Nursing approach to energy(Qi)flow 에너지 흐름(氣)의 간호학적 접근
김명자 Myung Ja Kim , 이명숙 Myung Suk Lee
3(1) 7-16, 1998
Nursing approach to energy(Qi)flow 에너지 흐름(氣)의 간호학적 접근
김명자 Myung Ja Kim , 이명숙 Myung Suk Lee
This paper reviewed the concept of the energy flow in east and west. The differences in the views of the energy flow between oriental and western thought were comp aired according to the ontology- cal point of view. Human body take up energy and material on open system which maintains homeostasis. Human and environment are continyously interacting in a state of co-existence. Human has energy field called "aura" and seven chakra in energy outflow moving came as meridian. Qi is an invisible cosmic energy helping the fundamental human activity and changes. The basic ac- tion of Qi is helping the human growth and development, maintain the body temperature and prebent- ing the intrusion of microorganism. In the normal healthy organism, all are maintained in balance and in a continuous circulation of Qi, while illness is the result of the disturbed Qi flow in the aspect of Qi-theory. Although there are differences between oriental and western medicine in approaches to clients, the basic point of view and philosophy have many sim- ilarities on fundamental level. An understanding of the basic thought of energy flow and oriental con- cept of energy flow implies a more comprehensive meaning than the perspective of unitary transform- ation discussed in modern western thought of en- ergy flow. Now we should avoid narrow view of energy con- cept and regard energy flow as an integrated con- cept with Korean culture. Regarding Qi-theory which provides a comprehensive and humanistic and ethical foundation for nurding philosophy through this cverview, it is hoped that a contribution will be made to the development of nurding intervention which is suitable to Korean context.
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Folk Remedies for First Aid at Home 연군논문 : 가정내 응급처치를 위한 민간요법
강현숙 Hyun Sook Kang , 조결자 Kyoul Ja Cho
3(1) 17-26, 1998
Folk Remedies for First Aid at Home 연군논문 : 가정내 응급처치를 위한 민간요법
강현숙 Hyun Sook Kang , 조결자 Kyoul Ja Cho
The purposes of this study were to identify the contents, frequency of use, and the rationales of folk remedies frequently used for first aid at home for stomachache, vomiting, strain, food poisoning vaginal bleeding, or wounds of snake or dog bite, or bee sting. As the method of the study, data were collected by conducting a questionnaire of 185 persons, who filled it or who were interviewed from May to August in 1998. The collected data was analyzed by us- ing frequency and the rationales for the contents of the folk remedies were described base on literatures. The results were as follows. 1. The folk remedies for stomachache in frequency order were ``warming the abdornen``, ``rubbing the abdomen with a hand``, or ``pricking a finger to bleed``, which have the rationals. 2. The folk remedies for vomiting in frequency order are ``drinking water of watery radish`` and ``pricking a finger to bleed``, which have the rationales. 3. The folk remedies for strain in frequency order are ``soaking the affected area into cold wateer or applying an ice pack`` and ``after soaking jasrnine in water, making a dough with flour, and then attaching it on the affected area``, which have the rationales. Additionally, although the frequencies are low, ``drinking drewed Achyranthis Radix`` and ``applying brewed leaves and stalks of Sambuci cortex`` have the rationales. 4. The folk remedies for food poisoning in frequency order are "drinking black beans and licorice brew- ed togethre`` and ``eating mung beans``, which have the scientific grounds. 5. The folk remedies for bloody discharge in frequency order are ``drinking brewed lotus root`` and ``eating boiled chicken stuffed with root of bell- flower``. However, ``drinking brewed Thujae orient- talis Folium`` has the rationales. 6. The folk remedy for snake bite wounds that has the scientific grounds is ``sucking blood by a per- son without hurt in the mouth``. However, quite a lot of people apply alum or soy paste, which has no rationales. 7. The folk remekies for the bee sting in frequency order are ``agter removing the sting, applying soy paste or sauce`` and ``applying saliva``. No rationales for ``applying saliva`` have been found. 8. The folk remedy for the dog vite wound that has the rationales is ``applying juice of leaves or stalks of Xanthii Fructus``. However, 85% of surveyed people use remedies that have no scientific grounds, such as ``applying burnt dog hair mixed with (sesame) oil`` and ``applying soy paste or sauce``. Various materials are used in folk remedies for fir- st aid treatment as shown above. Some of the folk remedies have the rationales since their mekicinal actions have been found. However, the medicinal actions of the majority have not been found, but only known that they are effective. Especially for the materials except botanical drugs, they are used without knowing the effects since their components and pharmacognosies have not been described in any literature. The results of this research may be used for materials to sducate the surveyed people or to consult them. Accordingly, the folk remedies that have the rationales are required to continue to study to find out the effects.
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An Approach of the Eastern-Western Nursing Sciences For the Management of Hypertensive Patients 고혈압환자관리를 위한 동서간호학적 접근
김귀분 Kuuy Boon Kim , 김세란 Ce Ran Kim , 채정숙 Jeong Sook Chae
3(1) 27-38, 1998
An Approach of the Eastern-Western Nursing Sciences For the Management of Hypertensive Patients 고혈압환자관리를 위한 동서간호학적 접근
김귀분 Kuuy Boon Kim , 김세란 Ce Ran Kim , 채정숙 Jeong Sook Chae
This study was carried out understand the general conditions about management of hypertension and the differences in opinions between the East- ern-Western Nursing Sciences. In this context, this study was aimed to find out a possible integration of the Eastern-Western Nursing Sciences for the management of hypertension and to suggest a distinct frame of Korean nursing intervention method which is unique for the hypertensive patients by combining two hypertensive management systems originated from the Western type, "mainly classified by stage", and the Eastern type, "typically classified by form" as they are identified in the literature. From the research literature including both domestic and foreign, this study identified that exuberance of Yang of the Liver form mainly appeared to the patient who is at a border hypertension or the fir- st stage of hypertension, Deficiency of Yin of the Liver and Kidneys form mostly appeared to the first stage and the second stage of Hypertension and Deficiency of the both of Yin and Yang form appeared to the third stage of Hypertension. These unifications of the types of Hypertension classified by stages and forms suggest the possibility not only of integration of the Eastern-western Medicine but also of establishment for the intervention of specific nursing management which is the united Eastern-western Nursing Science for the Hypertension. Hence, the new frame for the nursing management of Hypertensive patient is suggested as follows: 1) In case of the exuberance of Yang of the Liver form, as classified by form which is categorized to the border Hypertension or the first stage of Hypertension, nursing intervention should include general therapy, cooking meal and neutral care to restrain the condition of the exuberance of Yang of the liver. 2) In case of the deficiency of Yin of the liver and the Kidneys form, as classified by form which is categorized to the second stage of Hypertension, nursing intervention should include both the general and drug therapy and their use in combi- naton with cooking meal and neural care to re- strain the condition of the deficiency of Yin of the Liver and Kidneys. 3) In case of the deficiency of both of Yin and Yang form, as classified by form which is categorized to he third stage of Hypertension should include both the general therapy and drug therapy and their use in combination with cooking meal and neural care to restrain the condition of deficiency of the both of Yin and Yang. In addition, using this basic frame of Hypertensive management, a specific way of nursing intervention, Which is suitable for exuberance of Yang of the Liver form, Deficiency of Yin of the Liver and Kidneys form, and deficiency of both of the Yin and Yang form and classified by Korean herbal medicine related to hypertension, should be pursued continuously in the future.
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The Present Educational Conditions and the Demanding Outlook of Nursing in Oriental Medicine 한방병원 병상 실태와 한방 간호의 교육 현황에 따른 한방간호사 수요 예측에 대한 고찰
왕명자 Myoung Ja Wang , 안옥희 Ok Hee Ahn , 김희숙 Hee Sook Kim , 옥도훈 Do Hoon Ok
3(1) 39-49, 1998
The Present Educational Conditions and the Demanding Outlook of Nursing in Oriental Medicine 한방병원 병상 실태와 한방 간호의 교육 현황에 따른 한방간호사 수요 예측에 대한 고찰
왕명자 Myoung Ja Wang , 안옥희 Ok Hee Ahn , 김희숙 Hee Sook Kim , 옥도훈 Do Hoon Ok
The purpose of this research is to provide basic data for the demanding outlook and the Nursing education by grasping the present educational conditions of nursing in oriental medicine. The results of survey and study on 112nationwide schools (47 Department of nursing and 65 Nursing junior colleges) and data of the Korean Oriental Medicine Association and General Assembly in Sep. 1998 are as follows. 1. The number of nurse Oriental Medicine hospitals require in 2002 will have increased at least 700 or more. Public health centers` and other centers` requirements will increase more and more.2. Education of nursing in oriental medicine is offered at practice in 14universities (29.8%) among 47universities and 35 colleges (53.8%) among 65 colleges.3. Nursing education in Oriental Medicine is mostly offered in the first term of the second year at universities third year at colleges with 2 points. According to this result, we would like to suggest as follows; A nurse whose main interesting subject is human beings will be an important figure as a medical information administrator in 21 century, namely, a nurse will play the leading part in the hospital administration more than a doctor. We must take much more interest and exert ourselves in developing education of nursing in oriental medicine because in the future it will be the one and only field in the world, so we can export our Nursing manpower.
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Demanding Outlook of Oriental Medicine
Philosophic Investigation of the "Ghi(氣)"Phenomena "기(氣)"현상에 대한 철학적 고찰
이현주 Hyun Ju Lee
3(1) 50-67, 1998
Philosophic Investigation of the "Ghi(氣)"Phenomena "기(氣)"현상에 대한 철학적 고찰
이현주 Hyun Ju Lee
When recognition of the Ghi(氣) which exist in all things, is changed on the aspects of the science of nursing, the view of health and nursing well be more efficient and can be developed as the proper concept for Korean culture. I think it is nessary to confirm which philosophical basis of the well be applicable to nursing and how to it has to be developed. Therefore I can for the research of the Ghi phenomena to attain the Thoughts of philosophy that is appropriate to expound those phenomena. And I attempt to induct "the fusion of horizons" to unify the view of the world between Korea and the West. The Ghi is very energetic and omnipresent among the universe, Nature, and the human being. So it can organize all the primary elements of mental and physical function of human as like life, mind, breath, feeling, energy, etc, A feneral concept of the Ghi is described as follows; ① The Ghi is the origin and essence to organize the universe, Nature, and the human being. ② It is the perpetually movable thing. ③ And there are continuous transmission between the Ghi of the universe and the human through body, mind, and soul. For review on the philosophic basis of the Ghi, I studied out the identity of the doctrine of Li and Chi리(理氣論) in the field of philosophy of Korea and the West, In Korea the concept of the Vigor is based on Ch`i mongolism(기일원론) and Li Ch`I dualism (이기이원론) of Yul-gok Lee`s, Hwa-dam`s, and/or Hekang`s, These are indispensable for the view of the world of Korea as Metaphysical ideology, Conerete science, Materialism, Ontology, and Epistemology. From the viewpoint of the philosophy of the West, the doctrine of Li and Ch`i(이기론) of Korea is identical with the doctrine of Joo-ja, Idea of Plato, Metaphysics of Aristotle, World Spirit(Weltgeist) of Hegel, and Existentialism of Heidegger. In the nursing theory of the West, some of them referred to the Ghi as like Energy field theory of Rogers and Energy exchange of Neuman. Though there are different in terminlolgy, "energy" and the "Ghi" are induced comparable therapeutic action between the human and the environments. With the nursing theory of Korea, I have made an attempt to compare the Ghi with metaparadigm of nursing-the human being, the environment, the health, and the nursing. For the most part, the alternative therapy is reasonable to the frame of the nursing theory of Korea. It is easy to apply alternative therapy on the every spot of nursing, So this therapy could be a kind of forms as nursing therapy in the nursing centers In result, independent nursing intervention will be activated by the nurse who puts up with the major parts, It is available to apply this therapy to palliation of pain, insomnia of infant, Sanhujori(산후조리), pain of menstruation, arthritis. And the alternative therapy makes it possible to propose the nursing model which represent originality, tradition, and history of the nursing of Korea. Additionally, in the field of the nursing, it is indispensable to choose a suitable methodology which is considered whether it is matched with a theory of philosophy in the boundary and object of the research. Because there are many to get the knowledge of nursing related to the Ghi. In the science of nursing, context of sociocultural background and frame are required to understand the person who need to take care of (nursing client). But the value systems of the West and the East are distinctive each other as well as the behavior of health pursuance. Therefore it is the basic research data of great worth to review philosophical the Ghi phenomena which is well known to Korean.
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The Literary Study on The Women`s Mental Health and Hwabyung in Korean Seciety 여성의 정신장애와 홧병에 관한 문헌연구
신혜숙 Hye Sook Shin , 이옥자 Ok Ja Lee
3(1) 68-82, 1998
The Literary Study on The Women`s Mental Health and Hwabyung in Korean Seciety 여성의 정신장애와 홧병에 관한 문헌연구
신혜숙 Hye Sook Shin , 이옥자 Ok Ja Lee
This study attempted to develop fundamental data of nursing intervention for Women`s health improvement through literature review related to women`s health. Women`s health problems are focused in nursing because the quality of women`a health influences on public health directly and indirectly. Especially women experience more stressors and mental disorders than men. This paper reviewed rationale of mental problems to understand Women`s mental problems through various research paaer analysis. As a result, it was found that women`s mental problems as well as the health were affected by various factors and were connected with social, cultural elements closely. This result means that women are affected by social, economical, psychological states from gender unequality in this society. So to solve the women`s mental problems, women have to be considered as human beings, women, mothers with multiple roles. And like Hwabyung, one of the women`s mental problems related to Korean traditional culture, nursing needs to be done to solve the problem through cultural approach. To do this nursing has to research negative effect as well as positive effect on women`s mental health by modern culture which includes "Han" and traditional family culture. The multidisplinary, interdisplinary communication is important to develop nursing intervention and nursing must build a pertinent to improve a sociopolitical environment.
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The Relationship between Hardiness, Self Efficacy and Compliance in Coronary Artery Disease Patients 관상동맥질환자의 강인성, 자기효능과 건강행위 이행과의 관계
김숙영 Sook Young Kim
3(1) 83-95, 1998
The Relationship between Hardiness, Self Efficacy and Compliance in Coronary Artery Disease Patients 관상동맥질환자의 강인성, 자기효능과 건강행위 이행과의 관계
김숙영 Sook Young Kim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between hardiness-self efficacy and compliance in coronary artery disease patients. The subjects for the study were 106 patients who admitted to S medical center or visited to out patient clinic. The instruments used for this study included a questionnaire of general characteristics, compliance, health related hardiness and self efficacy. The data were analyzed by using mean, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson correlation. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The average score for compliance was 70.75, for the hardiness was 87.35, for the self efficacy was 59.04. 2. The relationship between the variables of com-pliance and hardiness·self efficacy was significant. Compliance was significantly related to hardiness(r=.47, p<,01), suggesting that the person with high hardiness got higher compliance scores. The three dimensions of health related hardiness were control, commitment, challenge. Control(r=.513, p<.01), commitment(r=.258, p<.05), challenge(r=.419, p<.01), were significantly related to compliance. A slight but significant correlation was also found between compliance and self efficacy(r=.21m=, p<.05). 3. In the relationship between general characteristics variables and compliance there were significant ation of illness(F=4.98, p<.01), hospitalized experience(t=2.04, p<.05), educational experience(t=2.66, p<.01). From the above results, it can be concluded that; Hardiness and self efficacy were found as important factors of the compliance in coronary artery disease patients. These results suggest that nursing intervention to increase the level of hardiness and self efficacy should be developed.
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A Study of Family Adaptation with Chronically Ill Patients (1) -Stroke Patients at an Oriental Medical Hospital- 만성질환자 가족의 질병 적응과정 연구(1) -한방병원에 입원한 뇌졸증 환자를 중심으로-
이영애 Young Ae Lee
3(1) 96-103, 1998
A Study of Family Adaptation with Chronically Ill Patients (1) -Stroke Patients at an Oriental Medical Hospital- 만성질환자 가족의 질병 적응과정 연구(1) -한방병원에 입원한 뇌졸증 환자를 중심으로-
이영애 Young Ae Lee
This study was conducted to identify the adaptation process of the families with chronically ill patients. A descriptive comparative research design was used to the subjects of forty families that have stroke patients at an oriental medical hospital. Research tools were Demands of Illness Inven-tory(Woods, Haberman & Packard, 1987), Relative and Friend Support Index(McCubbin, Patterson & Glynn, 1982), Family Coping-Coherence Index(Mccubbin, Larsen & Olson, 1982), Family Hardiness Index(McCub-bin, McCubbin & Thompson, 1986). And Family Member Wellbeing Scale(McCub-bin, McCubbin & Thompson, 1986). Data were collected from October 7, 1998 to November 7, 1998 at an oriental medical hospital located in IkSan city. The number of cases was forty and the data were analyzed by SPSSPC. Descriptive statistics of frequency, number, mean and standard deviation were used to report the results. The results were as follows: 1. There was no significant differences between the two groups on the family stress. 2. There was significant differences between the two groups on the family strength(t value=-3.09, p value=.004). 3. There was significant differences between the two groups on the family adaptation(t value=-2.08, pvalue=.05).