Development of SBAR Simulation Training to Improve Patient Hand-off Communication among Nursing Students 간호학생의 환자인계 의사소통 향상을 위한 SBAR 시뮬레이션 교육의 효과
지은선 Ji Eun Sun , 정윤정 Chung Yoon Chung
Purpose: Effective communication is essential for the nursing profession. This study aimed to develop and investigate the impact of SBAR simulation training on nursing students’ SBAR ability, hand-off confidence and communication confidence. Method: This study used a non-randomized, pre-post group design. Sixty nursing students were assigned to an experimental group and a control group. The simulation for SBAR training consisted of a 120-minute lecture, simulation, and debriefing for child with enteritis in neonatal intensive care unit. Data were collected from October, 2023 to April, 2024 and analyzed by the descriptive statistics, Chi square test, independent t-test, and paired t-test using the SPSS/WIN 24.0 program. Results: Upon completion of applying SBAR simulation training, the experimental group showed significantly higher SBAR ability (t=5.39, p<.001), hand-off confidence (t=2.58, p=.002) and communication confidence (t=3.12, p=.001) than those of the control group. Conclusions: SBAR communication simulation training for nursing student not only promotes communication skill among healthcare professionals, but also helps reduce communication errors for patient safety. For effective communication with healthcare professionals in neonatal intensive care unit, SBAR simulation training should be included in nursing education for communication.
Key Words
시뮬레이션 교육, 환자인계, 의사소통, 간호학생, Simulation training, Patient Hand-off, Communication, Nursing students
Development of Patient-centered Empathy Education Program based on Metaverse for Nursing Students 간호대학생을 위한 메타버스 기반 환자중심 공감교육프로그램 개발
Development of Patient-centered Empathy Education Program based on Metaverse for Nursing Students 간호대학생을 위한 메타버스 기반 환자중심 공감교육프로그램 개발
조효인 Cho Hyo-in , 황지인 Hwang Jee-in
Purpose: This study aimed to develop and evaluate a metaverse-based patient-centered empathy education program for nursing students. Methods: A patient-centered empathy education program was developed based on the five stages of Barret-Lennard’s (1981) Schematic Outline of the Empathy Cycle. The developed program was pilot-tested employing a one-group pre- and post-test design. A total of 15 nursing students were recruited from two nursing colleges in Korea. Results: The patient-centered empathy education program consisted of five sessions of a 120-minute length. The program was run on the metaverse platform Gather town. According to a preliminary study, there was a significant difference in nursing students' empathy competence and nursing professionalism before and after training. Their clinical competence increased slightly, but there was no significant difference before or after training. Conclusion: The metaverse-based patient-centered empathy education program based on metaverse was effective for improving empathy competence and nursing professionalism. This patient-centered empathy education can be used in nursing education.
Key Words
공감, 환자중심, 교육, 메타버스, 간호대학생, Empathy, Patient-centered care, Education, Metaverse, Nursing student
The Association between Handgrip Strength and Depression in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Using Data from the 9th National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2022) 지역사회 거주 노인의 악력과 우울증과의 관계: 국민건강영양조사 제9기(2022) 자료를 이용하여
The Association between Handgrip Strength and Depression in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Using Data from the 9th National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2022) 지역사회 거주 노인의 악력과 우울증과의 관계: 국민건강영양조사 제9기(2022) 자료를 이용하여
성호현 Seong Hohyun
Purpose: This study aimed to determine the association of handgrip strength (HGS) with depression in older adults. Methods: This study was secondary data analysis using data from the 9th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES), including 2,010 participants aged 60 and above. A complex sample multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to examine the association of HGS with depression. Results: HGS decreased with age and was lower in women compared to men. The decline in HGS with aging was relatively steeper in men than in women. Additionally, older adults with low HGS were 2.76 times more likely to experience depression. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of preserving muscle strength in older adults as a potential strategy for reducing the risk of depression. This study provides valuable insights for public health strategies aimed at preventing muscle strength loss to manage depression among older adults. Further work has been proposed to explore the causal relationship between HGS and depression in older adults.
Validity and Reliability of Korean Version of the Client-centered Rehabilitation Questionnaire 한국어판 대상자중심재활 측정도구의 타당도와 신뢰도
윤동원 Yun Dongwon , 최지선 Choi Jisun
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Client-Centered Rehabilitation Questionnaire (CCRQ). Methods: The English version of the CCRQ was translated into Korean using the forward and backward translation method. Data were collected from 243 post-stroke rehabilitation patients at six rehabilitation hospitals in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. Validity was assessed, including construct validity, convergent validity, and criterion validity. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. Results: The Korean version of the CCRQ consists of 15 items in three domains: decision-making/communication, self-management/empowerment, and psychosocial well-being. Construct validity was verified using a three-factor structure, and the scale showed good convergent validity. Criterion validity was evaluated using the Korean version of the Person-centered Climate Questionnaire, which showed a significant correlation. Additionally, the reliability of the scale was good. Conclusion: These findings indicate that the Korean version of the CCRQ is a valid and reliable tool for assessing the extent of person-centered rehabilitation care in individuals undergoing stroke rehabilitation.
Key Words
인간중심간호, 환자중심간호, 재활, Person-centered care, Patient-centered care, Rehabilitation
Regional Public Hospital Nurses’ Awareness of Biomedical Ethics and Attitude toward Discontinuing Life-Sustaining Treatment: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Moral Sensitivity 지방의료원 간호사의 생명의료윤리의식과 연명의료중단태도: 도덕적 민감성의 매개효과를 중심으로
신하늘 Shin Ha Neul , 김은주 Kim Eun Joo , 김근면 Kim Geun Myun , 장수정 Chang Soo Jung
Regional Public Hospital Nurses’ Awareness of Biomedical Ethics and Attitude toward Discontinuing Life-Sustaining Treatment: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Moral Sensitivity 지방의료원 간호사의 생명의료윤리의식과 연명의료중단태도: 도덕적 민감성의 매개효과를 중심으로
신하늘 Shin Ha Neul , 김은주 Kim Eun Joo , 김근면 Kim Geun Myun , 장수정 Chang Soo Jung
Purpose: This study is a descriptive survey aimed at examining the mediating effect of moral sensitivity on the awareness of biomedical ethics and attitudes toward discontinuing life-sustaining treatment among nurses in regional public hospital. Methods: Data was collected from 199 nurses working at 8 regional medical centers across the country from March 21 to April 20, 2024. The data was analyzed using SPSS/WIN 28.0 with descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, hierarchical multiple regression analysis, and bootstrap to test for testing mediating effects. Results: Biomedical ethics awareness and attitudes toward discontinuing life-sustaining treatment showed a positive correlation. We found positive correlations between biomedical ethics awareness and moral sensitivity and attitudes toward discontinuing life-sustaining treatment and moral sensitivity. Conclusions: The study suggests that improving the moral sensitivity of regional public hospital nurses through targeted education and strategies can enhance their awareness of biomedical ethics and attitudes toward discontinuing life-sustaining treatment.
Impact of Sexual Knowledge and Sexual Values on Reproductive Health Promotion Behaviors among Male College Students 남자 대학생의 성 지식과 성 가치관이 생식건강 증진행위에 미치는 영향
Impact of Sexual Knowledge and Sexual Values on Reproductive Health Promotion Behaviors among Male College Students 남자 대학생의 성 지식과 성 가치관이 생식건강 증진행위에 미치는 영향
조현석 Cho Hyunseok , 안숙희 Ahn Sukhee
Purpose: This study aimed to explore the impact of sexual knowledge and sexual values on reproductive health promotion behaviors (RHPBs) among male college students. Methods: We recruited 169 male students from online communities at two universities for a cross-sectional study. After obtaining consent, participants answered a self-administered online questionnaire. The measurements consist of sexual knowledge with 35 items, sexual values with 18 items, and males’ RHPBs with 16 items, and general characteristics. A total of 166 responses were analyzed using SPSS 26.0 and SPSS Process Model 4. Results: The mean age of participants was 23.03±2.79 years (range, 18-30 years). The average score of sexual knowledge, converted to percentage, was 73.44±12.99. Other areas were above average, but pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease and AIDS scores were below average. The mean score for sexual values was 55.06±10.17. Scores in the behavioral domain were below average, although other domains were above the item average. The score for RHPBs was 55.54±6.42. While other areas were above the item mean, the scores for safe sex and sexual responsibility were lower than the mean. Sexual knowledge, sexual values, and RHPB were positively correlated, but regression analysis showed that only sexual values had a significant effect on RHPBs. As a result of exploring the mediating effect on RHPBs, an indirect effect of sexual knowledge through sexual values was revealed. Conclusion: As higher scores for sexual values and knowledge are significantly associated with better RHPBs, we should consider both factors when planning RHPB education for male college students.
Key Words
건강증진, 지식, 남성, 생식건강, 학생, Health promotion, Knowledge, Male, Reproductive health, Students
Comparison of Daily Living Activities, Health Status and Nutritional-Related Characteristics of Older Adults Living Alone by Age: Based on Data from the 2020 National Survey of Living Conditions and Welfare Needs of Older Koreans 독거노인의 연령에 따른 일상생활, 건강 수준 및 영양 관련 특성 비교: 2020년 노인실태조사 자료를 중심으로
Comparison of Daily Living Activities, Health Status and Nutritional-Related Characteristics of Older Adults Living Alone by Age: Based on Data from the 2020 National Survey of Living Conditions and Welfare Needs of Older Koreans 독거노인의 연령에 따른 일상생활, 건강 수준 및 영양 관련 특성 비교: 2020년 노인실태조사 자료를 중심으로
김은정 Kim Eunjung , 설은미 Seol Eun-mi
Purpose: This study evaluates activities of daily living activities, health status, and nutritional-related characteristics of older adults living alone by age. Methods: This study analyzed data from aged 65 or older who participated in the National Survey of Living Conditions and Welfare. Data were collected on the following factors: demographic characteristics, comorbidities, body mass index (BMI), need for assistance with activities of daily living, exercise, subjective health status, Mini-Mental State Examination for Dementia Screening (MMSE-DS), and short form of Geriatric Depression Scale (SGDS-K). The definition of malnutrition is BMI <18.5 kg/m2. Results: A total of 3,136 participants were included, with 1,488 classified as younger older adults and 1,648 classified as older older adults. The prevalence of hypertension, difficulties in daily living, need for daily living assistance, MMSE-DS, and SGDS-K scores were significantly higher in the older older adults than in the younger older adults. Both groups had low levels of participation in education and use of community centers or welfare centers. The distribution of cognitive function decline and depression was high in the malnourished group. Furthermore, the malnourished group without cognitive decline or depression had higher monthly income, exercise performance, and use of electronic device. Conclusion: Older adults who live alone suffer from poor health behaviors, activities of daily living, and nutritional status, and the older adults are even more vulnerable. Therefore, monitoring of older adults living alone with poor living conditions is necessary, and intensive efforts are needed to improve their health and functional status.
Key Words
독거, 노인, 일상생활, 건강 수준, 영양, Living alone, Older adult, Activities of daily living, Health status, Nutrition
The Effect of Nurses’ Perception of Patient Safety Culture and Infection Control Fatigue on Infection Control Performance 간호사의 환자안전문화 인식과 감염관리 피로도가 감염관리 수행도에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Nurses’ Perception of Patient Safety Culture and Infection Control Fatigue on Infection Control Performance 간호사의 환자안전문화 인식과 감염관리 피로도가 감염관리 수행도에 미치는 영향
이유진 Lee Yu Jin , 김옥선 Kim Oksun , 석소현 Sok Sohyune
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of patient safety culture awareness and infection control fatigue on the infection control performance of nurses. Methods: Participants were 210 nurses from two general hospitals from November 18, 2023 to December 15, 2023. Data were analyzed by the SPSS/WIN 28.0 program, using independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis. Results: Nurses’ perception of patient safety culture was negatively correlated with infection control fatigue and positively correlated with infection control performance. Nurses’ perception of patient safety culture was the most influential factor for infection control performance. Conclusion: To increase nurses’ infection control performance, the perception of patient safety culture should be improved. Appropriate patient safety education need to be provided, and individual efforts should be made to strengthen infection control practices.
Effects of Guar Gum Hydrolysate Intake among Older Adults at Senior Day Care Centers 주간보호센터 이용 노인의 구아검가수분해물 섭취 효과 평가
이하영 Lee Hayoung , 안채운 An Chae Un , 신동수 Shin Dong-soo
Purpose: This study used a single group, pre-post test, quasi-experimental design to determine the effects of guar gum hydrolysate intake with water on older adults at senior day care centers. Methods: Fifty-six older adults from two senior day care centers were enrolled in April 2024. After 12 weeks, fluid intake, functional dependence, self-rated bowel health, and frailty index were measured. Results: There were statistically significant improvements in participants' fluid intake and self-rated bowel health. Changes in frailty index were not statistically significant and require further investigation. Functional dependence did not show statistically significant changes, but more refined assessment criteria are needed. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that consumption of guar gum hydrolysate contributed to rapid relief of constipation symptoms in older adults attending senior day care centers. Therefore, the use of various interventions for constipation, including guar gum hydrolysate, should be considered in the future to improve the degree of constipation and self-rated bowel movement.
Key Words
주간보호센터, 변비, 구아검가수분해물, 노쇠, Senior day care center, Constipation, Guar gum hydrolysate, Frailty
The Influence of Depression Self-stigma, Depression Literacy, and Professional Help-seeking Attitudes on Medication Adherence in Chronically Ill Older Adults Who Have Experienced Depression 우울을 경험한 만성질환 노인의 우울 자기낙인, 우울문해력, 전문적 도움요청태도가 약물복용 이행에 미치는 영향
The Influence of Depression Self-stigma, Depression Literacy, and Professional Help-seeking Attitudes on Medication Adherence in Chronically Ill Older Adults Who Have Experienced Depression 우울을 경험한 만성질환 노인의 우울 자기낙인, 우울문해력, 전문적 도움요청태도가 약물복용 이행에 미치는 영향
이진영 Lee Jinyoung , 손순영 Shon Soonyoung
Purpose: This study aimed to examine the effects of self-stigma related to depression, depression literacy, and professional help-seeking attitudes on medication adherence among older adult patients with chronic diseases who have experienced depression. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted involving a total of 163 patients with chronic diseases who had been taking medication for more than six months. Data were analyzed by independent t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS/WIN 27.0 program. Results: The mean score for medication adherence was 14.86±2.27. Medication adherence showed a significant correlation with self-stigma of depression and depression literacy. Factors influencing medication adherence in older adults with chronic diseases who have experienced depression included self-stigma of depression, depression literacy, and age. Specifically, patients under 70 years of age, and patients between 70 and 79 years of age. The explanatory power of these variables was 11%. Conclusion: To improve medication adherence among older adult patients with chronic diseases who have experienced depression, it is essential to reduce self-stigma related to depression. Additionally, because depression self-stigma has a negative impact on proactive depression interventions, it is necessary to implement intervention activities aimed at raising awareness and reducing self-stigma.
A Phenomenological Study on the Job Stress Experience of Police Officers 경찰공무원의 직무 스트레스 경험에 관한 현상학적 연구
조현미 Cho Hyun Mee , 권영채 Kwon Young Chae
Purpose: The purposes of this study are to understand the meaning and essential structure of police officers' job stress experiences by applying phenomenological methods and to find policy changes and nursing interventions. Methods: The participants in this study were ten police officers with experience of job stress. Data collection was conducted from March 2024 through August 2024 until data saturation. Data were collected and analyzed by applying Giorgi's phenomenological analysis method, and all processes were performed cyclically. Results: Four clusters were identified: tense daily life filled with shock and fear; lament for a society dominated by police omnipotence; dilemma of striving for excellence while facing limitations; the power that enables perseverance possible on the front lines. Conclusion: The results of this study provide an in-depth understanding of police officers’ suffering caused by job stress. These results suggest that nursing interventions and policy changes for police officers who experience job stress will contribute to resolving the problem.
Purpose: This study aims to identify factors related to nurses' clinical decision-making ability. Methods: This study adopted a survey design using questionnaires targeting 163 nurses working at a university hospital in Seoul. Data were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression analysis, Pearson correlation coefficients, independent t-test, and analysis of variance ANOVA. Results: Research showed that factors related to nurses’ clinical decision-making ability were age, work type, clinical career, number of patients in charge, professional self-concept, job attachment, and nursing work performance. The regression model was significant and the explanatory power of the model was 75%. Conclusion: Based on the results, we propose future research to identify various factors according to the clinical decision-making ability of nurses in each department, considering the characteristics of domestic hospitals, and to develop a program that can be specifically designed and verified.
A Study on the Correlation between Pressure Ulcer Assessment, Preventive Nursing Performance, and Related Factors of New Nurses at Tertiary Hospitals 상급종합병원 신규간호사의 욕창 사정 및 예방 간호 수행도와 관련 변수 간의 상관관계 연구
A Study on the Correlation between Pressure Ulcer Assessment, Preventive Nursing Performance, and Related Factors of New Nurses at Tertiary Hospitals 상급종합병원 신규간호사의 욕창 사정 및 예방 간호 수행도와 관련 변수 간의 상관관계 연구
정혜빈 Jeong Hae-bean , 김민주 Kim Minju
Purpose: This study was conducted to describe the visual differentiation ability for pressure ulcer (PU), knowledge of the pressure injury classification system, attitudes, and ability to perform PU assessment and preventive nursing performance, and to examine the relationship between these variables. Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. Data were collected from 154 new nurses working at tertiary hospitals in B metropolitan city. Results: Both visual differentiation ability for pressure ulcer and the performance of PU assessment and preventive nursing performance were positively correlated with knowledge of the pressure injury classification system and attitudes toward pressure ulcer prevention. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that developing visual educational content, such as photographs and case studies, may improve visual differentiation ability for pressure ulcers. Additionally, the development of guidelines for implementing evidence-based nursing is recommended.
Key Words
신규간호사, 시각적 욕창 감별 능력, 욕창 분류체계에 대한 지식, 욕창 예방 태도, 욕창 사정 및 예방 간호 수행도, New nurses, Pressure ulcer, Assessment, Preventive, Performance
Effect of Auricular Acupressure on Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms among High School Students 귀지압이 고등학생의 불안 및 우울 증상에 미치는 효과
강혜원 Kang Hye-won , 임규민 Yim Gyumin , 김해경 Kim Haegyeong , 이은진 Lee Eun-jin
Effect of Auricular Acupressure on Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms among High School Students 귀지압이 고등학생의 불안 및 우울 증상에 미치는 효과
강혜원 Kang Hye-won , 임규민 Yim Gyumin , 김해경 Kim Haegyeong , 이은진 Lee Eun-jin
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of auricular acupressure using Seoam acupressure pellets on anxiety and depression among high school students. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted with 48 high school students conveniently assigned to the experimental group and control group. The experimental group received auricular acupressure using Seoam pellets on Shenmen and Tranquilizer points over a period of two weeks at one-week intervals between applications. To evaluate the effectiveness of auricular acupressure, the levels of anxiety and depression were measured before and after the intervention using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Results: The results of this study showed that there was no statistically significant difference in anxiety levels between the experimental and control groups after controlling for age and pre-intervention depression level. After controlling for age and pre-intervention anxiety levels, a significant difference in depression levels was observed between the two groups. Conclusion: These findings suggest that auricular acupressure did not reduce anxiety, it effectively decreased depression among high school students. This study highlights the potential of auricular acupressure as a non-pharmacological approach to promote mental health in adolescents.