagnosed with allergic rhinitis from two different colleges in B and K cities were assigned to the experimental and control group. Data analysis were conducted using descriptive statistics, chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test, and t-test. Results: There were significant differences in nose itching (t=4.89, p<.001), sneezing (t=6.26, p<.001), watery rhinorrhea (t= 4.09, p<.001), nasal congestion (t=2.36, p=.022), the percent of eosinophil (t=2.01, p=.049), perceived stress (t=2.05, p=.045), and allergic rhinitis related quality of life (t=4.33, p<.001) between the two groups. However, there were no significant differences in the percent of IgE (t=0.60, p=.553) and level of cortisol (t=0.53, p=.598). Conclusion: The results of this study indicates that the self-management of Seogeum therapy improved physical and psychological status of the college students with allergic rhinitis which ultimately improved their quality of life.
Key Words
Allergic rhinitis, Self-management, Program, Quality of life, 알레르기비염, 자가관리, 프로그램, 삶의 질
Effect of a Spiritual Care Empowerment Program on Psychological Empowerment of Nursing Students 영적 간호임파워먼트 프로그램이 간호대학생의 심리적 임파워먼트에 미치는 효과
Effect of a Spiritual Care Empowerment Program on Psychological Empowerment of Nursing Students 영적 간호임파워먼트 프로그램이 간호대학생의 심리적 임파워먼트에 미치는 효과
김진 Kim Jin , 차남현 Cha Nam Hyun
Purpose: This study was conducted to test the effects of a spiritual care empowerment (SCE) program on the psychological empowerment for nursing students. Methods: A nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The participants were 80 nursing students (41 in the experimental and 39 in the control group) recruited from the D and S universities. The SCE program used in this study was developed based on the Zimmerman’s Psychological Empowerment Model. The experimental group attended 9 sessions of a SCE program. Sessions were 90 minutes each, held twice per week for 5 weeks. Data were analyzed using Chi-square, Fisher’s exact test, and t-test using SPSS/WIN 18.0. Results: Intrapersonal (self esteem and existential well-being), interactional (empathy), and behavioral (spiritual care competence) components were significantly improved in the experimental group after the intervention compared to the control group. Conclusion: The results show that the SCE program could be effective in improving the psychological empowerment of nursing students. Accordingly, the SCE program would be applied to the nursing curriculum that enhances students’ psychological empowerment.
Relationship between Knowledge of Dementia Care, Attitude toward Dementia and Person-centered Care among Nurses in Geriatric Hospitals 요양병원 간호사의 치매간호지식, 치매태도 및 인간중심 돌봄과의 관계
Relationship between Knowledge of Dementia Care, Attitude toward Dementia and Person-centered Care among Nurses in Geriatric Hospitals 요양병원 간호사의 치매간호지식, 치매태도 및 인간중심 돌봄과의 관계
이미경 Lee Mi Kyoung , 정향미 Jung Hyang Mi
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships between knowledge of dementia care, attitude toward dementia and person-centered care among nurses in geriatric hospitals. Methods: Participants were 115 nurses from the seven geriatric hospitals. Data were collected from September 5th through 21st in 2018 and analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficients and hierarchical multiple regression. Results: Person-centered care was significantly different according to satisfaction with income, career of geriatric hospital, application of their opinions, and the satisfaction with hospital managers, administrators and nurse managers. Also person-centered care showed a significant positive correlation with the attitude toward dementia. Predictors of person-centered care were the satisfaction with hospital managers and the attitude toward dementia, which explained 23.0% of the variance. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that the attitude toward dementia and the satisfaction with the hospital organization were related to the person-centered care in geriatric hospitals. Therefore, the strategies to improve the attitude towards dementia should be carried out to enhance the person-centered care among nurses in geriatric hospital.
Key Words
Dementia, Knowledge, Attitude, Patient-centered care, 치매, 지식, 태도, 인간중심돌봄
Factors Influencing Dementia Preventive Behavior Intention in the Elderly People 노인의 치매예방 행위의도에 미치는 영향요인
최원희 Choi Won-hee , 서영미 Seo Yeong-mi , 김보람 Kim Bo Ram
Factors Influencing Dementia Preventive Behavior Intention in the Elderly People 노인의 치매예방 행위의도에 미치는 영향요인
최원희 Choi Won-hee , 서영미 Seo Yeong-mi , 김보람 Kim Bo Ram
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing dementia preventive behavior intention of the elderly people based on the Health Belief Model. Methods: The participants included 113 elderly people who met the eligibility criteria. Demographic variables, variables of the Health Belief Model (perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefit, perceived barrier, cues to action, general health motivation, and self efficacy), dementia fear and behavioral intention of dementia prevention were examined using structured self-report questionnaires. Statistical analysis was performed by stepwise multiple regression using SPSS for Windows version 21. Results: Self efficacy, alcohol drinking, perceived barrier and education level were significant factors, which explained 32% of the variance in dementia preventive behavior intention. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that a powerful predictor of dementia preventive behavior intention of the elderly was self efficacy. Conclusion: Developing nursing intervention to enhance self efficacy toward improvement of dementia preventive behavior among elderly people would be recommended.
Key Words
Health behavior, Intention, Dementia, Aged, 건강행위, 의도, 치매, 노인
Effects of Health Information Media Use and Health Interest on Health Promoting Behaviors in Nursing Students 간호대학생의 건강정보 미디어 이용과 건강관심도가 건강증진행위에 미치는 영향
Effects of Health Information Media Use and Health Interest on Health Promoting Behaviors in Nursing Students 간호대학생의 건강정보 미디어 이용과 건강관심도가 건강증진행위에 미치는 영향
양남영 Yang Nam Young , 송민선 Song Min Sun
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the health information media use, health interest, and health promoting behaviors of nursing college students, and the influence factors of health promoting behaviors. Methods: Participants were 144 nursing students in D city. Data collection was conducted from August 21st to 30th, 2019. Data were collected with structured questionnaires and analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Results: There were positive correlations between the health information media use and health interest with health promoting behaviors. Factors affecting health promoting behaviors of nursing college students were grade, health information media use, and health interest, which explained 28.2% of the variance. Conclusion: Characteristics of nursing students should be taken into consideration to improve their abilities for screening of health and using correct health information. In addition, health promotion programs should be developed and implemented for increasing nursing students’ health interests.
Key Words
Health information, Internet, Health promotion, Health behavior, Nursing student, 건강정보, 인터넷, 건강증진, 건강행위, 간호학생
Status and Trend of Home Health Nursing for Long-Term Care Insurance Beneficiaries 노인장기요양 방문간호 현황 및 추이
Status and Trend of Home Health Nursing for Long-Term Care Insurance Beneficiaries 노인장기요양 방문간호 현황 및 추이
황라일 Hwang Rah Il , 박소영 Pak So Young
Purpose: This study aims to provide basic data for the development of measures and promoting home health nursing by examining the current status and trends in home health nursing for long-term care (LTC) insurance beneficiaries. Methods: Secondary data, including annual LTC insurance statistics reports for 2010-2017 and LTC manpower data, were used to compute current status and trends in the provision of home health nursing. Results: Beneficiaries of home health nursing under LTC insurance, insurance-covered costs for home health nursing, home health nursing provider, and home health nursing providing institution only accounted for 3% of all insurance-covered home care services, and were on a consistent decline since 2010. In particular, vulnerable rural regions with high proportion of individuals had poor infrastructure in terms of home health nursing institutions and manpower, but had a higher home health nursing utilization rate compared to urban regions. Conclusion: In addition to measures to support home health nursing service beneficiaries, policy measures are needed to support home health nursing service personnel and institutions. Furthermore, programs to cultivate the expertise of home health nurses and improve quality of home health nursing services should be developed in order to promote home health nursing utilization in vulnerable rural regions.
Key Words
Home health nursing, Long-term care, 방문간호, 장기요양
The Mediating Effect of Compassionate Competence on the Relationship between Nurses’ Spirituality and Attitude toward Care of Dying Patients 일 종합병원 간호사의 영성과 임종간호태도와의 관계에서 공감역량의 매개효과
The Mediating Effect of Compassionate Competence on the Relationship between Nurses’ Spirituality and Attitude toward Care of Dying Patients 일 종합병원 간호사의 영성과 임종간호태도와의 관계에서 공감역량의 매개효과
김은희 Kim Eun Hee , 임영미 Lim Young Mi
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the mediating effect of compassionate competence on the relationship between nurses’ spirituality and attitude toward care of dying patients. Methods: A cross-sectional correlational research design was conducted. The total subjects were 172 nurses at one general hospital in Gangwon-do. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires and analyzed using t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s test, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis. Results: Compassionate competence showed the mediating effect (β=.19, p=.025) on the relationship between nurses’ vertical spirituality and attitudes toward care of dying patients. However, no mediating effect of compassionate competence on the relationship between nurses’ horizontal spirituality and attitudes toward care of dying patients was found. Conclusions: Based on the findings of this study, development of training programs with a focus on spirituality and compassionate competence was highly recommended to improve and maintain nurses’ positive attitudes toward caring of the dying patients.
Key Words
Nurses, spirituality, Compassionate competence, Attitude toward care of the dying, 임상간호사, 영성, 공감역량, 임종간호태도
The Effects of Drum Club Activities Program on Stress, Anxiety and Aggression in Soldiers 드럼클럽 활동 프로그램이 군인의 스트레스, 불안 및 공격성에 미치는 효과
The Effects of Drum Club Activities Program on Stress, Anxiety and Aggression in Soldiers 드럼클럽 활동 프로그램이 군인의 스트레스, 불안 및 공격성에 미치는 효과
김신실 Kim Shin Sil , 김명숙 Kim Myoungsuk
Purpose: The purposes of this study were to develop a drum club activities program for soldiers and to explore the effects of the program on the mental health of soldiers. Methods: This study used one group pretest-posttest design. A drum club activities program for soldiers was offered for 12 weeks with each session of 2 hours. A total of 33 participants were recruited but eighteen participants who did not participate in sessions of the program more than 3 times were dropped out of the study. Finally, data from 15 participants were analyzed using the SPSS 22.0 program. Mental health status (stress, anxiety and aggression) was measured by Vibraimage technology. Vibraimage technology is a useful and objective method to identify the human psychophysiological state by analyzing the movement of various frequencies and amplitudes of head motion and face image using camera. Results: There is statistically significant difference in anxiety (Z=-3.12, p<.001) after implementation of the program. However, there was no statistically significant difference in stress and aggression. Conclusion: The results indicate that the drum club activities program was effective in decreasing anxiety in soldiers. The drum club activities program can be considered as a possible nursing intervention strategy to reduce anxiety for soldiers.
Key Words
Vibraimage technology, Drum club, Anxiety, Aggression, Soldiers, 바이브라이미지 기술, 드럼클럽, 불안, 공격성, 군인
Mediating Effect of Illness Perception on the Relationship between Family Function and Health Behavior in Patients with Risk Factors for Metabolic Syndrome 대사증후군 위험군의 가족기능과 건강행위의 관계에서 질병인식의 매개효과
염현이 Yeom Hyun-e , 신지원 Shin Jee-won , 김세현 Kim Se Hyeon , 신선의 Shin Sunui
Mediating Effect of Illness Perception on the Relationship between Family Function and Health Behavior in Patients with Risk Factors for Metabolic Syndrome 대사증후군 위험군의 가족기능과 건강행위의 관계에서 질병인식의 매개효과
염현이 Yeom Hyun-e , 신지원 Shin Jee-won , 김세현 Kim Se Hyeon , 신선의 Shin Sunui
Purpose: This study aimed to examine the mediating effect of illness perception on the relationship between family function and health behavior of patients with risk factors for metabolic syndrome. Methods: This is a cross-sectional correlational study. Data were collected from 160 patients using self-administered questionnaires including the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised, Family APGAR, and the Health Behavior Scale. The data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficients, independent t-test and multiple linear regression analysis by the SPSS 23.0 program. Results: Health behavior was significantly correlated with family function (r=.30, p<.001) and illness perception of controllability by treatment (r=-.21, p=.007). Family function was a significant predictor of health behavior and illness perception, and the influence of family function on health behavior was partially mediated by illness perception of controllability by treatment. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that family function is a critical factor affecting health behavior and illness perception, and illness perception of controllability by treatment mediates the influence of family function on health behavior. It is necessary to develop a psycho-cognitive intervention program for enhancing supportive family function and for modifying negative illness perceptions to improve health behavior in patients with risk factors for metabolic syndrome.
Key Words
Family relations, Health behavior, Metabolic syndrome, Perception, 가족관계, 건강행위, 대사증후군, 인식