The Effect of Self-foot Reflexology on the Situation Score of Urinary Incontinence, Self-esteem and Depression of the Middle-aged Women 자가 발반사요법이 요실금 여성의 증상과 자존감 및 우울에 미치는 영향
강현숙 Hyun Sook Kang , 김원옥 Won Ock Kim , 왕명자 Myung Ja Wang
9(1) 7-14, 2004
The Effect of Self-foot Reflexology on the Situation Score of Urinary Incontinence, Self-esteem and Depression of the Middle-aged Women 자가 발반사요법이 요실금 여성의 증상과 자존감 및 우울에 미치는 영향
강현숙 Hyun Sook Kang , 김원옥 Won Ock Kim , 왕명자 Myung Ja Wang
Purpose: This study was to identify the effects of self-foot reflexology on the situation score of Urinary incontinence, Self esteem and Depression of the middle-aged women. Method: A quasiexperimental design was used. The subject were 39 middle-aged women with urinary incontinence(18 experimental group, 21 control group). In the experimental group, self-foot reflexology was applied for 30 minutes, three times a week for 4 weeks. The obtained data were analyzed by using the Mann-Whitney U test of SPSS. Result: 1. The situation score of urinary incontinence were reduced significantly in the experimental group as compared to the control group(U=81.00, P=.002). 2. Self esteem were improved significantly in the experimental group as compared to the control group(U=59.00, p=.000). 3. Depression in the experimental group was reduced whereas that of the control group was increased significantly(U=45.00, p=.000). Conclusion: These findings indicate that self-foot reflexology is an effective method for reducing urinary incontinence and depreesion, and improving self esteem of middle-aged women. Therefore self-foot reflexology can be considered as a independent nursing intervention for urinary incontinence.
Comparison of the Effects of Danjeon Breathing and Walking to Physical fitness in Middle Aged Women 중년여성의 체력에 미치는 단전호흡운동과 걷기운동의 효과비교
현경선 Kyung Sun Hyun
9(1) 15-24, 2004
Comparison of the Effects of Danjeon Breathing and Walking to Physical fitness in Middle Aged Women 중년여성의 체력에 미치는 단전호흡운동과 걷기운동의 효과비교
현경선 Kyung Sun Hyun
The purpose of this research was to compare the effects of DanjeonBreathing exercise and walking exercise on physical fitness of middle-aged women. The Danjeon breathing exercise group(20) took health management counseling and performed an eighty-minute Danjeon breathing exercise three times a week for 12 weeks while the walking exercise group(25) took health management counseling and performed a walking exercise seven hours per week for 12 weeks. The control group(20) received only health management counseling. VO2max, back strength, flexibility, balance, power and agility were measured using the Health Management System developed by the Korea Physical Science Institution. The collected data were analyzed by using the SPSS PC program and x2, ANOVA, repeated measures of ANOVA and LSD. The result of this study are as follows: 1. There were significant differences on back strength, flexibility, agility and power among Danjeon breathing exercise group, walking exercise group and control group. The degree of back strength, flexibility and power of the Danjeon breathing exercise group was higher than that of the walking exercise group and the control group. The degree of agility of the walking exercise group was lower than that of the control group. 2. There were no significant differences on VO2max and balance among Danjeon breathing exercise group, walking exercise group and control group. In conclusion, Danjeon breathing exercise improves back strength, flexibility and power than walking exercise and walking exercise improves agility than Danjeon breathing exercise.
Effects of Stretching Exercise Included Health Education on Physical Health Index, Self-reported Symptoms, and Self-efficacy of Exercise in Elderly 건강교육을 포함한 신장운동이 노인의 생리적인 지표와 자가증상 보고 및 운동 자기효능에 미치는 효과
김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim , 원정숙 Jeoung Sook Won , 김원옥 Won Ok Kim , 현경선 Kyung Sun Hyun , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han
9(1) 25-34, 2004
Effects of Stretching Exercise Included Health Education on Physical Health Index, Self-reported Symptoms, and Self-efficacy of Exercise in Elderly 건강교육을 포함한 신장운동이 노인의 생리적인 지표와 자가증상 보고 및 운동 자기효능에 미치는 효과
김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim , 원정숙 Jeoung Sook Won , 김원옥 Won Ok Kim , 현경선 Kyung Sun Hyun , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han
This was one experimental study, conducted to identify the effects of stretching exercise included health education on physical health index, self-reported symptoms, and self-efficacy of exercise in Elderly. Subjects included 28 women elderly who were residents of H Dong, Dondae moon-Gu, Seoul. The treatment intervention was applied during total 8 weeks as 5 times/week for stretching exercise with 2 times/weeks for health education. Data collection were from February to April, 2004. SPSS Window program was used by aims of this study for data analysis. The results were as following: 1. 75 old age above (39.3%) was the most of age in subjects. None education (42.9%) was the most of subjects in this study. Perceived health state was the most as 71.4% in moderate and good health state. 2. Stretching exercise included health education, significantly effected on the total Cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride (p=.009*; p=.043*; p=.006*). However, the body fat weight was no significantly on the effect of stretching exercise included health education (p=.991). Also, stretching exercise included health education, significantly effected on total self-reported symptoms (p=.001*) with joint pain, joint rigidity, fatigue, indigestion, elimination disorder, and sleep disturbance. However, indigestion (p=.129) was no significantly on the effect of stretching exercise included health education. Self efficacy of exercise (p=.000*) was significantly on the effect. As according to this results, physical health index (total Cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride) and self-reported symptoms (joint pain, joint rigidity, fatigue, elimination disorder, and sleep disturbance) were reduced through stretching exercise included health education. Self efficacy was improved by this exercise program. Therefore, it is confirmed that stretching exercise included health education is an effective nursing intervention for physical, mental, and psychological health management in elderly. Accordingly, authors are proposing that variously effective health management exercise programs must be developed for elderly, at the same time, the application and following up on the programs will be more important in the future.
Key Words
신장운동, 건강교육, 총콜레스테롤, HDL콜레스테롤, triglyceride, 체지방율, 자가증상보고, 운동자기효능, 노인, Stretching Exercise, Health education, Total Cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, Triglyceride, Body fat weight, Self-reported symptoms, Self efficacy of exercise, Elderly
A Study on the Relationship of the Loneliness, Self-esteem, and Quality of Life on the Hearing Disturbance Aged 청력 장애 노인들의 고독감, 자아 존중감 및 삶의 질과의 관계연구
이현정 Hyun Jung Lee , 석소현 So Hyune Sok , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
9(1) 35-45, 2004
A Study on the Relationship of the Loneliness, Self-esteem, and Quality of Life on the Hearing Disturbance Aged 청력 장애 노인들의 고독감, 자아 존중감 및 삶의 질과의 관계연구
이현정 Hyun Jung Lee , 석소현 So Hyune Sok , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim
This study as a cross survey study was conducted to provide basic data for more practical approach to nursing the aged, by analyzing the relationship of the loneliness, self-esteem and quality of life on the hearing disturbance aged. This study was based on the survey data from the 90 aged, who are over sity years old and resident in Seoul. In order to measure the general characteristics and subjective audition, Cantril`s Ladder Scale Tool was used. For the loneliness, UCLA Loneliness Scale Tool (translated into Korean to suit the Korean environment by Kim`s). In order to measure the self-esteem, Rosenberg`s Self-esteem Measurement Tool (translated into Korean by Chun) was used. No`s Quality of Life Measurement Tool was used to the measure the quality of life. The Data were collected by direct interviewing on the subjects for this study from August 10, 1999 to September 15, 1999. In accordance with each purpose of this study, appropriate analyzing methods such as Descriptive Statistics, T-test, and ANOVA were used in analyzing the collected data. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to test the relationship of the loneliness, self-esteem and quality of life on the hearing disturbance aged. The result of this study is as follows: 1) The average of the degrees of subjective audition was 7.22, The factors that cause the result were sex, religion, the perception of health, the married state. 2) The average of the degrees of loneliness was 55.18, The factor that cause the result was the perception of health. 3) The average of the degrees of self-esteem was 28.42, The factors that cause the result were the number of family, the number of children, the perception of health. 4) The average of the degrees of quality of life was 71.87 the factors that cause the result were age, education, the number of children, the perception of health. 5) Correlation of Loneliness, self-esteem and quality of life is the perception of loneliness showed significant negative correlation with self-esteem (r=-.466, p=.0001) and quality of life (r=-.450, p=.0001). As a result of analysis above: Because of the recognition change of the aged, it seems to them that the subjective audition scale on the hearing disturbance aged is measured by only 10-point ladder scale is inappropriate. Therefore, it is necessary that the physiologic-index can confirm more exactly should be applied to them. It is very important that the social-psychological factor that has influence on the aged should be the self-perception of health. Thus, proper development of nursing intervention should be required to process in the self-perception of health on the aged.
Key Words
청력장애 노인, 고독감, 자아 존중감, 삶의 질, The hearing disturbance aged, the Loneliness, self-esteem, quality of Life
Comparative Study on the Stress and the Coping Method between Nephrology Nurses Working in the Hospitals of University and the Hemodialysis Clinics 대학병원과 개인병원 신장실 간호사의 스트레스 및 대처방법 비교
김경숙 Kyung Suk Kim , 이향련 Hyang Yeon Lee
9(1) 46-56, 2004
Comparative Study on the Stress and the Coping Method between Nephrology Nurses Working in the Hospitals of University and the Hemodialysis Clinics 대학병원과 개인병원 신장실 간호사의 스트레스 및 대처방법 비교
김경숙 Kyung Suk Kim , 이향련 Hyang Yeon Lee
Purpose: The purposes of this study are to examine and to compare factors causing stress and coping methods between nephrology nurses working in the Hospitals of University and the Hemodialysis Clinics. Method: Data were collected by a direct survey method using a questionnaire from August 13 to August 31, 2001. The sample of 137 nephrology nurses in the twenty-one Hospitals of University and 168 nephrology nurses in the twenty-six Hemodialysis Clinics were selected for a total sample of 305 nurses. Result: Stress according to general characteristics showed a significant difference in religion and in the level of satisfaction for their work. Stress score was the highest in the nurses whose religion was Buddhism(F=4.846, P=0.008) and in the group with ``dissatisfied`` for the work in the Hemodialysis unit(F=3.193, P=0.014). The results analyzed coping method according to the general characteristics had a significant difference only in religion(F=16.237, P=0.000). The score for the coping method was the highest in Buddism. The score compared the satisfaction level for their work according to the hospital type, were 3.55 in the Hospital of University group and 3.35 in the Hemodialysis clinic group and these two values were significant different(p<0.05). The mean score of the stress nephrology nurses in the Hospitals of University is 2.79 and that of the stress nephrology nurses in the Hemodialysis clinics is 2.78 of 4 point scale. Among the factors causing stress, items related nursing work and conflict in nurse-patient relationship significantly caused more stress to the nephrology nurses in the Hospitals of University than to those in the Hemodialysis clinics(p<0.05). Conclusion: This study suggests that there were some differences in the stress and coping methods between nephrology nurses in the hospitals of University and the Hemodialysis clinics. Further study related to stress management program is needed to decrease stress and use effective coping methods.
Key Words
인공신장실, 스트레스, 대처방법, Hemodialysis unit, Stress, Coping method
The Effects of the Stretching and Recreation Exercise Including Health Education on Physical Fitness and Emotion of Women in Elderly 건강교육을 포함한 신장운동 및 레크레이션 운동이 여성노인의 체력 및 정서에 미치는 효과
현경선 Kyung Sun Hyun , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han , 김원옥 Won Ock Kim , 원정숙 Jeong Sook Won , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim , 박영미 Young Mi Park
9(1) 57-65, 2004
The Effects of the Stretching and Recreation Exercise Including Health Education on Physical Fitness and Emotion of Women in Elderly 건강교육을 포함한 신장운동 및 레크레이션 운동이 여성노인의 체력 및 정서에 미치는 효과
현경선 Kyung Sun Hyun , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han , 김원옥 Won Ock Kim , 원정숙 Jeong Sook Won , 김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim , 박영미 Young Mi Park
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the stretching and recreation exercise including health education on physical fitness and emotion of women in elderly. This study has been done between February and April, 2004 and the subjects of the study were 28 women in elderly. Each of stretching and recreation exercise was carried out for 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week for 8 weeks and health education was carried out for 30 minutes a day, 2 times a week for 8 weeks. Vital capacity, flexibility, balance and grip strength were measured using the Health Management System developed by the Korea Physical Science Institution. The scores of depression, anxiety and hostility were measured by Korean Manual of Symptoms-Checklist -90 revision. The collected data were processed using the SPSS PC program and analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test The result of this study are as follows : 1. Flexibility was increased after 8 weeks more than before stretching and recreation exercise including health education were done. 2. Vital capacity, balance and grip strength were not increased after 8 weeks more than before stretching and recreation exercise including health education were done. 3. The score of anxiety, depression and hostility was decreased after 8 weeks less than before stretching and recreation exercise including health education was done. In conclusion, stretching and recreation exercise including health education promoted the flexibility and decreased anxiety, depression and hostility of women in elderly.
Key Words
여성노인, 체력, 정서, 운동, Women in elderly, Physical fitness emotion, Exercise
A Study on the Relation Among the Perceived Family Support, Depression and Physical Health Status in Korean Elderly 노인이 지각한 가족지지, 우울 및 신체적 건강상태와의 관계
김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim , 신동수 Dong Soo Shin
9(1) 66-73, 2004
A Study on the Relation Among the Perceived Family Support, Depression and Physical Health Status in Korean Elderly 노인이 지각한 가족지지, 우울 및 신체적 건강상태와의 관계
김귀분 Kwuy Bun Kim , 신동수 Dong Soo Shin
This study examined the relation among perceived family support, depression and physical health status in Korean elderly. Participants were three hundred elders attending the house for elderly (NoInGyong) located in kwanak-gu and other 14 gu in Seoul Korea. Data were collected using structured questionnaire via clustered random sampling. The instruments used for this study were the simplified depression scale for elderly designed by Sheikh & Yesavage, the family support scale developed by Choi Young Hee, and the physical health status developed by Choi Young Hee & Jung Seng En. Data analysis included: percentage, average, SD, t-test, ANOVA, & Pearson correlation coefficiency. Participants in this study represented low level of family support but high level of physical health status and depression. There was a significant negative relation between family support and depression(r=-.755, P=.001). There was a significant relation between family support and physical health(r=.329, P=.001). There was a significant negative relation between depression and physical health status(r=-.515, P=.001). Nursing implications were suggested.
Key Words
노인, 우울, 신체적 건강상태, 가족지지, Korean elderly, Family support, Depression, Physical health
A Study in the Medical Service Improvement at University Hospitals with Concentration upon Life in Hospital Guide 입원환자의 의료질 향상(QI)을 위한 입원생활 안내문의 효과
박선경 Sun Kyung Park , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han , 백승남 Seung Nam Paik
9(1) 74-82, 2004
A Study in the Medical Service Improvement at University Hospitals with Concentration upon Life in Hospital Guide 입원환자의 의료질 향상(QI)을 위한 입원생활 안내문의 효과
박선경 Sun Kyung Park , 한상숙 Sang Sook Han , 백승남 Seung Nam Paik
Purpose: This study has been conducted as a quality improvement activity in order to confirm the assessment of patients, their guardians and nurses by providing them with a Life in Hospital Guide. Method: Nursing with Life in Hospital Guide provision was conducted at an University Hospital with patients admitted within 5 days or less and their guardians, a control group of 375 persons and a comparison group of 372 persons, and the data have been collected from the 26th of May to the 10th of October 2003. A Life in Hospital Guide, in the form of a leaflet, that contained useful information such as meals, facilities, car parking, documents, linen products etc, was used. The collected data have been analysed using SPSS windows programme 11.0 for percentage, χ2-test, and t-test. Result: The comparison group who were provided with a Life in Hospital Guide will know better about the articulars needed to live in hospital than the control group who were not,`` the average of the comparison group (4.04) was higher than the control group (3.04), which is a significant difference (t=-27.06, p=.000). Conclusion: As a results of this study, it was confirmed that life in hospital guidance through a leaflet each as a quality improvement activity, are effective.
Key Words
의료질향상, 입원생활 안내문, Medical service, Quality Improvement, Hospital guide
Nurse Image Perceived by Elementary and Middle School Students 초등학생과 중학생의 간호사에 대한 이미지 비교
조결자 Kyoul Ja Cho , 지은선 Eun Sun Ji
9(1) 83-90, 2004
Nurse Image Perceived by Elementary and Middle School Students 초등학생과 중학생의 간호사에 대한 이미지 비교
조결자 Kyoul Ja Cho , 지은선 Eun Sun Ji
Purpose: This study was to investigate the image of nurse perceives by students of elementary and middle schools in Seoul, Korea. Methods: The data were collected through questionnaire survey on 860 students. The survey was performed during May to Jun. 2003. The nurse image was analyzed through the instrument conceived by Il-Sim, Yang(1998) on the basis of four dimensions; traditional, social, professional and personal. The collected data analyzed using SPSS 11.0 with frequency, mean, standard deviation and t-test. Results: The results of this study were as follows. 1. There was a significant difference in the nurse`s image between elementary and middle school students(p=.000), and the elementary students had more positive image. 2. The nurse`s image of elementary school students had more positive than middle school students in traditional(p=.000), social(p=.000), professional(p=.000) and personal dimension(p= .015). In elementary school students, score of nurse`s image was the highest in personal dimension, followed by traditional, professional and social in order. In middle school students, score of nurse`s image was the highest in personal dimension, followed by professional, traditional and social in order. 3. The difference of nurse`s image not showed statistical significance in sex, religion, experience of hospitalization(self), experience of hospitalization (family), nurses in family by general characteristics. Conclusion: As a result, elementary school student had more positive nurse`s image than middle school student in all the aspects. But as they grow old, it changed negative. It is required to develop public information or education fit with student`s age to image making by broadcasting and to improve the image nurses themselves.
Key Words
간호사 이미지, 초등학생, 중학생, Nurse Image, elementary school student, middle school student
Analysis of Nursing Trend Associated with Breast Cancer in Korea 유방암 관련 국내 간호연구 동향
박영미 Young Mi Park , 이향련 Hyang Yeon Lee
9(1) 91-103, 2004
Analysis of Nursing Trend Associated with Breast Cancer in Korea 유방암 관련 국내 간호연구 동향
박영미 Young Mi Park , 이향련 Hyang Yeon Lee
Purpose: This study was attempted to see the trends in breast cancer researches in Korea. Method: We collected a total of 94 articles associated with breast cancer and published in Korea from 1976 to August 2004 and analyzed the characteristics of those articles, the journals which published those articles in each year, the research designs, subjects, intervention effects in experimental studies, the subjects and concept distribution in comparative researches and themes of the articles. Result: 1. Articles published and associated with breast cancer have increased since 1990 and picked after 2000. 2. Most research designs are survey and correlation studies which are non-experimental research(70.2%) and next are experimental and qualitative researches. 3. In a total 17 articles which are experimental researches, intervention studies which use exercise programs are most(5 articles) and the next are education program, supportive nursing intervention, guided imagery, massage and rehabilitation programs. 4. In correlational researches, concepts such like social-psychological adaptation, partner support, health promotion behavior and family support are treated frequently. 5. Subjects in most comparative studies are patients with breast cancer and normal women. 6. Most nursing research themes are psycho/spiritual problems, 16 articles(17.0%). Conclusion: These results show that the researches related with breast cancer have actively increased and body functions and psycho-social variables have been improved through nursing intervention. Therefore, it seems that more systematic interdisciplinary studies and systematic complement are necessary for future breast cancer nursing researches.